State of the Game

Happy Tuesday dear bretheren and sisteren of the brebus! last week's snow has been replaced by patches of ice and mud as it's been raining since yesterday. On the plus side less than six weeks to first planting here (potatoes, lettuce, peas, carrots, spinach, onion and escarole)!



Unconnected to Twilight...

He has killed so much here regarding the game. Even exploration has become unpopular since he started talking crap about voids and his sex pond fence.

green beans are technically fruit. So if the judge doesn't immediately vomit at the testimony that someone suggested to eat kale, he might be swayed that the consultant was unable to categorize plants and unfit to consult in the first place. and punching someone trying to defraud you may be seen as no different than protecting your property from theft and let you off with a warning about using violence to solve your problems.


Game update/ CCSC: Still running on xbox as of this morning! Operation Space dust for Prof. Palin's unlock has been put on hold for the week as I realized there was no way i was going to make it 5k ly out and back before Thursday's CG. My decision was well and truly made for me when I had a cooking dinner while fuel scooping accident that fried pretty much everything but my life support, thrusters, powerplant and fsd (dinner was fine though roasted chicken, potatoes, and peas). Made it back to the first/ last populated system in the pleiades (Tananaka(?)) and realized my sensors were fried too so i couldn't request docking, After a little panic I ran a reboot and that got the sensors back up and I was able to land and cash in my explo data for phase 1 of my trip. Grabbing some rares to finish unlocking access jameson and nemo on my way back toward Alcor for the Colonia Bridge Phase IV. May fit out a trader cutter when I get to Shin Dez for Jameson in case it's a haulage CG.
even buzz lightyear has a cockpit cat.

Cmon fdev. are we going to have to wait until star citizen implements cockpit cats before you get on track and put cats where they belong?
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