Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I just have to cringe hard at the audacity of comparing his work to a master piece of the seventh art. This has been done over and over by Chris, CIG and fans, the more you suggest something that is crap is in the same league as the top in class the more people will believe that is actually at the same level and worth comparing naturally. That is another reason why reviews and scores for SC are sorely needed.
Repeat the lie often enough and control the discussion. You simply need not allow them to determine the topics. These people just spam trash so there is nothing reasonable to talk about anymore.
malic playing SC recently, explaining how disappointed he is in the decisions of [...] Fdev
Caught a moment of this as well. It moved me.

Malic had connections with folks within Frontier Developments - that he has good relations with, and he knows a bit of what is coming for Odyssey Soon™ enough; which he's not at liberty to talk about.
He's quite upset that some of these folks that worked on that were terminated.

Honestly, I think the folks at CIG know a bit of what'll arrive for Odyssey and that's why they've shown the things they did at the CitCon, and why they're being visibly very busy with Star Citizen patches in the past month.

It'll be interesting to see what'll stick for Malic; Star Citizen or Elite.
China announces rules to reduce spending on video games
Online games will now be banned from giving players rewards if they log in every day, if they spend on the game for the first time or if they spend several times on the game consecutively.
Besides banning reward features, games are also required to set limits on how much players can top up their digital wallets for in-game spending.
Games are also banned from offering probability-based lucky draw features to minors, and from enabling the speculation and auction of virtual gaming items.
SC China kinda up in smoke
First part applies to IAE badges
Second part applies to UEC wallet limits (theres no limit now)
Third part applies obviously to the webstore and greymarket
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