State of the Game

Why bother with communicating with it?

Leave it to the forum, let it spill its bile and vitriol throughout, at some point it will err, when its head and shoulders both are inserted so deeply in the smelly orifice currently occupied by head alone, then it will be gone, if only for a short time.

keep dreaming those silly, impossible dreams. It's an odd/gross choice for a fantasy but there's weirder ones out there than bodily fluids and scat kinks.

I can see I need to come in here a bit more often, I’m four pages behind!
Dude this has been on a go slow for a few weeks, it used to be four pages a morning!
Before the SotG laughter crowd moved to discord, a day or two away from this thread could leave one 30 pages to catch up on...
Now most of the entertainment is posted and read elsewhere, leaving this thread to stagnate.
Happy Wednesday dear bretheren and sisteren of the brebus! Though there may be some discordance amongst the bretheren and sisteren the work of the the state of the game goes on ever forward! not just here but far and wide in many subforums, threads, and platforms bringing cat memes, doom, faux crab meat, and powerplay caricatures to all. And remember in not communicating we communicate that there is no communication until there is communication to communicate. Pish and drivel to all.

Game update continued console support check: Still running on xbox as of this morning! Made my way back from alcor and brought jameson the last of her kongga ale last night. Made a third of a billion on the cg and hit trader elite over the weekend. the Cygnus got her first taste of pvp last night in shin dez (after running the cg in open all weekend and not being interdicted once by a player). She's completely unarmed so I only had the brave sir robin card to play. I was heading from Jameson Base to Jameson's Memorial after my ale delivery and got pulled down the first time, submitted, turned into them, boosted by and low waked out only taking a salvo to shields on the way by. I figured he/ she wouldn't bother a second time.

Second time i submitted and tried to set a high wake from the left nav panel but took too long and got a full blast of that krait's hardpoints. Whatever it was wiped my shield, disabled me (thrusters, FSD, and life support at least) and knocked me down to 46% hull (thank brebus for the hull reinforcement I put in the military slots). i figured I was gonna be looking a t a 12 million rebuy screen momentarily but as this happened, system security popped in and gave me enough time for my systems to come back up (is there an experimental that temporarily disables modules b/c I didn't have to hit reboot/ repair?) and high wake out. They followed me but i was able to jump to a third system before heading back to shin dez which of course is where they went back to and were waiting. Got interdicted 100 ls from jameson's memorial submitted and did a fly by/ low waked, got into super cruise, decided I could land in the morning, and switched to low emissions mode (aka console off) for the night. good fun but wasn't gonna play run rabbit run all night.

Pretty happy with the cutter so far. she flies well for a big ship and I don't have a panic attack every time I go through the slot like the beluga. gonna try out some other configurations for the cutter beyond the full haulage config she's in now.

Second time i submitted and tried to set a high wake from the left nav panel but took too long and got a full blast of that krait's hardpoints. Whatever it was wiped my shield, disabled me (thrusters, FSD, and life support at least) and knocked me down to 46% hull (thank brebus for the hull reinforcement I put in the military slots). i figured I was gonna be looking a t a 12 million rebuy screen momentarily but as this happened, system security popped in and gave me enough time for my systems to come back up (is there an experimental that temporarily disables modules b/c I didn't have to hit reboot/ repair?) and high wake out.

there are players who are cheating and using thargoid weapons to disable ships. There's also the chance it was a normal scramble spectrum engineering effect on multiple weapons that got very lucky.

but given how easy it is to cheat and how many free accounts are out there, i'd just assume that was cheating if the modules came back up and weren't disabled due to actual damage. (some engineered setups can nearly insta-kill ships that are unengineered)
Sensing an opportunity for a joint advertising campaign between the house of mouse and Archon here:

Sensing an opportunity for a joint advertising campaign between the house of mouse and Archon here:

little popup stands in disney world / land. "it looks so real" with Archon faces just grinning back at you.

There's miles of tunnels under the parks... lots of places for trouble makers to disappear into ...
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