State of the Game

Tomorrow (well, technically today as it's 00:40) is going to be 27C, and Sunday is going to be 26C. Then the rest of the week is going to be 23-25C, until the weekend during which it will be thunderstorms for about 3 days straight. It's all of my least favourite weather condensed into nine or so days. Woo.
I am getting married [edit] again next week. Weather app says it's meant to be a proper thunderstorm!
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Kaboom!!!
3 cats

funky - Copy.jpg
Tomorrow (well, technically today as it's 00:40) is going to be 27C, and Sunday is going to be 26C. Then the rest of the week is going to be 23-25C, until the weekend during which it will be thunderstorms for about 3 days straight. It's all of my least favourite weather condensed into nine or so days. Woo.

It's gonna be awesome weather over here. Beach fun. and it basically never thunderstorms. like i can count on my one hand how many times i've heard thunder living here for the past 7 years. Sun bathing this weekend followed by evening walks/exercise every day.

Just gotta deal with the incredibly high cost of living and air that is slowly killing you with cancer food. All in all, the general consensus is, worth it.

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