Just play Horizons instead. It is what I'm doing.
contemplates switching teams. Decides deep down to being very attracted to inanimate rocks
Complete ramble on why this is not working as intended.
If you broke your face on a rock whilst teabagging does this mean you admit to be a bit of a richard head
Thinks this is photoshopped to smear the developersUpdates new pic of actual rock resolution once assets have fully loaded in.. shocks gaming world, shares plummetView attachment 236599
Hides password from self so can't come back to forumComplains about the too many fleet carriers being in the system I want to park my fleet carrier in.
Ragequits when finds has to park in the next system
Thinks poster may suffer from mild brain damage and wonders if other posters in this thread could be held liable.announces his return to the forum full time
ummmm "mild" yeah "mild"Thinks poster may suffer from mild brain damage and wonders if other posters in this thread could be held liable.
Again?Reads forum, forgets about game. Alt tabs back to find his ship diestroyed
Complains can't use old exploit to get ship back. Denies intending to use exploitAgain?