State of the Game

Choosing the least among us to lead us is hardly unique.
That's sort of like developing computer games isn't it. Lowest common denominator and all that?


A "modern" victorian style living room looks more like this - it doesn't have lots of furniture on walls - walls are for art or other decorative items - the center piece is the couch set and if there is a lovely fireplace as well, it is all what you need in that room - to put more into it or even a tv set would just ruin the look and feel of that room.

well, I say living room, the official term is parlor - in larger homes there is a parlor for the family and a formal parlor for when you have guests around. It is often the largest room in the house, we put our snooker table into the former formal parlor, because it is the only room in that house, where the room still looks comfortably spacey with this "monster" table in it.
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we don't have a tv set - why would we?- there is internet and every movie available on demand, documentaries en masse and I'm not fond of most of the shows presented on tv anyway. So we don't have to place a tv set - those living rooms and parlors are just for relaxation and eventually having guests around. Most of the time I'm in my study and my PCs are where I'm watching videos, movies or news from around the world, youtube, documentaries and what not. A TV set cannot offer me what a PC and internet have to offer, and tv is passive - I want to be active doing these things - not to talk about the many ads in tv, which are stealing your time, whereas on PC I can be free of ads.
Ender is American, how would he know what to do without ads? He'd just wake up and sit staring at the space on his wall where the TV used to be until he starved to death, or social services came to collect him.
it's weird you think a TV is different from a large computer monitor that displays the videos streamed from the internet if that's how you want to do it. not sure why you would limit your idea of a TV to something circa y2k
it's weird you think a TV is different from a large computer monitor that displays the videos streamed from the internet if that's how you want to do it. not sure why you would limit your idea of a TV to something circa y2k
A tv set does not belong into a victorian parlor - that was what I wanted to get through to you - a parlor is as well not cluttered with all kind of unnecessary furniture on walls - a parlor is for conversation and having tea and biscuits, not to stare into a tv set - that is why it is called a parlor.
A tv set does not belong into a victorian parlor - that was what I wanted to get through to you - a parlor is as well not cluttered with all kind of unnecessary furniture on walls - a parlor is for conversation and having tea and biscuits, not to stare into a tv set - that is why it is called a parlor.

that's an odd way to waste space in a house. but you do you
I don't wanna surf the net on my television for the same reason I don't want to urinate into my dishwasher

i wouldn't really care to hook a keyboard up to a huge monitor feet away from me either. but that's why they have purpose built interfaces to such screens to facilitate the display of video and audio media... from all types of sources.
The purpose of a parlor is that people living in that house meet and have a chat with each other or even a serious conversation - if there is a tv set, they are likely to use it and the whole purpose of having a room, where one can have this chat and interact with each other would be lost. That nothing distracting is in the room leads to people talking with each other - and that is important, people tend to not talk with each other enough and that lets so many relationships get sour over time. Having a time and place to do that, like tea time in the parlor, is beneficial for a relationship - a tv set in that room would be counter-productive.
that sounds like a place you put someone in time out to punish them so they can't watch their favourite show or charge their phone.
nah, it is like I said the time and place to interact with each other, have a chat about things which happened or which are interesting to talk about - it is not the time to do something else and smart phones are not allowed in the room as well - it is the time to interact with each other, not with devices. Just look at people and how they behave in public nowadays, having their smart phones glued to their hand and staring into it, unable to interact with others - they are busy with their devices. This has to be avoided, to actually have a chat and interact with each other - anything distracting from it is counter-productive to the whole purpose - namely to have an interaction among the people living in the house, getting to know what they are currently about, what drives their fancy or whatever they want to talk about - it is actually paying attention to the other person, without to charge your phone or any of these activities - it is the time and place to chat in a relaxed way while having tea and biscuits or scones and interact with each other.
You can put whatever you want in the rooms of your domicile, except in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey, because it's impossible to move objects, unless they are debris from something you blew up, or have explicitly been labeled as inventory items and precisely match slots in your suit.

So, you can have a TV in your parlor, but it only accesses station information services or turns off your sprinkler turrets. There are also no scone or biscuit slots, so you couldn't do anything with that plate of them, even if the plate wasn't an immovable and indestructible object. All you can do is go over to the cabinet and steal gyroscopes, optics, and spools of wire to sell to a bartender that won't sell you drinks.

On the plus side, fire safety isn't an issue, because fires can only be put out, not started.
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