Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The 2 of which were the weekend too.
They did have a crash staff trying to salvage it over the weekend...namely Ahmed and his support team, who by all accounts have had very little sleep since the patch went live... as well as a few others no doubt. The patch launch practically cratered everything backend.

Authentication servers are still borked and timing out as of 5 minutes ago...

When initially logging in from the launcher...

Squadron 42 - Star Citizen Screenshot 2023.03.14 -

Followed 10 minutes later by...

Squadron 42 - Star Citizen Screenshot 2023.03.14 -
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I just want to see someone at Ci~G ...or Turbulent... grow a proper pair of bollox and call it how it is, it's way past time that the idiot Roberts and his nepotistic clan of sycophants were gone from this project 🤷‍♂️
They don't own the show, they are owned by the show if I recall correctly. They may be more talented but there is no talent on the world that makes these utopias come true. You probably don't want to bring the 6000 cups I hid in cour closet seemlessly to a thousand players stream in one instance, but you how people are. And with what tea is so popular with the Brits...
They don't own the show, they are owned by the show if I recall correctly. They may be more talented but there is no talent on the world that makes these utopias come true. You probably don't want to bring the 6000 cups I hid in cour closet seemlessly to a thousand players stream in one instance, but you how people are. And with what tea is so popular with the Brits...
Probably why I've never found one of the idiot Roberts' coffee cups on any moon in SC, I was secretely hoping for a decent cuppa :D
Did anyone figure out how Planetside actually does it? It's pretty much the only shooter MMO out there.
Yeah, we discussed it here. A lot of "cheating" and aggressive culling. There may be, for example, hundreds of players around you, but you will be seeing only, say, 50. Those are the ones you can shoot. Interestingly AOD weapons, like grenades, will damage everyone, including invisible ones. Plus, no permanent universe to speak of, battles rage for some hours and the world is reset.

It is an intelligent way of managing the problem, free from dreams.txt
Yeah, we discussed it here. A lot of "cheating" and aggressive culling. There may be, for example, hundreds of players around you, but you will be seeing only, say, 50. Those are the ones you can shoot. Interestingly AOD weapons, like grenades, will damage everyone, including invisible ones. Plus, no permanent universe to speak of, battles rage for some hours and the world is reset.

It is an intelligent way of managing the problem, free from dreams.txt
Smoke and mirrors is what games are. You just need to make it believable. Robbers takes the smoke and mirrors just too far.
Did anyone figure out how Planetside actually does it? It's pretty much the only shooter MMO out there.

Seems to be magic sauce.

Closest I've got is:

Like their FAQ suggests it’s literally single regional servers hosting thousands? (Which seems insane). Then fan lore ([1],[2]) seems to have it that it’s a lot of deterministic physics, client prediction, & proximity priority helping out.

(Damn fools don't seem to have used a replication layer at all 😳)
Surely that's overstating it but; does anyone think this might be the beginning of reality?

Could this be the point at which CIG proves that it really can't half-decently and efficiently implement any of the technologies it has promised (persistence, meshing, etc...)?

I mean, we all already know that what CR sold 10 years ago with their ridiculous "Death of a Spaceman" is completely rubbish with what they are now trying to make us see that it was what they "really wanted to say but people got too freaked out...", and we all know that SC, if it ever becomes a reality, will not have millions of simultaneous players without loading screens, and that an empty bottle of water is not going to stay in the forest of a lost moon for eternity, but will be deleted by the server 3 days after no one has touched it.

But my question is; are we at that point where CIG is not even able to implement the basics of those "hyper-technologies" never seen before in a video game and with cool names, that really aren't even half of what they promised but now say they are what they really meant from the beginning?

First implementation of something like a fake half-persistence... and after years of development and 6 months of testing, the game crashes at the first attempt to implement it in Live.

I'm being catastrophic and CIG will get over this current bump... but that doesn't take away from the fact that this is really going to get worse and worse; as they want to implement more complex things the game will break more and more until it gets to a point where nothing works. At that instant, at that point when they can't sell any more ships or develop caves or rivers to try to hide the real core development that they can't make work, they will have to resort to releasing SQ42 to try to keep the circus alive...


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A bit too early to tell imo. Just been a few days. But it certainly shows SC code is a goddarned awful mess and reconfirms, if there was any doubt, that CIG does not mind pushing biowaste onto us.
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But my question is; are we at that point where CIG is not even able to implement the basics of those "hyper-technologies" never seen before in a video game and with cool names, that really aren't even half of what they promised but now say they are what they really meant from the beginning?

Nah, hardcore backers will say: PES is in! We are on our way! We knew it would be a bumpy ride! You don't understand alpha, etc etc.

Noobs will wonder around the Nostromo in a daze and be reassured by those words, periodically ignoring any aliens protruding from their chest.

CIG can absolutely bull their way through this. It's pretty amazing ;)
Smoke and mirrors is what games are. You just need to make it believable. Robbers takes the smoke and mirrors just too far.
I wouldn't call it smoke and mirrors, but elegant and inventive solutions to problems. Unfortunately I don't think Chris Roberts is about either of those, he's more like brute force his way with high-definition graphics and very inefficient use of resources.

I wonder how many devs spoke up and warned them about this only to be shut down by the higher ups.
I wouldn't call it smoke and mirrors, but elegant and inventive solutions to problems. Unfortunately I don't think Chris Roberts is about either of those, he's more like brute force his way with high-definition graphics and very inefficient use of resources.

I wonder how many devs spoke up and warned them about this only to be shut down by the higher ups.
It's smoke and mirrors with elegant and inventive systems. There is no galaxy in ED. It just gets generated on the fly from a seed. But it doesn't matter because it is just good enough.
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