Starlight tints background skybox - Lighting issues

I really hope that this graphic filter can be (or will be able) switched off at least with using personalised graphic profille. I also hope that this thing will be adressed MUCH faster as it was with that fiasco with anaconda cockpit which lasted for months :( (now it "only" affects everything included ship HUDs). I so wish enjoy new game content, but ...
I don't like it either. Hope they fix this.

If the entire justification for this is gonna be "lol it's A GAME it's for mood/not supposed to be realistic/it's about artistic expression/etc", then I would hope they could come up with something more creative, artistic, and expressive than "red star makes the game red, blue star makes the game blue". How about tying it to system states, or security level, or something meaningful like that? Anarchy could be red, high security could be a soothing cool blue. Capital systems could be purple. Or something.

Or better yet just fix the problem and stop making ad-hoc excuses for it.
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FD have worked their thrusters off making Stellar Forge generate a realistic galaxy. They put in the hours to edit it to match this one we're living in so thoroughly that when you go outside at night and look up just about everything you see is somewhere you can go in the game. You can start at Sol and see real constellations, then watch those constellations shift as you travel further away and your viewpoint moves.

To date their departures from realism for "gameplay reasons" have been carefully limited - things like punching up the intensity and density of nebulae, for example - staying the right side of the line to keep the ED galaxy still our milky way.

This doesn't merely cross that line it tears up that realism and wipes its backside with the shreds. Which I suppose is appropriate because it looks like crap too.
FD have worked their thrusters off making Stellar Forge generate a realistic galaxy. They put in the hours to edit it to match this one we're living in so thoroughly that when you go outside at night and look up just about everything you see is somewhere you can go in the game. You can start at Sol and see real constellations, then watch those constellations shift as you travel further away and your viewpoint moves.

To date their departures from realism for "gameplay reasons" have been carefully limited - things like punching up the intensity and density of nebulae, for example - staying the right side of the line to keep the ED galaxy still our milky way.

This doesn't merely cross that line it tears up that realism and wipes its backside with the shreds. Which I suppose is appropriate because it looks like crap too.

I like it, it makes the systems have a different feel. Entirely subjective though.
I like it, it makes the systems have a different feel. Entirely subjective though.

Subjectively it's perfectly ok to like it. It's even possible to not like it while agreeing that the goal of making systems "feel different" is a good one.

That doesn't make it objectively "right" in any way though. Unlike the volumetric lighting improvements, the rendering of haze inside stations and the generation of dust clouds blowing up asteroids, which are objectively additional realism, unlike the improved light levels (or lack thereof) on the dark side of planets.

Viewing it as "art", the subjective wins, obviously. But viewing it as a representation of this galaxy, one of the things that sets ED apart from every other space game out there, the silly color-wash shouldn't be there no matter how subjectively appealing some folks find it.
Another vote for fixing.

However I suspect just omitting the background stars and milky way might be easier said than done. But that is the case, I would gather go back to how it was. I'm not overly keen on the colour and lighting changes.
Subjectively it's perfectly ok to like it. It's even possible to not like it while agreeing that the goal of making systems "feel different" is a good one.

That doesn't make it objectively "right" in any way though. Unlike the volumetric lighting improvements, the rendering of haze inside stations and the generation of dust clouds blowing up asteroids, which are objectively additional realism, unlike the improved light levels (or lack thereof) on the dark side of planets.

Viewing it as "art", the subjective wins, obviously. But viewing it as a representation of this galaxy, one of the things that sets ED apart from every other space game out there, the silly color-wash shouldn't be there no matter how subjectively appealing some folks find it.

Maybe a toggle for it in options, I'm all for keeping it. The realistic galaxy is a wonderful thing, but mostly for the sheer scale I'm fine with a bit of colour variation.
Ah crap, once seen....this cannot be unseen.
Hope they can fix it.

It's like with the beige planets.

Particles within the system you are at will refract the light coming from the systems main light source and be responsible for the sun glass effect shown.
At day time our sky is blue and black at night. At noon our sun is yellow/white, at dawn orange/red, same thing.
You'd be surprised how thin the atmosphere in space is. Like practically none-existent. I think that's why they call it hard vacuum.
Jokes aside, there's simply not enough material to refract light, yet alone tint the galactic background when you're between it and the local star. If there was , you probably wouldn't be able to see any stars on the galactic plane, for the same reason that you can only see objects above a certain magnitude in the day time sky (i.e. the moon, Venus).

This would make kind of sense if the system you're in had stellar rememants (dust clouds/nebula) which are dense enough to refract light, but even those are so spread out that you only notice the effect at a distance.
its no lighting issue in the first place

its a color filter applied to the whole scene.

thats the difference between turning a light blue, or looking through blue tinted glasses.

makes me really wonder WHY they did it that way. is there something special about the light emitted from stars in the game engine that doesn't allow them to change color?
i see colored weapon FX casting colored lights on ships, dynamically. but the single main light source can't do that?
do they have to resort to post processing colorization of the whole screen because they have too bright white light baked into the interiour textures of the krait and anaconda?
I guess people who find this acceptable

Also had no problem with the "augmented" colors vision in Deus Ex HR

More varied? Yeah, sure - it's the equivalent of painting your room red or green, only that your room is space and supposed to be inifinite. This is immersion breaking as heck for me - or anyone who has a basic understanding of physics.
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I complained about this during the beta and I still think it looks terrible. It's by far the worst thing about 3.3 to me.

Elite strives to put "realism" above fantasy. It has tried to recreate the Milky Way authentically from day one in as believable a manner as possible. Dr. Ross at Frontier has put in a lot of work to make it that way, but this lighting gradient change affecting the color of the entire Milky Way in the background completely undermines that aspiration.

It's much more No Man's Sky than Elite Dangerous, and I'd love to see Frontier fix it as soon as they can. Almost every screenshot I take with the Milky Way in the background now just pains me.
I want my sky to look like this:


Just because everyone has their red and green Christmas lights decorating their houses this time of year, the night sky has not shifted to red and green. And to all you "it's just a game" people, go stick your head in a toilet, since you like ED's "brown" galaxy so much :p

ps - has anyone else noticed that there seems to be less actual stars visible in the sky since the update? I don't know if this is a PS4 thing, or a color is hiding the stars thing, or what, but my sky is depressing empty since 3.3 dropped....
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I mean look at this - where is the additional color even supposed to come from? The star is behind my ship - there is simply no way for any light from that star to shine into the cockpit. Even if it was somehow reflected of the geometry on the sides or in front of the bridge (which is apparently so little that you can't see the light being reflected) able to overpower the internal cockpit lighting?
I guess people who find this acceptable

Also had no problem with the "augmented" colors vision in Deus Ex HR

More varied? Yeah, sure - it's the equivalent of painting your room red or green, only that your room is space and supposed to be inifinite. This is immersion breaking as heck for me - or anyone who has a basic understanding of physics.

Its a video game with spaceships in it and lasers that stop at 3km. Now it looks and feels nicer, don't worry about it.
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