Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Spectrum not letting this go ;)

2022 baby...



EDIT: Current state of play:

Engineering and life support are proceeding well too. The team are now able to show all relevant items, rooms, doors, and their corresponding controls and data in an early blocked-out UI screen. The initial interactive elements and the first exchangeable/interactable ship items were added too.
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  • "[Shopkeeper] AI is placeholder until the team finish converting the bartender to support different shop types, including food, clothing, and weapons." [Bartender first introduced Aug 2020, after absurd pre-amble...]
  • "set up the leisure-behavior AI to use the mobiGlas from different usables. Upon review, these animations were deemed too generic or unconvincing" [Hi Chris!]
  • "For trolley use, the team focused on tasks to allow an NPC using a usable..." [The bugs here will be glorious 😁]
  • "On the Subsumption side, multiple tool aspects were upgraded and bugs were fixed to move development into the ‘improvement’ phase" [:oops:]
  • "Star Citizen has long had a ground alignment system that ensures the foot placement of a character correctly interacts with the environment. June saw the team looking into extending this system to hand placements." [🤦‍♀️]
  • "fundamental changes to how actor movement synchronization is handled were completed...the goal is still to have it enabled across all servers in Alpha 3.17.2" [They're sticking with it. Lord knows where everyone's hands will end up...]
  • "Gameplay Features began working on the next steps for the salvage profession, which involved evaluating the possibilities for the ‘munching’ mechanic, ship tractor beams, and the salvage grinder." [🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ - EDIT: "Salvage - Vehicle Munching - Start date has been pushed back from 2022-08-18 to 2022-09-29"]
  • "Vehicle Features worked on a variety of tasks to ready their systems for the release of persistent streaming. This involved the ongoing refactor of the transit system so they can simulate train networks when the carriages aren’t spawned in on any machines." [Hi bizarre technical debt!]
  • "VFX Programming continued investigating offline damage maps with persistence." [Because they've realised the currently networked salvaging damage will hammer the servers?]
  • "The new Montreal-based In-Game Branding team began their first task of revisiting all landing-zone signage to make it easier for players to orient themselves." [The what now?]
  • "They also continued work on a new system that puts fidelity above all else. Although rarely used in gaming due to its expense and limitations, this type of system is ideal for performance pieces." [Not sure what this is all about, but they referenced the work from last month on "a much-needed improvement to character deformation"]
  • "They also ported the in-game chat to Building Blocks as part of the ongoing conversion of the lens and visor" [Such industrialization!]
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Volunteer Moderator

  • "[Shopkeeper] AI is placeholder until the team finish converting the bartender to support different shop types, including food, clothing, and weapons." [Bartender first introduced Aug 2020, after absurd pre-amble...]
  • "set up the leisure-behavior AI to use the mobiGlas from different usables. Upon review, these animations were deemed too generic or unconvincing" [Hi Chris!]
  • "For trolley use, the team focused on tasks to allow an NPC using a usable..." [The bugs here will be glorious 😁]
  • "On the Subsumption side, multiple tool aspects were upgraded and bugs were fixed to move development into the ‘improvement’ phase" [:oops:]
  • "Star Citizen has long had a ground alignment system that ensures the foot placement of a character correctly interacts with the environment. June saw the team looking into extending this system to hand placements." [🤦‍♀️]
  • "fundamental changes to how actor movement synchronization is handled were completed...the goal is still to have it enabled across all servers in Alpha 3.17.2" [They're sticking with it. Lord knows where everyone's hands will end up...]
  • "Gameplay Features began working on the next steps for the salvage profession, which involved evaluating the possibilities for the ‘munching’ mechanic, ship tractor beams, and the salvage grinder." [🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️]
  • "Vehicle Features worked on a variety of tasks to ready their systems for the release of persistent streaming. This involved the ongoing refactor of the transit system so they can simulate train networks when the carriages aren’t spawned in on any machines." [Hi bizarre technical debt!]
  • "The new Montreal-based In-Game Branding team began their first task of revisiting all landing-zone signage to make it easier for players to orient themselves." [The what now?]
  • "They also continued work on a new system that puts fidelity above all else. Although rarely used in gaming due to its expense and limitations, this type of system is ideal for performance pieces." [Not sure what this is all about, but they referenced the work from last month on "a much-needed improvement to character deformation"]
  • "They also ported the in-game chat to Building Blocks as part of the ongoing conversion of the lens and visor" [Such industrialization!]
I particularly liked the detailed updates on how persistent entity streaming and server meshing are progressing.
I particularly liked the detailed updates on how persistent entity streaming and server meshing are progressing.

Hey, they're making sure the trains still run on time. Everything else must be fine ;)

EDIT: If it helps, it all seems to be going very smoothly...

