Star Citizen Thread v6

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PraiseBeToIdiots• 7h
At first I was thinking you meant orbits but then I remembered... no orbital mechanics :/

I don't see why it would matter for ships. The attitude thrusters are so laughably overpowered as-is they could probably take off vertically from the surface of a neutron star without difficulty.

As an aside, I was super disappointed to learn that orbits weren't going to be a thing, and I think the game gave up a great opportunity to break through the space game cliches with it.

So when was this announced/discussed I wonder? Most likely a fleeting comment by a dev on spectrum where it's only preserved if you screen shot it.
Even if you go for a full refund to the point you have your account closed....can't you simply re-open your account or a new one when and if the game is released in full? Are they simply wanting to have a minimum to keep their account open so they can keep their reserved forum name or is it some deeper reason?
Even if you go for a full refund to the point you have your account closed....can't you simply re-open your account or a new one when and if the game is released in full? Are they simply wanting to have a minimum to keep their account open so they can keep their reserved forum name or is it some deeper reason?

Possibly refund all the stuff that was cold, hard cash and keep the account for all the stuff that has been transferred / gifted / melted, etc and can't be refunded to them directly? I think that is an issue for folks who have bought on the grey market. If the close the account, they lose the lot?
Possibly refund all the stuff that was cold, hard cash and keep the account for all the stuff that has been transferred / gifted / melted, etc and can't be refunded to them directly? I think that is an issue for folks who have bought on the grey market. If the close the account, they lose the lot?

It could just be the realization that any more than $60 is a bit daft for a game.
Even if you go for a full refund to the point you have your account closed....can't you simply re-open your account or a new one when and if the game is released in full? Are they simply wanting to have a minimum to keep their account open so they can keep their reserved forum name or is it some deeper reason?

i would guess it would be to keep S42 and all the other goodies that the very early KSers got at a fairly low level on investment.

its fair enough imo.. (and respect to CIG for doing it - unless there is some legal reason forcing the issue)

It could just be the realization that any more than $60 is a bit daft for a game.

really this depends...

Some people are happy to pay more (much more) if it is to support something being made, its more about helping make a game they want to play rather than actually expecting objective value for money. However these same people MAY feel that CIG have changed the product so much from the one they backed, and are so behind the schedule that was laid out when they backed thanks to the nuts feature creep which came with massive backing.... or maybe they just wanted the game as 1st laid out in KSer with no interest in all the fluff that came with increased money...

that they now feel CIG only deserve the support and the money that they would give for just any other $60 game.
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its fair enough imo.. (and respect to CIG for doing it - unless there is some legal reason forcing the issue)


If you buy a can of beans and a loaf of bread from a shop, and then return the bread because it has gone stale, you aren't obliged to hand the beans back too. Same principle applies...
really this depends...

Some people are happy to pay more (much more) if it is to support something being made, its more about helping make a game they want to play rather than actually expecting objective value for money. However these same people MAY feel that CIG have changed the product so much from the one they backed, and are so behind the schedule that was laid out when they backed thanks to the nuts feature creep which came with massive backing.... or maybe they just wanted the game as 1st laid out in KSer with no interest in all the fluff that came with increased money...

that they now feel CIG only deserve the support and the money that they would give for just any other $60 game.

Yep I agree, my post was a lazy one and went into no detail at all. The later it gets, the more things get dropped and the more CIG talk of an MVP the harder it becomes for backers to justify talking it up as something unique and superior. Once it loses that glamour it becomes just another game and deserves no special financial status.
... And there will be magical artificial 1g gravity all over the place for the sake of Holywood cinematicness.

Or else this will be a perfect excuse for Roberts to head back into the motion capture studio (again) and "refactor" all of the character animations.
So when was this announced/discussed I wonder? Most likely a fleeting comment by a dev on spectrum where it's only preserved if you screen shot it.

To be fair, orbital mechanics are only such a big deal today because fuel is heavy and inefficient so we look to conserve as much fuel as possible. They are not more inherently realistic, unless talking about the slingshot effect where space ships can use gravitational potential from massive bodies to boost their speed. Proper fusion engines could one day remove the need for any of it :). We would have to be excessively wasteful to get the ludicrous accelerations seen in SC though!
It could just be the realization that any more than $60 is a bit daft for a game.

Thousands of people paid far more than that for E:D Kickstarter... Or any number of games with Special Editions, etc.

I'm willing to bet $60 isn't even the average now for new releases with all the various add-ons they are available with. Look at EA's line up, or Activision...
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Thousands of people paid far more than that for E:D Kickstarter... Or any number of games with Special Editions, etc.

