Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Contested Zone keys are getting easier to find (normally you can get one every 30 minutes or so)

Berks is on a server with 15 people in Pyro (the Shard is full with 500+ people).

Edit: When he got to the vault and opened it - nothing inside. Hopes they will fix it 'before it goes live'. Who wants to tell him :)
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Both Mike and Berks are getting solid 30fps from the servers, with low player numbs. (~35 on Mike's ~10 on Berks')

That's a lot better than EPTU was doing, even with low player counts. Was more like ~15.

Alongside CR's 'this landing zone gets a server, that planet gets a server' take I'm guessing they've spent some c-suite wages on server grunt for 'launch' ;).

Supposedly the ratio is 5:5:500 though, which is shy of 'per planet, per lz' etc. So poss just pure 'premium service' payola. (Shard count seems to be hovering around the ~515 range for these guys.)

(Plenty of weird database stutterings going on in the background though. Berks lost all of his stuff for a while when he first played etc. And Hangars being extra hangdog etc).
I'll let you know how my experience goes sometime in Q1 when the download is finished :D

It initially went well downloading the 14 or so Gb preface and manifest files at my usual 150Mbps...but being a 2 stage update process, once the launcher switches servers to DL the main game content files, the server speed dies and won't put out more than 1Mbps.

SC updates have been like that for most of this year for me (on and off). I suspect the preface, manifest and main game content files are downloaded from different physical locations...the bulk main game content files still being downloaded from Austin...or perhaps even Asia given the poor speeds at my end 🤷‍♂️
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@VR Golgot Thanks for sharing the exit comments from that producer. I thought the two comments about Chris and Beau whatever his names is were quite intriguing. The "play with your toys" is the sort of expression one would use in childhood and certainly not of a game. The comment about "always having a different perspective" is odd, most people would agree at least sometimes. It stings to me of serious issues at the leadership level. It is my baby and you do it this way. The wording of the full text also suggests no job to go to, so implies pushed. It reeks of I suggested this, you told me to do something else and when I did, it didn't work, which we can clearly see.


Volunteer Moderator

The wording of the full text also suggests no job to go to, so implies pushed. It reeks of I suggested this, you told me to do something else and when I did, it didn't work, which we can clearly see.

The CR & Benoit bits read as genuine sentiment / flannel to me. But given the final barb coded digs are totally possible ay.

'Toy box' definitely speaks its own volumes like you say ;). (Plenty of guys at CIG are just happy with their semi-sinecure, shunting around unusual tasks without the pressure of timeframes...)


Volunteer Moderator
But this is the exact same experience in most past updates: Initial hours smooth, then all hell breaks lose and "welcome back to bug ridden broken kingdom!". Did anyone really expect anything different based on the the same exaact pattern happening for the past 10 years? 🤷‍♂️
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But this is the exact same experience in most past updates: Initial hours smooth, then all hell breaks lose and "welcome back to bug ridden broken kingdom!". Did anyone really expect anything different based on the the same exaact pattern happening for the past 10 years? 🤷‍♂️

For sure. But there's always a different cadence. A different musical clatter as a completely new gear sheers through a fresh skein of digital dreams ;)
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