State of the Game

wait why are you actually talking about the state of the game in here!!!!!! mOds MODS!!!!!!!
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.
Stiick with it my guy.. at no time henceforth have Fdev been under as much pressure since it's inception to get things right, this is day one of a new patch.. It is bad, I'm not gonna say it isn't.. it's pretty bloomin horrifying.. but I think they are gonna get it sorted eventuallly.
The fact they already said well in advance the "main optimisations" will only start with U8 suggests they are re-writing large parts of it completely. In the meantime we get easier fixes and patches.

Hey Ian, good to see you in the adult section of the forum old chap ;)

Its gotten that bad. We have all been there, looking for chocolate that is slightly better for us and spying CAROB! YAY! SCIENCE. We buy it, unwrap it excitedly and take a bite- but instead of smooth creamy chocolate we get chewy wax that is like eating a candle.

I know dhuuuuooom is out of fashion but I was kind of hoping we would turn a corner and put all that wonky awfulness behind us all. But its all brown wax.

Your description of a carob bar is so accurate, that I think you have brought back childhood trauma from when I couldn't eat chocolate due to dairy allergies. Fortunately I have largely grown out of it, but I am hurt by your post you villainous scallywag...

Stop giving me hope :D But its going to take some form of miracle to bring EDO to EDH levels of performance.

Maybe if FD cut to an 80s montage the game will be sorted out?


But what music? I had "don't stop believing" by Boston in mind on seeing that, but ya know...

My fps is worse with patch 7. \o/
…servers, stressed. Try again tomorrow…


Hey Flimley, good to see you buddy :)

Responding to @PRORABBIT67 most recent post above...

I just had an awful thought.

What if we're really in an episode of (1970's) Doctor Who and __ ____ is just another one of the master's disguises; and his evil plan is to suck all of the hope out of the galaxy and sell it to some cheezy aliens for a hefty profit.

I think we are exactly that, just without the doctor who bit!

Perhaps exploring the new void:

Ender created that void using only his sense of self importance and superiority, and is defending it against gravity, by using the power of his morbid outlook on life and the game!
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.

It comes to something to see you write this mate, and I'm in no way being critical of you or mocking. I just think it's interesting that you feel this way, despite how much you have enjoyed edo so far. Says something very strongly I think. Sorry mate.

@Pigletslastand hey buddy, how's it going, updates aside? Hope you're well bud :)
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.
Just a point to note that Fleet Carrier jumps were broken (intermittently) before update 7.
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.
WOW! Those ARE some strong words coming from you.
It comes to something to see you write this mate, and I'm in no way being critical of you or mocking. I just think it's interesting that you feel this way, despite how much you have enjoyed edo so far. Says something very strongly I think. Sorry mate.

@Pigletslastand hey buddy, how's it going, updates aside? Hope you're well bud :)
Yeah good thanks.. I like that this place is our "Speak easy"

just tryna get my head around the absolute mess that is Odyssey right now tbh. Gonna wait till tomorrow and see what they patch.
My net worth is only about 2B CR at this point. Nowhere near enough for an FC, so my imagination is explicably faltering... ;)
I consign myself to being ever FC free... sigh...

And I console myself with such visions as this:

I envision this as Ender coming for your soul!


The Void is not as empty as one might think... but fly carefully among the singing Molluscs


Sights such as these are my consolation!
Stiick with it my guy..
It is just getting very annoying - with more breaking all of the time!

And how could they justify this:


As acceptable - money was spent (along with many skins) to make things fun...

I don't know what is happening at Frontier, but Odyssey appears to be defeating them (even the laid-back me is getting cynical) - perhaps they are rewriting the render engine, I'll keep my fingers crossed - but whatever they included in this patch has, once more, made performance (among other things) worse.

I hope a hat is pulled from the rabbit very quickly - it is getting tedious.
It is just getting very annoying - with more breaking all of the time!

And how could they justify this:
View attachment 263958

View attachment 263959
As acceptable - money was spent (along with many skins) to make things fun...

I don't know what is happening at Frontier, but Odyssey appears to be defeating them (even the laid-back me is getting cynical) - perhaps they are rewriting the render engine, I'll keep my fingers crossed - but whatever they included in this patch has, once more, made performance (among other things) worse.

I hope a hat is pulled from the rabbit very quickly - it is getting tedious.
tell me that second pic isn't the 'new and improved' Odyssey graphics that are melting out GPU's right??
I honestly didn't want to.. but i lost my composure and fired off at Sally recently over the latest delay.. It's not like me but it was a result of the utter frustration with this game.. I've had to walk away from it a bit because it's just not fun in the mess that it's in.

I like Sally, I appreciate she is a godsend and the best of them and putting in a hurculean effort against the tide of bad feeling but sometimes it gets even too much for me to bite my tongue so I feel you.
Not often I would consider doing so, but consider it fairer to type here than in a place where it could upset all of the good work done by Sally with the community - including your own good efforts my 'piggy' friend!

So, getting on for 4 months after release, the game is more broken than ever before. Today's QoL patch for Horizons has also broken the timer on FCs jump and they admit to not knowing what broke it!
Don't get me wrong, I think Odyssey has given a lot to the game in play, but is so broken today that I feel they should just refund, withdraw and reissue once it is working as intended.
Arrggg! I forgot to read the Horizons QOL patch notes thread. Doh! (eh, maybe tomorrow, or after I get home from work)
I like Sally, I appreciate she is a godsend and the best of them and putting in a hurculean effort against the tide of bad feeling but sometimes it gets even too much for me to bite my tongue so I feel you.
There was good rapport between the 2 of you - she is a joy to communicate with, for sure!
I watched the event, from the sidelines, and didn't feel you were out of place.
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