Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

A sad day indeed, can't remember what's there now since it's been a fair few years since I've been home...I say was the nearest town to the hill farm I grew up on. No train station these days either. Beecher the butcher scrapped the local railway in 1963. My gran had a small bakery in the town...sold more shortbread than Crawfords up the road :)

Callander was also the birthplace of the oldest Dr. Finlay joke in existence...

"Dr Finlay...I've got a terrrible burning pain in my chest..."

"Well Janet, it would help if you took your b*obs out of my porridge."
Dr. Cameron, Dr Finlay and the infamous Janet...
View attachment 188607
At least I had the decency to avoid that joke. The theme parks now a housing estate.
I'm old enough to remember the savaging of our rail network.
So CIG will never be able to deliver SQ42 ?
I have no doubt that they will deliver a form of MVP at some point over the next year or two. That's assuming CR doesn't decide to refactor everything because he's seen a feature in another game he wants his hard pressed devs to bolt onto the Franken-engine they're quite obviously struggling with....If you're expecting a beta of Sqn 42 this year though, it's highly unlikely.

Ci¬G have some very talented devs, unfortunately, they are being misled by a complete idiot blinded by his own hubris and whose sole contribution to the computer gaming industry is to plagiarise other peoples designs and ideas then claim them as his own.
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So CIG will never be able to deliver SQ42 ?

Probably not with current management structure. History shows that both in CIG and before, nothing was completed while CR was in charge, finishing something is not his forte. Two projects were saved by a change of management only, same team mostly.

With more oversight or someone 'taking over' and setting a deadline then yes something (MVP+) will be delivered...and hopefully updated as it goes. But that someone needs to be in real day to day charge of the project and say we are releasing on X date regardless of what we have and will update once released. Without that motivation its all just dreams. Imagine it in your place of work?
I have no doubt that they will deliver a form of MVP at some point over the next year or two. That's assuming CR doesn't decide to refactor everything because he's seen a feature in another game he wants his hard pressed devs to bolt onto the Franken-engine they're quite obviously struggling with....If you're expecting a beta of Sqn 42 this year though, it's highly unlikely.
With Star Wars Squadrons and Cyberpunk 2077 launching over these next few months, the odds of Sq42 being delayed yet again for more changes/additions are extremely high
So CIG will never be able to deliver SQ42 ?

Now you got it....and maybe in 2022 or 2023 you ll think back about this point in time and admit...."those people did see it...:"

Of course CIG and its most faithful are hard at work to move that goalpost. Its not about SQ42 in all its promised glory anymore. Today people speak about a SQ42 roadmap or a beta next year (enter the "what is release/ beta/ alpha/ etc anyway?" debate) as if that would prove capability and represent a victory over all the naysayers. The game SQ42 aspired to become is being chipped away bit by bit by what we see. By CIGs inability to make very basic core technologies work reliably, by its current modus operandus to take out assets and objects in order to improve performance. Making continous growth or development next to impossible.

Reality comes knocking and it looks like a rainy day.

Thats what I have over all the new defenders and white knights making a scene. I remember what SC promised to be and the far cry it is today doesnt bode well for Star Citizen ever becoming the game that was promised to people back in 2012. Very possible that at some point old promises and announcements dont matter anymore becoming "old news" but the criticism CIG receives over old stuff will still be legit and SC then will still be a far cray from what it was supposed to be. Star Citizen at this time is the epitome of underdelivering...and its not even in beta yet. I dont think any other game in active development ever has been that bad. Most games in alpha keep the fascination and hide the ugly until they are close to release or after release (Anthem, NMS etc).

Keeping development going is not a sign of progress or success....something most SC defenders seem to understand that way. Its just a measure to avoid collapse or admit defeat and I reckon Chris knows very well he failed already. He might hope for some technological breakthrough provided by others (and the new AMD GPU series is one of these breakthroughs) instead of using his skill and competence to accomplish what he promised but after a decade of showing "what he got" I doubt very much Chris could ever triumph over his competition in the field. CIG is great at making promises and they produce mouth-watering glimpses of said promise but so far....they have not delivered on most of their promises and it doesnt help to point to the few and select things they DID promise because Star Citizen requires all of the promises to be delivered before it ha a chance at life. What most people claiming to "have fun" are doing (from what I can see...) is to "make the best out of it" and thats really not so great looking when you consider how far away from release we are right now. Sure they enjoy what they have but its already "second best" to their very own expectations if they would be honest.

