I bet that this thread is the favorite in dev's circles,
Sally was just the first one brave enough to "leave the dark corner of lurkers".
Its possible that @sallymorganmoore drew the short straw, and had to come talk to us lunatics as a penance...
Maybe she committed a heinous crime, like putting no sugar on Lord Brebus' cornflakes at his midmorning breakfast cereal munchie time?
(Be grateful Sally, this was the least unpleasant I could imagine!)
Ermahghadwhat? Whats going on?
Phil Mitchell is the only person I've ever known to only speak when wheezing - I've never seen him talk without a heavy exhalation of breath.
Brilliant. Now that Sally's found us, we're going to cop the blame when update 7 isn't up to snuff because now the devs will be spending their days coming up with new cat memes.
But surely we can still blame TJ - he comes here when he's drunk, so probably tomorrow night...!