Star Citizen Thread v6

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Is Star Citizen still a thing ?
Aside from the cash grab (well at least it is for me from the very beginning), there is already pay2win that kills the game comepleately for me.
When i look at it i see more an Ego shooter or some GTA space game with nothing to do.
I check now and then whats up with that SC but all i read there is nothing really new and releases get delayed.

The only thing that seems of some interest is the discution if it will fail or not.

So i think due its pay2win ship selling it fails already hard (at least i have no interest in it because of it).
Then i see 20$ games like Rebel Galaxy that was made by 2 (?) ppl only that offers more than SC does yet.

So this RSI (or what that company is called) have 150 Mil and much more ppl and cant get anything playworthy out? LoL
Is Star Citizen still a thing ?
Aside from the cash grab (well at least it is for me from the very beginning), there is already pay2win that kills the game comepleately for me.
When i look at it i see more an Ego shooter or some GTA space game with nothing to do.
I check now and then whats up with that SC but all i read there is nothing really new and releases get delayed.

The only thing that seems of some interest is the discution if it will fail or not.

So i think due its pay2win ship selling it fails already hard (at least i have no interest in it because of it).
Then i see 20$ games like Rebel Galaxy that was made by 2 (?) ppl only that offers more than SC does yet.

So this RSI (or what that company is called) have 150 Mil and much more ppl and cant get anything playworthy out? LoL

I always believe that CIG is purposely keep delaying anything that had "touch"with real mechanics of the possible future game play,for me It is obvious by now that they keep monetizing on ppl. beliefs not on actual game-play,also seems that majority of their backers still prefer to stay in that dream-state as CIG keeps feeding them with attractive art + demos&commercials that is weekly heat-up with shows and Tales by Roberts&CO........
Is Star Citizen still a thing? Probably depends on your definition of 'thing'. Definitely not The Real Thing:

One of the things that kind of troubles me is how some of the ships keep changing or evolving. I sort of fell in love with the Freelancer ship which I viewed in about a year old video. It had 4 engines and could really hold a lot of cargo. But it has changed several times it seems and quite possibly will change again.

Perhaps it's for the best or even nessiccary but still. Like was said above, the game will not resemble what it started out to be. Let's just hope it does get completed and is what we all hope for. Till then, back to ED.

Cheers ...


This is not an uncommon thing with crowdfunded games. I remember other games I observed with a lot of interest which started out as a really interesting concept and evolved into a completely different beast over the years which didnt resemble the original pitch anymore. Of course Star Citizen might do the very same but there are 2 very big differences between what happened in the past on other projects and this one.

1. scale (the other projects I remember took the money from kickstarter and tried to make it work with that and eventually had to start making compromises and cutting features in order to complete)
2. transparency (when the other projects started to change it was very clearly communicated and refunds given according to the kickstarter rules)

IMO CiG only keeps up the illusion that Star Citizen in its basic idea is still possible and lies and deceives its community in order to drain as much cash as possible. At this time in development they must have a very clear idea what is possible and whats not. If somethings not possible then they need to communicate the reasons for delays and cutting of features yet they dont. The mysterious "blockers" are many and most of them are unknown factors. I guess 3.0 when it finally arrives (probably mid 18 or even later) will present a massively different game to what was pitched and nobody will expect it aka it will be a complete surprise.....most open development my behind.

The fanboys will obviously laugh about this and call me names stating that all the information needed is available but I beg to difer. The SPAM of useless and even contradicting information is readily available yes. The vague description of features, ideas, basics and the misuse of terms provide an absolute fertile ground for confusion and misinterpretation. Hence the dozens of images and expectations floating around regarding Star Citizen. Nothing of value is readily available. Everything must be dug up after going through hours upon hours of absolute idiotic rambling and the developers and the CEO going back on their word from time to time doesnt help either.

Star Citizen really is so messed up and shady by now that I personally would advise to simply scratch it and start from the beginning. Maybe thats exactly what CRoberts intends to suggest coming Citizencon.
Is Star Citizen still a thing ?
Aside from the cash grab (well at least it is for me from the very beginning), there is already pay2win that kills the game comepleately for me.
When i look at it i see more an Ego shooter or some GTA space game with nothing to do.
I check now and then whats up with that SC but all i read there is nothing really new and releases get delayed.

The only thing that seems of some interest is the discution if it will fail or not.

So i think due its pay2win ship selling it fails already hard (at least i have no interest in it because of it).
Then i see 20$ games like Rebel Galaxy that was made by 2 (?) ppl only that offers more than SC does yet.

So this RSI (or what that company is called) have 150 Mil and much more ppl and cant get anything playworthy out? LoL

You very roughly summarized my feelings about this - its like LOL really? This thing still have supporters? I just dont get it but hey, ppl are all king of crazy.
1) This topic is a topic that just keeps on giving
2) This topic is free

Cant beat that, IMHO. :D

And the thread development is mirroring the game development of SC to the letter. Running in circles and refactoring arguments for the sake of thread fidelity. :D
"Happy Father’s Day! We know the Star Citizen community is full of hard-working fathers… and we think they should play fast, too! In their honor, we’re bringing back two of our dedicated racing ‘hot rods’ for the weekend. Leave the real world in the dust and satisfy your mid-life crisis with the single-seat rocket of your dreams: the speedy M50 or the swift MISC Razor concept. "

It's stuff like this that makes me lose all respect for them...
$100+ for a single ship? That's mental.

I got Elite and all expansions for less.

I haven't given SC any money yet due to the obscene pricing (weren't there concepts selling for 10 times that?).

I really want the game to succeed but this just cements my view that I'll just wait for SQ. 42.
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"Happy Father’s Day! We know the Star Citizen community is full of hard-working fathers… and we think they should play fast, too! In their honor, we’re bringing back two of our dedicated racing ‘hot rods’ for the weekend. Leave the real world in the dust and satisfy your mid-life crisis with the single-seat rocket of your dreams: the speedy M50 or the swift MISC Razor concept. "

It's stuff like this that makes me lose all respect for them...

Ha, I thought you were joking, thats a literal quote. [haha]
I can almost see Genuine Roberts playing with models of an F1 car and a X-29, a look of absolute sheer joy on his face, going "wheeeeeeee! Refactor these into the game - NAO!"
You very roughly summarized my feelings about this - its like LOL really?

Hmm what else it should be ? They cant deliver something with all that money and ppl, so i laugh at em.
People still shell out tons of money for ships for some unfinished "game", so i laugh at em.
Actually even buing a ship for that much money even in a finished game is questionable, but its not my money.
Lets take a sec and remember just how bad at programming CIG are.

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I nearly choked. $100 for a ship that is in the alpha and $135 for one that is coming soon. I know ship prices in general are insane, but for racing ships? Not some sort of killer battleship.

Its completely pay 2 win at this point... except you can't win what you can't play anyway.
Strange, nothing on reddit about the sale i can see yet. I was wondering if there was outrage or not...

After the Valentine's cash-in I imagine people would only be surprised if CIG didn't do something.... what's really sad is that the zealots honestly feel CIG are doing them a favour by "allowing" them to buy these extortianately priced jpegs.
Any excuse for a "sale" of over priced jpegs for CIG.

The valentines thing was cringy enough but here we go again with some more shameless begging.
Funding chart hasn't made any significant moves... although early days yet. Might need to see if there is any serious movement in the coming day or two.

Maybe, just maybe, the SC community is getting cheesed off with these sales.
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