Most people in this thread have been following the project for years and they experienced and witnessed its development and slow degradation in scope. Not in what CIG promises but what SC potentially is capable to provide. More and more facts come to light that show how unrealistic and delusional most statements coming from CIG are or have been. Debating technicalities doesnt negate or counter the purest truth there is and which ASP likes to repeat once in a while....."there are zero games" and thats after 8 years and more then 350 million dollars of funding. You dont really need to know more to form an opinion and most people hearing about SC do exactly that.

With Star Wars Squadrons and Cyberpunk 2077 launching over these next few months, the odds of Sq42 being delayed yet again for more changes/additions are extremely high

Quick remind me, why is Star Wars Squadron of any relevance to SCs development? I thought its a pure space flyer/arcade shooter game?
Quick remind me, why is Star Wars Squadron of any relevance to SCs development? I thought its a pure space flyer/arcade shooter game?
At first, SC was promised as a successor to Wing Commander, which was a single player arcade space shooter, and CR did bring a lot of backers on that promise. There's also a lot of people waiting for a proper successor to Freespace 2 multi. Quite a few do want to play SC only for the pewpew. It will scratch that itch for those people :)
With Star Wars Squadrons and Cyberpunk 2077 launching over these next few months, the odds of Sq42 being delayed yet again for more changes/additions are extremely high
Quick remind me, why is Star Wars Squadron of any relevance to SCs development? I thought its a pure space flyer/arcade shooter game?
Because CR will see them and then order a dozen new features to be added to SC.
Star Wars Squadrons has a single player campaign, likely to have cinematic story segments with named-characters, big fleet battles, stealthy engagements, etc. Plenty of things that Chris and co will want to copy for Sq42.

Same goes for Cyberpunk 2077 and its living, breathing world full of detailed characters, story and lore.

For the past 4 years CIG have been failing to get Sq42 to be a finished-product equivalent to merely Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare (an obvious incentive for the 2016+ delay)
Star Wars Squadrons has a single player campaign, likely to have cinematic story segments with named-characters, big fleet battles, stealthy engagements, etc. Plenty of things that Chris and co will want to copy for Sq42.

Same goes for Cyberpunk 2077 and its living, breathing world full of detailed characters, story and lore.

For the past 4 years CIG have been failing to get Sq42 to be a finished-product equivalent to merely Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare (an obvious incentive for the 2016+ delay)
I liked CoD Infinite warfare a much as it was sleighted by the pew crew for it's multiplayer...the campaign and story mode along with the gameplay was actually pretty good. Certainly worth picking it up in a bargain bin if you ever see it.

Edit: Just had a look on's still 40 quid for the standard version...60 quid bundled with CoD Modern Warfare, still not cheap after 4 years.
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I liked CoD Infinite warfare a much as it was sleighted by the pew crew for it's multiplayer...the campaign and story mode along with the gameplay was actually pretty good. Certainly worth picking it up in a bargain bin if you ever see it.

Edit: Just had a look on's still 40 quid for the standard version...60 quid bundled with CoD Modern Warfare, still not cheap after 4 years.
The campaign is brilliant fun. Its price drops to £13 during Steam sales.

And four years later Sq42 is still trying to catch up.


Volunteer Moderator
So CIG will never be able to deliver SQ42 ?
I am pretty sure CIG can deliver "something". Heck, they could just release the current PU version and declare it SC official release version 1.0. But that would be a very incomplete and broken far cry and a complete joke compared to the hype and BDSSE claims we have had to suffer for the last 8-9 years.

Pretty sure CR can also similarly launch whatever they may have for SQ42 at any point in time, and that would be most likely a very pale shadow of the promised AAA game, "as good or better than anything out there".
The campaign is brilliant fun. Its price drops to £13 during Steam sales.

And four years later Sq42 is still trying to catch up.
I just noticed from the video...the main protagonist is the one and only Jon Snow (Kit Harrington). No doubt an early acting debut for him before Game of Thrones. I'll never forgive him for killing the Dragon lady :cry:


Volunteer Moderator
Ci¬G have some very talented devs, unfortunately, they are being misled by a complete idiot blinded by his own hubris and whose sole contribution to the computer gaming industry is to plagiarise other peoples designs and ideas then claim them as his own.

Having said that CIG set out to do SC without a single member of their leadership team having experience in MMOs. Allegedly the most difficult game type to do.
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