I actually liked the Wing Commander series. Heck, I even enjoyed the movie!
Same here... though the "don't speak, because we're being stealthy in space, and they'll hear us" scene from the movie made me cringe. It's why I backed Star Citizen in the last few days of the Kickstarter, after being recommended by Kickstarter after backing Elite Dangerous. My thoughts at the time were: ED is barely started, and won't reach FE2 levels until after at least
one expansion
. Chris Roberts said that he's done the
difficult work of creating the underlying game engine for SC already, and all that remains is the expensive but easy phase of creating content, so it'll give me something to play while I wait for ED to mature
Oh, the irony!
Why would you even be here if you hate all the preceding titles on which Star Citizen is supposedly based on?
I'm just here for the meta-game these days. I used to be here for the game itself, but then the Crytek lawsuit revealed just how much Chris Roberts lied in his Kickstarter pitch, and I found out about the Hollywood Accounting Shell Company Shuffle that CR has created to siphon money from this project into the pockets of his family and good friend Ortwin.
I'm also the type of person who enjoys "behind the scenes" information presented in directors commentary, "makings of" videos, and other ways of communicating information to people who are fascinated by how one makes media in the first place. Analyzing the ways this project has gone wrong is a fascinating look at how
not to make video games.
Plus the kibitzing is extremely entertaining.