Volunteer Moderator
Not necessarily. That’s going to depend on all other factors including people’s skills levels and actual time spent on game. The pay to win advantage is going to impact your gameplay one way or another though, see the example discussed with Ant above where you take the starter Aurora and Ant has bought a Vanguard:so if/when SC releases, if you get sick the first week you are doomed because you will hopelessly behind everyone else?
In that theoretical example Sovapid would still have in general more difficulties beating a pilot in a Vanguard than the same pilot in an Aurora. That would translate into Sovapid wasting more time in that fight with its corresponding opportunity cost for exemple, or taking more damage than against an Aurora costing him extra repairs, or making him more vulnerable to being third partied with a higher risk of losing his ship altogether etc, when compared to fighting an Aurora.
But skill variability and game time availability goes the same for every other game out there. Otherwise we would be suggesting that pay to win simply does not exist in gaming.
All you can do to minimize pay to win in game design is to make the advantages obtained with money so small that it is as if they were never there.
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