State of the Game

another day another missed opportunity to address the community honestly

When the only honest answer is that you are screwing up your job just shut up and let time do it's thing and hope jwe2 does better than you had planned a couple months ago.

company's only admit to stuff like that if they're legally obligated to. And even then, they will blame a past version of themselves that they aren't anymore because that's the past and now is now and past them is not now them.

Hashtag gmdeflectedblameafterkillingpeopletosaveanickelsowhywouldfdevadmitanythingbecausenerdsareupsetaboutagrindygamewithminimalcontentbeingslightlymoredisappointing
nobody could have predicted this ...except everyone.

It's hard to have any faith when you're 35k ly from populated systems and the only thing you have to look forward to for the foreseeable future is more of the same game content that made watching loading screens and pointless empty systems more entertaining than the bubble activities because a FPS wasn't what space legs on planetary surfaces was supposed to be for (not only).
Morning, this thread seems to be dangerously on topic
Did you make a ticket about it ? That's not the normal experience, and I'm a bit concerned you had to go through it.

Anyway, cat meme.
Taco tuesday cat :

Meow, but in mexican.
I played a few, actually.

Blasphemous (nutty Metroidvania), Horace (rock hard and amazing platformer) and Airships, Conquer the Skies (2D Minecraft steampunk airship battles).

Not to mention Rebel Galaxy Outlaw and some other randos.
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