Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

When the event started this evening, it tanked frame rates right across the server...not just for those daft enough to want to play it. I had decided to go rope in a few bounties...but with dying frame rates and NPC's rubber banding all over the place as the notxeno threat nonsense went on, I gave up.
I also tried and played that Xeno mission....and it was just MEH....I mean go there do turret in space point&click shooting at boring enemies for a 10 min then go inside the wreck which was really confusing where to go and what to do I guess I was supposed to collect something and for all that time wondering around In that wreck from some reason I was getting more&more money credits until in one moment I finally get killed by the enemy soldier that I didn't even notice....and yeah as you said FPS are all over the place but that was nothing unusual when it comes to the SC so called alpha-mess ........
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Chat function works fine in 3.12.1...nobody reported any issues with it all day today on the 4 servers I played on. They certainly fixed the chat regression bug from 3.12, it was all working fine in PTU, works fine in the live patch so no idea what the reports of it not working are all about..

Might be server specific. It’s getting a lotta reports:

Seeing it mentioned a lot in that feedback thread too.
Someone on reddit asks if the use of the red cross on the new medical gun is in breach of trademark.

Now, i find this a bit silly. Its pervasive symbol. Its like how people call vacuum cleaners hoovers or diamond head screwdrivers phillips screwdrivers. There reaches a point where as an organization you just have to accept that that you've lost control of your trademark.

However, they are actually correct. The Red Cross does protect its trademark.

That's a rabbit hole that doesn't get explored very much in gaming circles (because most of the deals are done behind closed doors), but does affect simulation titles more than other genres. Motorsports were/are especially bad with licences required for using the cars from the manufacturers, the circuits from the circuit owners, the sponsors logos on the cars sometimes, the race series governing body and the race teams themselves in some cases. Its why you rarely see whole race series and seasons modelled, as marshalling and avoiding IP ambulance chasers tearing into your profit margin is like herding cats.
From what I remember, the practise started with one of the Pacific Air War titles, where a sequel title was essentially cancelled due to I think it was Northrup Grumman wanting their IP removing from the game or a % of the sales, which for a developer (not publisher) can be crippling. The title I was involved in had similar behind the scenes issues with a well known multi-national aviation manufacturer wanting 10% for using the titular aircraft on the front of the box, even though I expect that the income would hardly make a dent in their corporate toilet paper budget...however, its a nice earner for aforementioned ambulance chasers.
I'm surprised that CiG haven't been reamed a little for this sort of thing - wasn't the famous "tonk" a Polish prototype design?
That's a rabbit hole that doesn't get explored very much in gaming circles (because most of the deals are done behind closed doors), but does affect simulation titles more than other genres. Motorsports were/are especially bad with licences required for using the cars from the manufacturers, the circuits from the circuit owners, the sponsors logos on the cars sometimes, the race series governing body and the race teams themselves in some cases. Its why you rarely see whole race series and seasons modelled, as marshalling and avoiding IP ambulance chasers tearing into your profit margin is like herding cats.
From what I remember, the practise started with one of the Pacific Air War titles, where a sequel title was essentially cancelled due to I think it was Northrup Grumman wanting their IP removing from the game or a % of the sales, which for a developer (not publisher) can be crippling. The title I was involved in had similar behind the scenes issues with a well known multi-national aviation manufacturer wanting 10% for using the titular aircraft on the front of the box, even though I expect that the income would hardly make a dent in their corporate toilet paper budget...however, its a nice earner for aforementioned ambulance chasers.
I'm surprised that CiG haven't been reamed a little for this sort of thing - wasn't the famous "tonk" a Polish prototype design?

I don't know for sure, but i guess Rockstar used fake car manufacturers in the game to avoid all the annoying licensing costs back when they started out.

I can now imagine car manufactures lining up to pay Rockstar to include their cars in GTA.

In other news

My favourite

Can't wait to explore the stars with my Carrack

Ah... i'm afraid you'll have to wait... and wait ... and wait.
Might be server specific. It’s getting a lotta reports:

Seeing it mentioned a lot in that feedback thread too.
Aye, the global chat not being present is an old server related bug which has never really gone away. Like you said, it varies between servers. On the odd occasion I get it, I change servers...which in itself is a workaround for more than 50% of related SC bugs.

