State of the Game

Surprised exclamation from forum regular at having missed such an entertaining thread.

<insert popcorn gif here if not already done>
Have a welcome cat picture
Refuses to be intimidated (even though no one has intimidated them) and silenced (even though they're posting on a forum the developers read) by anyone. I realise that's how this forum works (joined last month and can't possibly know that) but I won't have it! Is the last, great, warrior, protestor incel.

We shall overcome ...
We shall overcome ...
We shall overcome, some day.
I realise most of you want to silence me but I will not be silenced just because I'm controversial. Then proceeds to make non-controversial comment.

Has a heightened opinion of oneself. (that's actually true :D )

Argues the point again non-controversial comment and uses personal flaming, bad language and threats in the arguement
Thinks this goes way too far and personal.
Throws ad hominems at all unrelated posters.
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