State of the Game

I just got rid of my spawn until Sunday so I can settle down after dinner and binge it until I fall asleep at 4am.
Last day of school today for mine. Have to pick her up at noon.

And then attempt to work while a six year old girl comes into me every 15 minutes saying "Dad, I'm BOOOORED!" and not appreciating the perfectly reasonable "Hi bored, I'm Dad!" reply until the wife gets home at half six, at which point I'm being unleashed into the ether to consume copious amounts of over-strength and over-priced ale.
Last day of school today for mine. Have to pick her up at noon.

And then attempt to work while a six year old girl comes into me every 15 minutes saying "Dad, I'm BOOOORED!" and not appreciating the perfectly reasonable "Hi bored, I'm Dad!" reply until the wife gets home at half six, at which point I'm being unleashed into the ether to consume copious amounts of over-strength and over-priced ale.

My boy is 14 so I rarely see him when he's with me and only surfaces when he wants money or food.
mars has organic molecules, tons of water underground in places where it's not always frozen.

venus has liquid water and a hospitable environment high in it's clouds.

Which will we find life in first?
My bet is neither (although Enceladus is another story), but guarantee if we do the usual console commandos will post about it complaining that society has time to find extraterrestrial life but not get Odyssey going on their PS4.
My boy is 14 so I rarely see him when he's with me and only surfaces when he wants money or food.
I'll have that soon enough. Yesterday she was being an almighty pain in the hole and I told her to knock it off, and she's playing with fire being this naughty the week before Christmas with Santa watching. The response was her stamping her foot, hands on hips, looks me square in the eye and goes “I don’t care. I don’t even want anything. I just want a LIFE!”

She's SIX.

I am utterly bollixed in a few more years...
I'll have that soon enough. Yesterday she was being an almighty pain in the hole and I told her to knock it off, and she's playing with fire being this naughty the week before Christmas with Santa watching. The response was her stamping her foot, hands on hips, looks me square in the eye and goes “I don’t care. I don’t even want anything. I just want a LIFE!”

She's SIX.

I am utterly bollixed in a few more years...

I always hear idiots say it's worse raising boys and others saying girls are worse.

Not it's generally terrible regardless of gender.
I always hear idiots say it's worse raising boys and others saying girls are worse.

Not it's generally terrible regardless of gender.
Parenting has made me a believer in karma. Good buddy of mine back home was an absolute scumbag in his 20s, womanizer and philanderer of the worst sorts. Almost as bad as Ender, but with humans instead of various farm animals. After more than a decade of it, he decided it was time to settle down, and the new wife (a former lingerie model too, fair play) immediately got pregnant and he started freaking out. "I'm in trouble, Gaz. I know karma's coming for me. It's going to be a girl, she'll grow up to be gorgeous, and I'll have to deal with every boy in town sniffing around the house."

He was beyond right.

Bumped into him on a visit back five years or so ago, we were back doing a naming ceremony for ours, looked like he was in his mid 60s, what little hair he had left was grey, and he had the faraway stare of a man who'd seen too much. "Daughters, Gaz" he said, trembling hand holding a , "When you have a boy you only have to worry about one c**k. When you have a daughter you have to worry about all of them."

I wasn't a great person myself in my 20s, and now eyeing the future with considerably skepticism. (And pondering a nunnery.)
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Parenting has made me a believer in karma. Good buddy of mine back home was an absolute scumbag in his 20s, womanizer and philanderer of the worst sorts. Almost as bad as Ender, but with humans instead of various farm animals. After more than a decade of it, he decided it was time to settle down, and the new wife (a former lingerie model too, fair play) immediately got pregnant and he started freaking out. "I'm in trouble, Gaz. I know karma's coming for me. It's going to be a girl, she'll grow up to be gorgeous, and I'll have to deal with every boy in town sniffing around the house."

He was beyond right.

Bumped into him on a visit back five years or so ago, we were back doing a naming ceremony for ours, looked like he was in his mid 60s, what little hair he had left was grey, and he had the faraway stare of a man who'd seen too much. "Daughters, Gaz" he said, trembling hand holding a , "When you have a boy you only have to worry about one c**k. When you have a daughter you have to worry about all of them."

I wasn't a great person myself in my 20s, and now eyeing the future with considerably skepticism. (And pondering a nunnery.)
Daughters are easy, because early on I made a pact with my wife. I deal with the sick, poo and wee and she deals with 'emutchions'.
There will be jokes about Hammonds height/accidents
There will be jokes about whatever car May picks
There will be jokes about how much of a throbbing Ender Clarkson is

There I've covered it and literally every single episode of the grand tour/top gear.

and? that's like saying every episode of X files follows a certain formula or outline. We know. that's what makes it the show we want to watch. as opposed to a different show we dont want to watch.
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