Ci¬G did fix the chat regression bug from 3.12 though...which was one of the most irritating bugs I'd ever come across. It happened when you took your helmet off or switched to 3rd person. When the chat came back after replacing the helmet or returning to first person, it had regressed in some cases to about 10 minutes previously...strange case of deja vu every time it happened. It got so annoying I just turned the chat box off completely.
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"Dynamic" event:

Since I departed from the norm last night and joined some folk I know doing group bounties on VHR targets etc...I had to learn what the current meta in SC was for PvE shooty ships. Seemingly it's a small insignificant fighter I've had as a freebie in my hangar for years and never once used...the Drake Buccaneer...which in appearance is like 2 huge engines with bits of scrap metal tied between them with fencing wire. Going with advice from the guys, I fitted the space shopping trolley with distortion energy based space shotguns which up to now I had avoided using. I like dakka, so all my shooty ships had multis or the ubiquitous Attritions fitted....besides...shotguns in space? Complete silliness.

I kinda take back every derogative thing I've said about the little Buccaneer and it's fixed mount but insane weapon arrangement. Three of us in Buccs fitted with the silly space shotguns were taking out Hammerheads and their assorted escorts of Vanguards, Valkyries and smaller fighters almost in a single pass :oops:

Just goes to show how little I know about space pew...

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That's a rabbit hole that doesn't get explored very much in gaming circles (because most of the deals are done behind closed doors), but does affect simulation titles more than other genres. Motorsports were/are especially bad with licences required for using the cars from the manufacturers, the circuits from the circuit owners, the sponsors logos on the cars sometimes, the race series governing body and the race teams themselves in some cases. Its why you rarely see whole race series and seasons modelled, as marshalling and avoiding IP ambulance chasers tearing into your profit margin is like herding cats.
From what I remember, the practise started with one of the Pacific Air War titles, where a sequel title was essentially cancelled due to I think it was Northrup Grumman wanting their IP removing from the game or a % of the sales, which for a developer (not publisher) can be crippling. The title I was involved in had similar behind the scenes issues with a well known multi-national aviation manufacturer wanting 10% for using the titular aircraft on the front of the box, even though I expect that the income would hardly make a dent in their corporate toilet paper budget...however, its a nice earner for aforementioned ambulance chasers.
I'm surprised that CiG haven't been reamed a little for this sort of thing - wasn't the famous "tonk" a Polish prototype design?

Yeah motorsport is a big one, with plenty of different agreements too. For example in Project Cars 2, they have a license with Ferrari that allowed them to model some of their cars as well as their private test track the Pista di Fiorano. But part of the agreement was that like in real life, only Ferrari cars can use the track. So the track is there but you can't use non-Ferrari cars on it, even virtually... For other tracks, some have official agreements, others have intentional differences in some sections in order to avoid being sued while still offering a close-ish track. Big leagues of team sports are a nightmare too with image rights being split between leagues, clubs and players, not to mention shirt sponsors... The world of official licensing is a complete minefield.
I'm surprised that CiG haven't been reamed a little for this sort of thing - wasn't the famous "tonk" a Polish prototype design?
They have the perfect cover for their multiple IP thefts: the game isn't even in beta yet. It's all “placeholders” that will oooooobviously be replaced by “real” assets before the game is released, honestly guv'. Their well-established pattern of never finishing anything and reworking art over and over again only strengthens that argument.

This way, the can just ignore the due diligence that an actual game company would have to go through and can just bank on the IP holders being too quick on the draw — when the Saniro lawyers are piling up ten layers deep in the lobby five seconds after CI¬G tried to steal the Hello Kitty imagery, they can just scrape their foot, weakly apologise and rip it out, as opposed to have enough brain cells and foresight to figure out beforehand that they're not allowed to do that. And on the infinitesimally small chance that some kind of game is ever actually released, they can pretty safely assume that since the IP holder never noticed and took action during the last N decades, they're not likely to notice and take action now either.

