State of the Game

I think this episode when a RR went vertical

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Yeah - they did that deliberately - imagine a Robin Reliant up there in space alongside a Tesla... Nah Mate.

Full metal BACON!

I never finished Far Cry 5, I got bored 🤷‍♂️
(same as with Cyberpunk 2077 - never bothered finishing that one either)
same, but less because it was boring, but because of too much to do of the same kind and it starts feeling like an endless chore - the same problem like in assassin's creed origins and ac odyssey - it is all nice and fun, but it is at a certain point always the same and provides neither a challenge nor something new anymore.

In the far cry series are just 2 I really enjoyed - farcry 2 and primal - 2 because it is not really a hero's game, you get over time that you are just a quite useless agent on a mission, which cannot be completed and on top of it you have these malaria issues, which are getting worse - well, and having all the tools in game and not on a hud was nice as well Having to fight with weapons, which are sometimes broken or failing added some flavor as well. Primal I liked because it was so different from the normal formula of farcry - it was a quite interesting experience with the hud switched off. The craziness of the people in primal added some very special moments, I enjoyed that game a lot.. well, and without hud and subtitles the pseudo-prehistoric language in the game was a real challenge as well - what do these people want from you, it was guess work this way.

well, I cheated in farcry primal, making use of math and knowledge these people didn't have, in order to navigate without a hud and when landmarks were too similar to be used. And I used the map feature sometimes as well - which is as well kind of a cheat, because these people certainly didn't create maps.
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If you know of a better use for passengers let me know :D
I only do passenger missions as an act of war these days... Stacking passenger missions can be done even when a faction is hostile to you - which is useful if it is the controlling faction as they will shoot at your ship on the pad... Nervous passengers bail at that time, the rest normally eject when joining a conflict zone...
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