State of the Game

just found this...

The thread has slowed a little I'm afraid Suzie, but it is still as bonkers as you have come to love.

Things went a bit nuts yesterday between FD CMs and the keyboard warriors in some threads though, kinda beyond reasonable criticism, and they had to do something about it. I'm critical of them, but people were being abusive and making personal insults to members of the CM team, beyond jokes, so I don't blame them really.

I don't know what has been added to the unwritable list, but we have found that you can write embuggered which is fantastic.
Wit Woo!😊

Sounds like there has been quite a bun fight going on! I'll have to go find! Any hints as to which threads are the juiciest?
The thread has slowed a little I'm afraid Suzie, but it is still as bonkers as you have come to love.

Things went a bit nuts yesterday between FD CMs and the keyboard warriors in some threads though, kinda beyond reasonable criticism, and they had to do something about it. I'm critical of them, but people were being abusive and making personal insults to members of the CM team, beyond jokes, so I don't blame them really.

I don't know what has been added to the unwritable list, but we have found that you can write embuggered which is fantastic.
Btw, would the particular criticisms be pointed at AT and about the much lampooned Armstrong Moment?

Frankly, FDoodleDum brought this upon themselves!
Good morning Thread.
Another day, more coffee, breakfast soon. And a few really nasty things to deal with today.

Also saw this and felt it belongs here:
Hope the nastiness can be navigated quickly and smoothly. Enjoy the brew. I need to get one on too.

Ahhhh Jimi. My ex boss was working stage side at his final IoW gig, but he at least had been smart enough to clear his debts with Jabbah. He sent Mr T. That stopped all Jabbah's jibba.
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How is our favourite thread doing?

Are you all being good pandas and bears here?

I've been dipping into SC... 😜
It's pretty awesome (bugs aside)

I wonder if Cloud Imperium (aka CR) will make more money out of Odyssey than will LoL 😂

WHAT! They banned using the F(not hearing) varient of FD? Really...???

Good God that's petty of them!

I signed up today. On

I couldn’t, for some reason, actually do the credit card bit.

Not because of some odd allegiance to Elite, I already have x4, NMS, etc…

There’s just… something about it.

“the first taste is free… just try it.…”
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