State of the Game

Edit - serious question, is that a movie? I've not seen any trailers yet.

It's the latest Roland Emmerich movie. You might remember him from classics like Independence Day, The day after Tomorrow, 2012, Godzilla (1998), Stargate and many many other tepid movies.

He recently criticised the marvel movie franchise for being predictable which while true is funny coming from a bloke who's been remaking the same movies for 30+ years.
It's the latest Roland Emmerich movie. You might remember him from classics like Independence Day, The day after Tomorrow, 2012, Godzilla (1998), Stargate and many many other tepid movies.

He recently criticised the marvel movie franchise for being predictable which while true is funny coming from a bloke who's been remaking the same movies for 30+ years.
The trailer looks like he's rolled at least 2 reruns into his 'new' movie... I don't think I'll be queuing for the premiere...
i haven't queued for a premier movie in over 2 years. stream everything (free or otherwise). theaters are dead.

it's not a movie i'd pay money for...but it's probably watchable
I read the book about two decades ago. It was a decent sci-fi novel about a comet that smashes into the moon, unleashing a rain of destruction upon the earth. I am not surprised that one-trick-pony Emmerich would glom onto it. Sadly, in better hands, this could be a good movie. But with Emmerich at the helm, this is going to be just another throwaway flick where the majority of the budget and effort is going into the CGI. Such movies don't even really need a director....

EDIT: Figures. The premise of the original novel was too brainy for Emmerich. It looks like he turned it into a Transformers movie based on that trailer.
I read the book about two decades ago. It was a decent sci-fi novel about a comet that smashes into the moon, unleashing a rain of destruction upon the earth. I am not surprised that one-trick-pony Emmerich would glom onto it. Sadly, in better hands, this could be a good movie. But with Emmerich at the helm, this is going to be just another throwaway flick where the majority of the budget and effort is going into the CGI. Such movies don't even really need a director....

sounds like the only commonality is that it's got the moon involved.

this movie seems to be about the moon being a hollow space ship/station ...inhabited by some nanite life form. And it's intent on taking out the earth by moving the moon to the earth so it can more easily consume everything i guess - due to our meddling with it in the space race.
sounds like the only commonality is that it's got the moon involved.

this movie seems to be about the moon being a hollow space ship/station ...inhabited by some nanite life form. And it's intent on taking out the earth by moving the moon to the earth so it can more easily consume everything i guess - due to our meddling with it in the space race.
Yeah, it looks like Emmerich read McDevitt's novel and did a wholesale rewrite either to avoid licensing issues or because it wasn't action-y enough for him. The novel was a more sedate day-by-day account of the moon's eventual destruction, and how a wide cast of characters deal with this impending doom. I think Emmerich pulled a typical Hollywood of ripping the cover off the novel and handing it to his CGI guy to make a movie about the cover art. 😄
Yeah, it looks like Emmerich read McDevitt's novel and did a wholesale rewrite either to avoid licensing issues or because it wasn't action-y enough for him. The novel was a more sedate day-by-day account of the moon's eventual destruction, and how a wide cast of characters deal with this impending doom. I think Emmerich pulled a typical Hollywood of ripping the cover off the novel and handing it to his CGI guy to make a movie about the cover art. 😄

to be fair, the percentage of books where the covers imply something better than what you'll actually read inside is probably in favor of the cover.
It's the latest Roland Emmerich movie. You might remember him from classics like Independence Day, The day after Tomorrow, 2012, Godzilla (1998), Stargate and many many other tepid movies.

He recently criticised the marvel movie franchise for being predictable which while true is funny coming from a bloke who's been remaking the same movies for 30+ years.

Ah, that flanger. There was a rubbish movie on the other night with the same premise with Billy Baldwin in it, I think geostorm? You know it'll be crap with Billy in it.

is court ordered volunteer work considered a job though?

If I get paid, yes.

Granted that stealing is a dubious form of payment, but it all counts.
I'm not sure Emmerich had even heard about the book. There's no credit to McDevitt, and the story looks completely different.
It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it. Same title, same premise, just with a wacky alien angle tacked on... Sounds like a Hollywood smash and grab. It happens all the time. Even though James Cameron said he got the idea for Terminator from a dream he had, he ultimately had an out-of-court settlement with Harlan Ellison who accused him of using his work without attribution.
how is it the same premise? in one a comet destroys the moon which sends sharpnel to the earth and i assume the rest of the book is all about relationships and coming to terms with their guaranteed demise.

This movie masterpiece has the moon as a space ship ...being driven into the earth to consume it with what appears to be nanite robo aliens and the mission from earth to try and stop it before it's finished the job by travelling into the moon.

That's like saying The Titanic has the same premise as cast away because people died in the ocean in both movies.
It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it. Same title, same premise, just with a wacky alien angle tacked on... Sounds like a Hollywood smash and grab. It happens all the time. Even though James Cameron said he got the idea for Terminator from a dream he had, he ultimately had an out-of-court settlement with Harlan Ellison who accused him of using his work without attribution.

Stick around this thread long enough and you get used to Enders pedantic nature.

Or you'll mute him.
The terminator thing was literally based around the opening scene of the movie. Nothing else is remotely like harlan's story. The studio didn't want to fight it because that opening scene was basically copied from the outer limits episode in question. The rest of the movie and plot though, no. It wasn't worth the effort in court though.

That was a movie ripping off a tv show scene.. it had 0 to do with stealing book plots and not attributing it.
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