He's one of these people who gets unnecessarily wound up about things and then blames everyone but himself for his own misunderstandings.
He's right its not the game he originally backed, the game he originally backed was Freelancer 2, its evolved way beyond that, its Star Citizen, Star Citizen is not Freelancer 2, instead of just liking that or not, choosing one, he wants it to be Star Citizen but also Freelancer 2, two entirely different games,
What i am not backing is Freelancer 2, what i want is Star Citizen, if he wants to make the argument that Star Citizen is not what he backed so they should make it Freelancer 2 again then those of us who backed Star Citizen don't get what we wanted.
So make a ####### choice, like it or lump it, then live with that choice and shut the #### up!