I'm willing to bet $60 isn't even the average now for new releases with all the various add-ons they are available with. Look at EA's line up, or Activision...
For example, my ED kickstarter tab ended up at around $2000... I had to pay more than $60 for the currency conversion fee :p! However:
-- The game was not funded at the time
-- I had been enjoying the company's games for more than 20 years, and considered it more of a thank you than going into a new game. After all I got a 16.5 year career in astrophysics out of it (earning rather more than $2000 :p)

By contrast, I signed up for a SC alpha package for $45. I liked the old Wing Commanders quite a bit, and fancied a follow up. I might have coughed up a bit more if funding was uncertain, but it's fair to say I had at least 40 times as much confidence in FD than I did in CIG. Heh, since I no longer have the bank account I bought my SC pledge with, I doubt I could get a refund if I tried, but in any case I am still curious enough that I wouldn't refund anyway.
To be fair, orbital mechanics are only such a big deal today because fuel is heavy and inefficient so we look to conserve as much fuel as possible. They are not more inherently realistic, unless talking about the slingshot effect where space ships can use gravitational potential from massive bodies to boost their speed. Proper fusion engines could one day remove the need for any of it :). We would have to be excessively wasteful to get the ludicrous accelerations seen in SC though!

Well.... other than the fun factor which not everyone agrees with me on, I also expected it to solve the issue of the q-drive only going in a straight line. What would the option be right now? Q-drive to the planet and stop. Angle away from the planet, q-drive past it and stop, face the planet, q-drive to the planet and descend. Wow! That's clunky. Some high-speed orbital flight sure would be nice. Of course they might have solved all this in a different way but how? Cutscene?
Thousands of people paid far more than that for E:D Kickstarter... Or any number of games with Special Editions, etc.

I'm willing to bet $60 isn't even the average now for new releases with all the various add-ons they are available with. Look at EA's line up, or Activision...

I spent more than that on ED have never regretted it and intend to spend more, however before I bought in the demo really impressed me and I knew they'd nailed the flight model so it was a sure bet with a solid foundation.

The other game dev's EA and Acvtivision tend to produce (along with FDEV) triple A games, so you could argue that they can be worth extra money I suppose if you really like whatever the specific game is. But CIG's now aiming for an MVP, they 're not really in the running for triple A status anymore.
For example, my ED kickstarter tab ended up at around $2000... I had to pay more than $60 for the currency conversion fee :p! However:
-- The game was not funded at the time
-- I had been enjoying the company's games for more than 20 years, and considered it more of a thank you than going into a new game. After all I got a 16.5 year career in astrophysics out of it (earning rather more than $2000 :p)

By contrast, I signed up for a SC alpha package for $45. I liked the old Wing Commanders quite a bit, and fancied a follow up. I might have coughed up a bit more if funding was uncertain, but it's fair to say I had at least 40 times as much confidence in FD than I did in CIG. Heh, since I no longer have the bank account I bought my SC pledge with, I doubt I could get a refund if I tried, but in any case I am still curious enough that I wouldn't refund anyway.

They do refunds through paypale, so you could get one if you asked.
The other game dev's EA and Acvtivision tend to produce (along with FDEV) triple A games, so you could argue that they can be worth extra money I suppose if you really like whatever the specific game is. But CIG's now aiming for an MVP, they 're not really in the running for triple A status anymore.

Like ME:A and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare? Both of which people claimed were SC and even E:D killers... and we know how well those went. Sure they may have sold numbers, but were total stinkers of games.
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Like ME:A and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare? Both of which people claimed were SC and even E:D killers... and we know how well those went. Sure they may have sold numbers, but were total stinkers of games.

Squadron 42 killer... But you're right: one can't kill what's unborn :)

They're far from perfect, but they're released.
Like ME:A and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare? Both of which people claimed were SC and even E:D killers... and we know how well those went. Sure they may have sold numbers, but were total stinkers of games.

COD:IW wasn't a stinker, it just wasn't as good as MW4, one of the best games in the series, also the COD fanbase wanted a different kind of shooter. From what I've heard ME:A is quite bad, but judging by the recently released article it suffered from development troubles eerily similar to those plaguing SC.
I spent more than that on ED have never regretted it and intend to spend more, however before I bought in the demo really impressed me and I knew they'd nailed the flight model so it was a sure bet with a solid foundation.

The other game dev's EA and Acvtivision tend to produce (along with FDEV) triple A games, so you could argue that they can be worth extra money I suppose if you really like whatever the specific game is. But CIG's now aiming for an MVP, they 're not really in the running for triple A status anymore.

Pretty sure CIG's version of MVP would still qualify as AAA. If they manage to polish up and stabilize the mechanics that are already in the playable alphas now, they can build out maps and missions and it would still be a AAA product. SC certainly doesn't need more features to qualify as AAA; what it needs is content and structure.
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