Wilful incompetence wins again.
Since I departed from the norm last night and joined some folk I know doing group bounties on VHR targets etc...I had to learn what the current meta in SC was for PvE shooty ships. Seemingly it's a small insignificant fighter I've had as a freebie in my hangar for years and never once used...the Drake Buccaneer...which in appearance is like 2 huge engines with bits of scrap metal tied between them with fencing wire. Going with advice from the guys, I fitted the space shopping trolley with distortion energy based space shotguns which up to now I had avoided using. I like dakka, so all my shooty ships had multis or the ubiquitous Attritions fitted....besides...shotguns in space? Complete silliness.

I kinda take back every derogative thing I've said about the little Buccaneer and it's fixed mount but insane weapon arrangement. Three of us in Buccs fitted with the silly space shotguns were taking out Hammerheads and their assorted escorts of Vanguards, Valkyries and smaller fighters almost in a single pass :oops:

Just goes to show how little I know about space pew...

I fell into this trap to Mole as I was/am akinning it to ED, it's very difficult to find good information on an actual upgrade path for anything in SC.
I don't know for sure, but i guess Rockstar used fake car manufacturers in the game to avoid all the annoying licensing costs back when they started out.

I can now imagine car manufactures lining up to pay Rockstar to include their cars in GTA.

In other news

My favourite

Ah... i'm afraid you'll have to wait... and wait ... and wait.
Yeah Rockstar use mash-ups of different vehicles to avoid getting stung for a percentage of their income and they're very clever about it e.g. the fighter aircraft is an F16/18 blend and most of the cars use the same principal.

I get the argument that manufacturers should look at it as free advertising, but it doesn't work that way when its easy money for a licensing exec to bring in some revenue and 90% of the time its a third party doing the work for them and getting a "finder's fee" or "commission" for chasing the IP payment down. Its pretty much the same as music rights in YouTube videos....
They have the perfect cover for their multiple IP thefts: the game isn't even in beta yet. It's all “placeholders” that will oooooobviously be replaced by “real” assets before the game is released, honestly guv'. Their well-established pattern of never finishing anything and reworking art over and over again only strengthens that argument.

This way, the can just ignore the due diligence that an actual game company would have to go through and can just bank on the IP holders being too quick on the draw — when the Saniro lawyers are piling up ten layers deep in the lobby five seconds after CI¬G tried to steal the Hello Kitty imagery, they can just scrape their foot, weakly apologise and rip it out, as opposed to have enough brain cells and foresight to figure out beforehand that they're not allowed to do that. And on the infinitesimally small chance that some kind of game is ever actually released, they can pretty safely assume that since the IP holder never noticed and took action during the last N decades, they're not likely to notice and take action now either.

Wilful incompetence wins again.

IIRC, there is some sort of law that says if you don't protect your trademark, let someone use it, and only later take action, then it is too late. I think it does depend on proving that the trademark holder could have been reasonably aware of the infringement in the first place though.
Yeah Rockstar use mash-ups of different vehicles to avoid getting stung for a percentage of their income and they're very clever about it e.g. the fighter aircraft is an F16/18 blend and most of the cars use the same principal.

I get the argument that manufacturers should look at it as free advertising, but it doesn't work that way when its easy money for a licensing exec to bring in some revenue and 90% of the time its a third party doing the work for them and getting a "finder's fee" or "commission" for chasing the IP payment down. Its pretty much the same as music rights in YouTube videos....
It's not just the quick buck. Corpos would hate to see their brand being in the news for running over kids in a videogame for example.

I wasn't even aware this was a thing. But one thing the backers who are defending it and CIG themselves is there is a simple reason to not swear on streams. Because you don't have to! And it doesn't sound professional.

Yeah, i know, CIG and professional don't really go together, but they are a decent sized company and should know better.

When talking about the progress or whatever, you don't need swear words to describe it. Sure, i can understand the devs wanting to swear when talking about the tech, but they can do that off-camera.
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