State of the Game

That might make me willing to give up a size 7 for a stupid limpet controller if they included cockpit cats.
That would explain the cockpit cat new years wedding at the sex pool over the weekend.

Yea, a defense you'd never have to worry about. Nobody with a sex pond is interested in you.

What discount memes-for-people-who-dont-understand-memes store are you guys finding these things in with the addon description text attached to them?
I though that was for those who can't read IMPACT font like the written translations they print on the bottom of the screen when u can't understand the language (lol filter) on the netflix
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So I'm very early for my 5G booster, and the shopping centre isn't too busy, so as its Christmas i thought I'd get my body ready for food intoxication - and pre-fur my arteries a bit before tomorrow.

For my sins, I got a gyppo McDonald's to get the atherosclerosis going. Sat in my car to eat it as I don't want to socialize with scum. Or the virus, but mainly the scum.

Sat down and was doing my usual thing of removing the pickle from the burger, and opening the window to lob it out for some stupid seagull to eat. I'm environmentally minded.

So I launch the sliced pickle out the driver's side window like I always do, but forgot about one important issue. My window was down perfectly, I just forgot I was in a car park.

It made a fantastic slapping sound on hitting this poor person's car, and slowly slid down the glass leaving a ketchuppy trail, like some bleeding mutant slug had been on their car.


So, what did I do, I hear you thinking? I did the only responsible adult thing I could think of. I turned the key and drove off like zoidberg making the noise, and am now parked in the opposite corner of the car park. Giggling quite a bit.

On hindsight I should have done the mature thing really, and instead of bolting, I should have taken a photo first. Then bolted.

I guess you live and learn.
Oh Hatty, that's another keyboard you owe me!!!!!
manual or mechanical?
Manual. Outer door is on a simple slide while the mount is on a rail + two hinges in a Z layout.

If the model was larger you could motorise it, but at this scale it would be quite clunky (as well as brittle). In the beginning I had fully retracting landing gear that was an exact match for the 'real' thing, but it was just far too weak to support the weight.
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