Replication Layer Entity Authority

2021-04-25 => 2022-09-14
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-02 to 2022-09-14
  • Network Team added 34 days of work
    x6 Engineering devs with 30 tasks (23% => 15% load)

And here are some (slightly surprising) game areas which need alteration / new work due to PES/SM etc:

Squadron 42 said:

Features (Gameplay)​

The team also supported persistent entity streaming, as recent changes caused knock-ons that affected several SQ42 missions.

Persistent Streaming and Server Meshing

2020-12-31 => 2023-03-28
  • Actor Tech Team added 81 days of work
    x1 => 2 Engineering devs with 12 tasks (85% => 33% load)
  • Weapon Content Team was assigned, revealing 87 days of work
    x4 Art devs with 8 tasks (4% load)
    x1 Animation dev with 2 tasks (17% load)
  • Weapon Feature Team was assigned, adding 41 days of work
    x1 Engineering dev with 3 tasks (63% load)

Features (Vehicles)​

Last month, Vehicle Features worked on a variety of tasks to ready their systems for the release of persistent streaming. This involved the ongoing refactor of the transit system so they can simulate train networks when the carriages aren’t spawned in on any machines.


Time was also invested into upgrading the underlying systems to work with persistence, particularly around vehicles and character loadouts for the various game modes.

Online Services (Montreal)​

The team progressed towards the new login-flow implementation and are currently fixing the remaining bugs found during QA review. This refractor is a necessary step towards the goal of achieving persistent entity streaming.

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Incidentally Morph has been trying to find a dropship in this 3hr+ stream. This is the first NPC he found, as far as I saw. Right at the end.

EDIT: Gah, he pulled the clip 😁
It was an NPC janking around, who he managed to headshot, only for his game to crash for the 3rd time, just as the NPC was rising immortally to his feet ;). Morph let out a dramatic 10 second 'Noooo' etc.
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You think they threw money at it? I don't thinks so. Some token stuff for some pics and big talks. It's just smug lies to generate dreams and hype and collect the gulliber's cash off them.
Oh, I think they definitely threw money at it. Chris Roberts and family aren't taking all the money and making a run for it. THAT would truly be a scam. Instead, the Roberts Clan is only taking some of the money (at minimum, 10% if the UK shell company is any indication), diverting more of the money into Chris' fantasies of being a AAA-Game Developer and A-list Hollywood Director, with whatever money left over being thrown randomly at a huge list of features, in the vain hope that something will work right eventually.

You know, instead of actually planning how to develop the game, investing in prototyping to ensure that what they want to do is possible and adjusting their plans accordingly, and finally strategically funding specific features in a timely manner to maximize results while minimizing costs.
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Ready for SQ42 lols? It's been an info overload day...

  • "Last month, they continued the process for the remaining core cast characters. These assets had not been worked on for some time, so required updates to meet the desired fidelity"
  • "The landing officer is now finished and integrated into the chapter flow. The role of this AI is to help the player land safely and correctly oriented on the landing pad, with character animations playing to assist with positional and rotation changes. This routine can now be viewed on the ship's cockpit display, as solely seeing the AI through the cockpit visor proved challenging." [Yes Chris, we know it was in the 2012 sizzle real, but be reasonable man...]
  • AI Features began implementing logic for a selection of different attack archetypes: defender, pusher, and strafer. [Answer the Call, to 202020]
  • "This is in pursuit of completing the set so that characters with the female skeleton can perform the same combat behaviors as the male skeleton."
  • "prototyping a set of fauna behaviors... a basic creature roaming behavior, and a basic combat behavior based on the combo melee system used by the Vanduul."
  • "Throughout June, the Animation team worked on... helmet usage"
  • "The team also updated all bunk-bed and mess-hall scenes to ensure they correctly ‘handshake’ with the AI."

Oh in case you're wondering, yes, most of the Chapters have had their work runs extended ;)

Chapter 01

2020-12-31 => 2022-07-20
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-07-20
  • Audio added 34 days of work
    x2 Audio devs with 14 tasks (169% => 25% load)
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 57 tasks (12% => 10% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 2 tasks (35% => 83% load)

Chapter 04

2020-12-31 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • AI Content Team was assigned, adding 39 days of work
    x1 Design dev with 3 tasks (41% load)
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 43 tasks (11% => 9% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 1 tasks (76% load)
  • SQ42 UI Feature Team was assigned, adding 11 days of work
    x1 Art dev with 1 tasks (152% load)

Chapter 06

2020-12-31 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 48 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 79 tasks (11% => 9% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 2 tasks (76% load)

Chapter 10

2021-01-05 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 48 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 46 tasks (11% => 9% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 3 tasks (81% load)

