Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

That's making the rather massive assumption you can get past log in, not die to scenery and actually claim a ship.
My last play session was 3 hours long and I earnt around 400k. I was able to claim a ship and play each of my session since 3.19 (sometimes I needed to change server).
The rather massive assumption that no one is able to play is just plain false.
My statement that CI-G have zero released product after all this time and money is just plain true.

Mike please stop winging about loadscreens, you can't have Freelancer and have the level of multiplayer you also want with loadscreens, Muppet.
What you want is Starfield, exept you don't want that either because its not multiplayer, ask yourself why that is, go find out and learn something.

The game you want is a literal contradiction.
Mike please stop winging about loadscreens, you can't have Freelancer and have the level of multiplayer you also want with loadscreens, Muppet.
What you want is Starfield, exept you don't want that either because its not multiplayer, ask yourself why that is, go find out and learn something.

The game you want is a literal contradiction.
It's breathtaking what people throw in a pot and then wonder why it doesn't taste any good.
It's breathtaking what people throw in a pot and then wonder why it doesn't taste any good.

He's one of these people who gets unnecessarily wound up about things and then blames everyone but himself for his own misunderstandings.

He's right its not the game he originally backed, the game he originally backed was Freelancer 2, its evolved way beyond that, its Star Citizen, Star Citizen is not Freelancer 2, instead of just liking that or not, choosing one, he wants it to be Star Citizen but also Freelancer 2, two entirely different games,

What i am not backing is Freelancer 2, what i want is Star Citizen, if he wants to make the argument that Star Citizen is not what he backed so they should make it Freelancer 2 again then those of us who backed Star Citizen don't get what we wanted.

So make a ####### choice, like it or lump it, then live with that choice and shut the #### up!
He's one of these people who gets unnecessarily wound up about things and then blames everyone but himself for his own misunderstandings.

He's right its not the game he originally backed, the game he originally backed was Freelancer 2, its evolved way beyond that, its Star Citizen, Star Citizen is not Freelancer 2, instead of just liking that or not, choosing one, he wants it to be Star Citizen but also Freelancer 2, two entirely different games,

What i am not backing is Freelancer 2, what i want is Star Citizen, if he wants to make the argument that Star Citizen is not what he backed so they should make it Freelancer 2 again then those of us who backed Star Citizen don't get what we wanted.

So make a ####### choice, like it or lump it, then live with that choice and shut the #### up!
to be fair SC has been hyped as the everything game for a long time now. That's gonna make boundaries blur.


Volunteer Moderator
Playable and more fun to play than some other space games NOW.

These poor guys probably disagree:
My wife, 2 kids and friends of ours and I, picked this up during an event 2 months ago. We have yet to complete a mission. They need to lay off the marketing if they can’t deliver something workable. We all have bought plenty of alpha games. We all feel scammed a little. Devs and management really need to get their priorities straightened.
All regions, 3 to 5 server fps max. Ships won't start. 30k protection doesn't work. what is going on?
Yes, I am venting, yes I am fuming. CIG are doing themselves no favors with the CONSTANT, 30Ks, Bricked ASOP Terminals, Connection issues, and a plethora of other bugs. Loads of YouTubers are sharing the awesome state of the game, having a laugh and warning off thousands of potential new backers.
Ok so, the backend is atrocious in the PU right now. ASOPs don't work everywhere you go, you explode when you leave or enter a hangar for no reason at all, kiosks barely work or not at all, doors don't open, elevators at NB don't work. I have spent more time server-hopping today because of these issues than actually playing.
I can no longer recommend this game after 3.18 and now 3.19. Dealing with an alpha game is one thing, dealing with a company who doesn't care about your time enough to even ATTEMPT to troubleshoot your account is ridiculous.
These poor guys probably disagree:

The thing that really annoys me about all of this.

In 2021 i think it was, don't quote me on that i don't keep details of everything CIG say, might have been 2022, i'm doing this from memory, CIG explained that adding the replication layer, and or persistence (PES) would have to run on its own dedicated server, because the servers were already stressed and it would cause problems. Or words to that effect.

Much more recently, on excusing the horrendous build that was 3.18 they explained:......... they need to move PES off the live servers and on to its own dedicated server, its over stressing servers and that's causing the problems.

You couldn't ######## make it up.
The thing that really annoys me about all of this.

In 2021 i think it was, don't quote me on that i don't keep details of everything CIG say, might have been 2022, i'm doing this from memory, CIG explained that adding the replication layer, and or persistence (PES) would have to run on its own dedicated server, because the servers were already stressed and it would cause problems. Or words to that effect.

Much more recently, on excusing the horrendous build that was 3.18 they explained:......... they need to move PES off the live servers and on to its own dedicated server, its over stressing servers and that's causing the problems.

You couldn't ######## make it up.
That was probably due to budget constraints.
The thing that really annoys me about all of this.

In 2021 i think it was, don't quote me on that i don't keep details of everything CIG say, might have been 2022, i'm doing this from memory, CIG explained that adding the replication layer, and or persistence (PES) would have to run on its own dedicated server, because the servers were already stressed and it would cause problems. Or words to that effect.

Much more recently, on excusing the horrendous build that was 3.18 they explained:......... they need to move PES off the live servers and on to its own dedicated server, its over stressing servers and that's causing the problems.

You couldn't ######## make it up.
It is absolutely possible that they are keeping the nodes of whatever streaming service they deployed on the same VMs as the game servers, but the only reason to do that would be to save money. They could deploy them on larger VMs, but then those savings would be gone. And they may have been trying to save the same way for the last two, three years, whatever. This is the same company that deployed PostgreSQL databases to the same VMs as game servers as well, after all.

There is no other reason, really, apart from maybe reducing the number of network hops the data has to make. It brings a whole bunch of other issues, like coupling deployment cycles of the stateful and stateless parts of your system.

It also shows that they are quite desperate to keep it this way and that they will be struggling even more as their backend gets more complex and pricier.
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One is an open world sandbox, the other isn't.
"Open world sandbox" is a neat way of describing SC in that it's broad enough to apply to the current, bare-bones state of the game, but also allows for pretty much whatever fanciful gameplay anyone might imagine it will have in the future. But it really doesn't do justice to the "all things to all people" dream Roberts has been selling for a decade. Just go back to any of his flowery descriptions of high-octane, high-fidelity, and most importantly cinematic experiences he has suggested players would be having. Of course they're not at all compatible with a multiplayer sandbox game, but it's no surprise everyone has their own unique vision for what SC is supposed to be.
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