Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

No word about the horrible desync (about 5 seconds server lag with other players, they would teleport all around)

Oh hey wait, they do mention this

Network Tech​

Time & De-Syncs

How the engine measures the passage of time underwent a complete overhaul. Accuracy was improved both in the measurement of time and in its synchronization between server and clients. How the engine uses time to update its logic and physics simulation was changed to eliminate errors that could result in simulation time passing differently on the server and clients. Many smaller bugs that had caused timing errors to grow on long-running servers were also fixed. The network synchronization of vehicles and physics objects were updated to take full advantage of the improvements. The accumulated result of all these changes was a significant reduction in latency and desynchronization issues in many areas, even under harsh test conditions for network and server performance. Besides improving the overall player experience, this work was a necessary step towards server meshing, where simulating the game across multiple game servers would have made desynchronization issues due to timing errors worse.


I mean, granted, they may have made it loads better, then made it loads worse with Xenothreat. But 3.12 seems to have been dire on the desync front all told.

Hence them running a specific feedback thread on it, for a start ;)

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It wasn't a serious comment Fritz...gimme a break ;)

It can get boring having every sentence I write disected and psychoanalyzed looking for hidden's not the X files, I'm not writing a historical novel and it's also OK (providing I keep within forum guidlines) for me to have a poke at other folks comments should I think they deserve it...Whether I play Star Citizen or not is entirely irrelevant. I'm not really known on here or anywhere else as one of the projects' greatest defenders :D

As for Aunties experiences, they're quite common. It's OK for myself and others all knowing the little tweaks and workarounds to make Star Citizen play slightly better than it can be for folk new to the project jumping in to it or very occasionally popping in during a free-fly...but I've been playing it a long time and have the benefit of having suffered the abysmal performance and desync that's become a trademark of the project night after night. I don't have a NASA level PC, it's fairly average...but I can tell as soon as I jump into a server whether it's worth hanging around in or whether I'll have much of the same experience as Auntie had with desynced NPC's glitching through everything as well as shyte FPS.

Starting areas Like Lorville, Area 18 or New Babbage...if you get 20fps in any of these areas, especially during a're doing more than OK, the rest of us are getting exactly the same or less which is why none of us regular players like the free-fly events that much.

I spend most of my time during free-fly events helping a great many others get the 'best' they can out of their experience by passing on the tips and workarounds...with warnings not to go spending any money too ;)

I knew that...not want me to send you another PM? Cuz I ll do it!!!!

I m sure we wouldnt have this back and forth we observe on this threadnaught if we all spoke in person with each other. Oftentimes jesting or poking doesnt translate well to written posts. And know full well that the posts in this thread are the actual content of the discussion....Star Citizen is just the ball we drop to get things rolling :D So you decide to post a little more and others decide to read things into it....welcome to my world ^^

You just provided an example or the content that made me think about stuff....frankly I consider this a lot better then mindlessly watching telly (tho I ll be honest...the reason I dont watch telly much is because of exactly this quality....whenever my wife tries to enjoy some mindless background droning I usually disrupt her zen sitting next to her thinking or complaining about stuff that doesnt add up, is ridiculous or triggers me :D). We are not going to war over it but I m sure you are as annoyed as my wife is when I do it ^^

It's OK for myself and others all knowing the little tweaks and workarounds to make Star Citizen play slightly better than it can be for folk new to the project jumping in to it or very occasionally popping in during a free-fly

Part of the problem here is people jumping in sold on the idea of the "playable now" narrative and marketing, not being the sort of person to go to forums looking for esoteric fixes, but simply quitting in disgust.

This is what CIG set themselves up for. People becoming disenchanted without even giving it a good try or seeking solutions.

We see similar over on the Steam ED forums, with people not being able to get past the launcher because the game tells them they don't own it. Steam users are not used to having to jump through hoops to play a game and it can be wonky at times, sometimes not accepting the code immediately. They then arrive on the forum saying the game is bad and the devs are ripping them off because they did pay for the game but it won't let them play. They don't follow advice, they don't ask questions. They just rant then refund.
Part of the problem here is people jumping in sold on the idea of the "playable now" narrative and marketing, not being the sort of person to go to forums looking for esoteric fixes, but simply quitting in disgust.

This is what CIG set themselves up for. People becoming disenchanted without even giving it a good try or seeking solutions.

We see similar over on the Steam ED forums, with people not being able to get past the launcher because the game tells them they don't own it. Steam users are not used to having to jump through hoops to play a game and it can be wonky at times, sometimes not accepting the code immediately. They then arrive on the forum saying the game is bad and the devs are ripping them off because they did pay for the game but it won't let them play. They don't follow advice, they don't ask questions. They just rant then refund.
Steam should have a disclaimer up now stating you need another account to play the game. That wasn't the case a couple years back.
Steam should have a disclaimer up now stating you need another account to play the game. That wasn't the case a couple years back.

EDIT: Sorry, misunderstood. You mean you also need a FD account.

There is a disclaimer you need to agree to a third party EULA but no disclaimer about third party account. This is unlike GTA which has a disclaimer that you need a Rockstar Social Club account.

Interesting. FD should get that sorted.
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Part of the problem here is people jumping in sold on the idea of the "playable now" narrative and marketing, not being the sort of person to go to forums looking for esoteric fixes, but simply quitting in disgust.

This is what CIG set themselves up for. Peo

I m not sure CIG has a choice in this matter anymore. Apart from a free fly being expected its also the only entry for new people who watch this undecided from the sidelines. We have no idea what kind of quotas CiG has to check in regards to their investors or what really generates the income they require to stay afloat. A lot of things dont make sense from the perspective I hold in these things.

"If I want to promote my game I ll provide a trial or demo access, temporary to "hook" people."

But if the servers and thus the performance run like crap, the available content I DO have is riddled with bugs and glitches and it all is as shallow as a puddle of murky water....I wouldnt do it because the risk is that the publicity I generate is hurtful rather than helpful. A few people might stick and get with the program but far more people would see their worries and doubts confirmed and enforced and the "hater" presense online would only grow. So it makes no sense from that point of view.

And established publishers mirror that approach refusing to show anything that isnt "up to standards" which would mean for CiG to showcase this mess right now its the absolute best they can hope to produce. What I read out from past statements is that eternal and constant know...what CiG used to do doesnt fly with their investors anymore forcing their hand in this regard.

Coupled with CiGs reluctance to advance their project to officially call it "early access" or "beta"...things that would trigger a closer look by the media press, its like they are walking a very narrow path in order to stay hidden but also fullfil some obligations. Problem is that time alone wont fix this dilemma but that brings us back to motivation. If the actual production of a fully release isnt the priority....what is?

Its all guesswork
I mean I wouldnt be surprised, it was a bit of a mess when they rolled out Horizon. When you buy a Ubi game you need account for Ubilauncher too. I guess with EA you need Origin etc. It's now a disclaimer when you look at such a game on Steam store page.
At least he used his own pictures ^^
You know those guys who come here saying that they had fun playing SC with friends at acceptable fps and no bugs, never posting any videos of their own, because various reasons?
Well, that's no pictures and me: reasons :D
Pardon him his French, he was talking in future tense here! "We actually have a vision of full universe..." :D
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Thats actually a very good idea, hope their vetting is good and extremely quick responses to complaints though or its a headline waiting to happen.
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