Oh hey, that other totally playable game has an interesting tidbit in their recent update:
"I need to get a mesh of spatial partitioning services working together, distributed across multiple processes, to do that. For that, I first need to finish the ServiceHost and put a new server networking & message layer in place. Ideally, these will also be demonstrated next month, with the visualizer showing support for entities and spatial partitions spread across multiple processes."

Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria
A dynamic MMORPG where your deeds become your living legacy

"I need to get a mesh of spatial partitioning services working together, distributed across multiple processes, to do that. For that, I first need to finish the ServiceHost and put a new server networking & message layer in place. Ideally, these will also be demonstrated next month, with the visualizer showing support for entities and spatial partitions spread across multiple processes."