Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Inforunners' host wants SC to become a NFT scam

LOL @ make it a generational thing.

Unintentional irony about the pace of development perhaps?

The first game ever where your descendants are still waiting for the game paid for by their ancestors.

Chris passing down the CEO position to his children and them to their children, the first generational hereditary CEO position for single computer game.
PES Watch:

Thought this was interesting. 'Stealth jitter'...

3.18 when PES came in. I assume they’re having issues with replicating the exact location of the trains, they’ve been gradually getting more stable with each patch but still very jittery.

It’s the same with player ships but you won’t notice it unless you try and get ships to interact with each other, we used to stack jenga caterpillars before 3.18 but it won’t work anymore as the position of the ships keep changing slightly when they touch each other.

Now I come to think of it, have seen a lot more of these types of boom...

Given how the game code cannot manage any kind of basic state (starting with character or ship position) it's not surprising they cannot manage the state of a transforming ship. Hull series are way beyond the capacity of SC engine code, as they add a lot of features on top of regular ships - they can indeed transform, and then the cargo is stored outside...
This will never work, unless they change the whole game engine.
Star Citizen streaming is going so well that Berks got a real job.

Most recent stream:

It was funny for a long time as CIG kept pace with ED's version number for a long time, usually staying a bit ahead. It was so childish and petty.

But CIG can't move to 4.0 until Pyro is properly in game. This was part of the roadmap presented in..... 2015? 2016? Where they heavily implied it was all coming soon.

And here we are, 8 years later.

Gotta laugh.
I sometimes get the impression that the overall marketing pitch is for Star Citizen is that "it's Elite Dangerous, but better". Which kinda rings the same way like how any FPS shooter that was released in the latter days of the Amiga was "it's Doom, but on the Amiga"...
Watched the first ISC of the year...



The current EVA and interaction systems are bad. So bad. This time they will be good. So good...

Slightly longer read:

EVA has gone from ramrod straight avatars, to bendy Sataball avatars, to ramrod straight avatars, to bendy upper body avatars. Repeat-iration complete?

And after many impossible-to-use interfaces, they've gone back to the single 'USE' UI of the earliest days 😁. (With added innovations like a secondary click 😳)

1m: New EVA system. Stupid animation interludes. [+ What happened to SQ42 being feature complete...? :D NB the 'WIP' tab]

  • The old system served its purpose, but it had a lot of problems...
  • It was 'not quite controllable'. Entry/exit faceplants etc. Orientation. Upright stance. [Stoopid animations]. Rotated whole body, which doesn't look great. Didn't fit with what we want to do in our game.
  • Now head will move when looking around. [What happened to the Ilfonic work for Sataball etc which added exactly that, with added body bend ;)].
  • 'coming this year' aspects: the camera head, with minor body movement,prone superman pose
  • Silly superman explanation with toy
  • Can now support other metrics, like going down a vent
  • A lot prettier to view from outside. [Player 'kicks' forward a bit like a fish...]
  • smoother transitions
  • 4m50 - later features will be push / pull [vid - as per citcon 2022]
  • EVA fuel and momentum first. Push/pull further down the line.

-7m10+ new player interaction UI 'pie pis' system etc

-8m on current system being bad, trying to select things etc
  • 'F to use' now - rather than floating list [but in many ways back to 'USE' ;)]
  • basic wheel once selected etc. Can save primary / secondary default interactions etc.
  • seems to be defaults per object type. [IE could set store for all ammo interactions?]. (Can imagine if these things don't get stored between patches may get annoying for now though).
  • 13m 'We'll forget about what was there before'
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