Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Oh my great aunt Nellie!


"Gold" standard in SC just means at the highest implementation level they have at the time which is always a moving target as we don't have all of the features in game to bring any ship to what would be "release" quality. So it's effectively a snapshot of "current" quality/feature standard at the time it is brought up to gold standard.

Gold = Brought up to current standard...that is all
It in no way means it's finished

Gold is the current newest standard, so it's a moving target until the Alpha is feature complete, probably be Beta at that point.

In other words, CIG have taken a fairly common term in gaming and redefined it to mean something less than it normally is.

Gold is not gold, gold is basically an excuse for not delivering anything, and never need to deliver anything, because there is no point where CIG say "its done".

Oh, lol

NOTHING is finished. Tier 4 is finished. We only have but a handful of Tier 2 features, let alone Tier 3, or 4.
Oh my great aunt Nellie!


In other words, CIG have taken a fairly common term in gaming and redefined it to mean something less than it normally is.

Gold is not gold, gold is basically an excuse for not delivering anything, and never need to deliver anything, because there is no point where CIG say "its done".

Oh, lol
Well, in a world where alpha means released (and pre-alpha), and VAT attracting sales are donations, well, anything can mean anything, everything and nothing, all at the same time.

Still, early days yeah!? Only 1 system left to complete, erm, with 109 more to go. Yup. This fish is definitely good enough for Jehova himself.

In other news, he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


Volunteer Moderator
Oh my great aunt Nellie!


In other words, CIG have taken a fairly common term in gaming and redefined it to mean something less than it normally is.

Gold is not gold, gold is basically an excuse for not delivering anything, and never need to deliver anything, because there is no point where CIG say "its done".

Oh, lol
Discussing what CIG considers "gold" does not make sense any more for SC, other than for hopium or marketing purposes: CIG have already released a product. And as such there is no guarantee of further improvements or growth and they have no further obligations to do anything else. They can even use our money for any other venture they see fit, including totally unrelated with SC. The moment CIG or investors/owners see an alternative venture where returns may be significantly better than with SC for them we will start slowly but surely seeing the change in direction.

Until then CIG will just continue at it in SC in the same crappy line of the past 10 years for as long as money continues to flow in. Discussing an eventual "gold" in this case does not make much sense anymore. This is it. Anything or any improvements beyond what we have today are just a bonus.
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Holy F* what?!?

Exciting day ruined by stupid old person injuring himself trying to jump over a barbed wire fence like a 20 year old :rolleyes:

A mate of mine from the main island... who borrowed my set of Imperial spanners and sockets a while back decided to drop them off for me...since I need them for a vintage bike project in the shed....So, being up here in the frozen north and having to negotiate long ferry travels and suchlike, he decided to ask his mate who has a bushmaster type of private plane to assist and he would air drop them in the field at the back of the farmhouse for me...just fly over at zero feet and chuck the suitably packed box out of the door on the way past type of thing. all went swimmingly well, plane flying over the field at zero feet and just above stalling speed, anonymous brown hay bale sized package dropping out of the open door...which didn't even bounce that much on landing, which was nice... just leaving said stupid old person (me) to jump over the fence and pick the package up...As much as the whole low flying plane dropping strange package in remote field felt a bit like a dodgy Columbian drug deal...and probably not strictly supported by any FAA or civil aviation rules. :whistle:

I popped my knee out jumping over the fence...seemingly, old age means that after a life of jumping out of aeroplanes for a living, I now don't bounce quite as well as I did in my yoof. To add insult to injury, my darling wife who had popped out to watch the spectacle then seeing me writhing in agony after leaping almost daintily over the fence shouted... "Get up off the floor you stupid old fart, I've just washed that T-shirt!" 😐
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Exciting day ruined by stupid old person injuring himself trying to jump over a barbed wire fence like a 20 year old :rolleyes:

A mate of mine from the main island... who borrowed my set of Imperial spanners and sockets a while back decided to drop them off for me...since I need them for a vintage bike project in the being up here in the frozen north and having to negotiate long ferry travels and suchlike, he decided to ask his mate who has a bushmaster type of private plane to assist and he would air drop them in the field at the back of the farmhouse for me...just fly over at zero feet and chuck the suitably packed box out of the door on the way past type of thing. all went swimmingly well, flight over the field at zero feet and just above stalling speed, anonymous brown box dropping out of the open door...which didn't even bounce that much on landing, which was nice... just leaving said stupid old person (me) to jump over the fence and pick the package up...As much as the whole low flying plane dropping strange package in remote field felt a bit like some kind of dodgy Columbian drug deal...and probably not supported by any FAA or civil aviation rules. :oops:

I popped my knee out jumping over the fence...seemingly, old age means that after a life of jumping out of aeroplanes for a living, I now don't bounce quite as well as I did in my yoof. To add insult to injury, my darling wife who had popped out to watch the spectacle then seeing me writhing in agony after leaping almost daintily over the fence shouted... "Get up off the floor you stupid old fart, I've just washed that T-shirt!" 😐

Weirdly this all brought the British Mars Rover landings to mind...
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