It never will be.As it is, it isn't worth giving any time to!
It never will be.As it is, it isn't worth giving any time to!
PSA: Just don’t trade right now
I’m seeing message after message in global chat of players losing their loads and credits from a bug. There’s too much going on in 3.23 right now regarding stability e.g. ships spontaneously combusting, server/client crashes with no cargo recovery protection working, etc.
Its always been safe to say don’t spend more than half your credits on a run but at this point I feel a warning should be out there to just not do it at all right now until stability improves. If you do do it, know there’s a very likely chance you will lose a load. It’s not if, it’s when.
Sincerely, - guy who lost millions to bugs during trade runs thus far in 3.23
A 'this patch is trashed' post finally makes it past the downvotes...
Truckers' union always gets heard
master mode complaints drowning everything else out.
cant believe no one is complaining about how OP the new hornet m7a is. although there is a big group that love having something OP.
hornet is capable of 2 shotting light fighters. went into AC in a gladius to see how the gladius was holding up and got absolutely dumpstered on by a bunch of hornets. dead before you could react.
I dunno, Reddit has kinda been dominated by 'You Did It CR!' style posts. (With just little addendums like: 'And it'll be even better when the missions work!' ). MM posts downvoted to dust there mainly. Spectrum sucking on that lolly instead.
But yeah, 7A seems to be flying under the radar at the mo.
weird, i never go on reddit but always thought it was the more "negative" place
Possibly the new Vulkan thing? It seems to appear instead of effects like the muzzle flash.It's not a streaming artifact or anything. It's in the game...
Possibly the new Vulkan thing? It seems to appear instead of effects like the muzzle flash.
I haven't seen these glitches with DX11.
weird, i never go on reddit but always thought it was the more "negative" place
Oh boy.
On Spectrum you have the mods keep things under control. On reddit you have downvote hell. And the mods there are biased as .... flip. Someone defending CIG can hurl insults, be derogatory, and basically break and any all of reddits rules and the mods won't give a damn. But if you criticize CIG you need to be very careful, because they will take any opportunity to ban you.
It was an earlier scene and his debug info confirms the Vulkan renderer.Yeah I'm guessing some kind of shader thing. Vulcan would fit. Probably an SFX issue with the QT jumps too.
(The only weird thing is the choice of images sometimes. It's not always a 3rd person view. Sometimes it's like a totally different scene...)
I hope everyone got a free Polaris for their efforts.So, because they rushed a release that shouldn't have been, they worked over the weekend, overtime, as they probably did during the previous weekends...
It was an earlier scene and his debug info confirms the Vulkan renderer.
According to his specs, he does have 24GB of VRAM. That probably accumulates lots of rendered cruft and the shaders pull from the wrong location.Lol so a scene from ~5minutes earlier suddenly displaying.
Unless he took an in-game screengrab or something, what the hell is that doing in memory.