Chapter 11

2020-12-31 => 2022-07-20
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-07-20
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x4 => 5 Animation devs with 50 tasks (14% => 9% load)

Chapter 12

2021-01-05 => 2022-09-15
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-15
  • AI Content Team was assigned, adding 67 days of work
    x2 Design devs with 5 tasks (26% load)
    x1 Animation dev with 1 tasks (152% load)
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 79 tasks (12% => 10% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 3 tasks (81% load)
  • Narrative added 11 days of work
    x1 => 2 Design devs with 2 tasks (76% => 38% load)

Chapter 14

2020-12-31 => 2022-08-21
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-08-21
  • VFX Team was assigned, revealing 9 days of work
    x1 Art dev with 4 tasks (71% load)

Chapter 17

2020-12-31 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-02-03 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 83 days of work
    x3 => 4 Animation devs with 28 tasks (21% => 12% load)

Chapter 18

2020-12-31 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x4 Animation devs with 37 tasks (14% => 12% load)

Chapter 19

2020-12-31 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 71 tasks (11% => 9% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 1 tasks (76% load)

Chapter 20

2021-01-05 => 2022-09-28
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-09-28
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x4 Animation devs with 52 tasks (15% => 12% load)

Chapter 21

2021-05-30 => 2022-07-20
  • End date has been extended from 2022-04-20 to 2022-07-20
  • Gameplay Story added 13 days of work
    x4 Animation devs with 41 tasks (15% => 12% load)

Chapter 23

2021-04-30 => 2022-07-20
  • End date has been extended from 2022-06-30 to 2022-07-20
  • Gameplay Story added 6 days of work
    x5 Animation devs with 53 tasks (12% => 10% load)
    x1 Tech Content dev with 1 tasks (76% load)

Ready for SQ42 lols? It's been an info overload day...

  • "Last month, they continued the process for the remaining core cast characters. These assets had not been worked on for some time, so required updates to meet the desired fidelity"
  • "The landing officer is now finished and integrated into the chapter flow. The role of this AI is to help the player land safely and correctly oriented on the landing pad, with character animations playing to assist with positional and rotation changes. This routine can now be viewed on the ship's cockpit display, as solely seeing the AI through the cockpit visor proved challenging." [Yes Chris, we know it was in the 2012 sizzle real, but be reasonable man...]
  • AI Features began implementing logic for a selection of different attack archetypes: defender, pusher, and strafer. [Answer the Call, to 202020]
  • "This is in pursuit of completing the set so that characters with the female skeleton can perform the same combat behaviors as the male skeleton."
  • "prototyping a set of fauna behaviors... a basic creature roaming behavior, and a basic combat behavior based on the combo melee system used by the Vanduul."
  • "Throughout June, the Animation team worked on... helmet usage"
  • "The team also updated all bunk-bed and mess-hall scenes to ensure they correctly ‘handshake’ with the AI."

Oh in case you're wondering, yes, most of the Chapters have had their work runs extended ;)
They're making up bogus progress reports again.
so that is the same area before and after stuff was added to the area?? that is pretty cool. this early on i am sure this is all permanent stuff being added as the game is fleshed out but after launch do you know if there will be any dynamic changes to structures in the game, stuff being built & destroyed over time by playes as the game goes forth?
i think loot drops are important in games like SC.... and they dont have to be farmable loot monkies.

but if i shoot a bad guy in the head, then it would make sense if their armour was salvagable as well as their weapons.... if i need a new helmet then i would not go for headshots but some well placed body shots which would leave the main armour damaged but a pristine helmet.

it then stands to reason that the deadlier the foe, the better gear i could strip from them.

then you could still have some unique stuff stashed away in an npcs bunks.

the difficulty arises in micro transactions........ Elite has this problem, and SC will be under pressure to have it even more ................. where is the incentive to buy upgraded gear or cosmetics with cash if you can just find an npc wearing what you want and just nick it.... so the temptation is to just make salvaging either not possible, or really rare.

I suppose weapons you can lore in that a weapon is hard coded to a user, but all other kit should be fair game imo.

same with ship salvage. that is a potential huge source of gameplay shooting enemy ships and trying to loot their gear.

You've given this way more thought than CIG or the faithful backers have.
You've given this way more thought than CIG or the faithful backers have.
lol maybe...... whilst i have a copy of both games (S42 and SC) I dont follow it like many here seem to, and am definitely not as invested in the game (money or psychologically) as I am Elite........... but to me as a casual observer, as slow and delayed as developemnt may be, to me it does seem to be moving in the right direction. i would not like to wager (more than i already have) either way as to how good the final product will be or if there will be one, but i personally am still hopeful.
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