You'd need to be interested in BGS, which you may not have...
the BGS is irrelevant so long as any difference that makes some impact to the game play the player interacts with can be circumvented by just picking a different station with no additional effort or risk or compromise to the player.
I used to be interested in the bgs but you can only run on a hamster wheel so long before that stops being interesting and just becomes useless numbers.
ask the participating players how this whole aegis BGS thing is working out in making any difference to the game. Completely ignored by the narrative it seems.
When was the last itme you were in Colonia, incidentally? Things, politically, have changed noticably in the last year...
yea.. years. I haven't been doing the new engineers so there was nothing worth the visit. I've actually been out and about thru the area somewhat recently but just never bothered stopping at any inhabited systems.
Of course, I can understand that some players need to have content prepared and fed to them without having to make any effort bar consumption, so there would be nothing meaningful for those players in Colonia, which is, perfectly understandable.
The issue isn't that players dont want to expend any effort, it's that they dont want to be responsible for creating the content for a game they are paying for where all that effort exists in their imagination. They want the game to provide the content or be given a means to create the content in a way they can see and interact with within the game.
Currently the bgs content is either meaningless numbers or in your head. kill off 90% of the stations and those numbers may start to matter the thargoid invasion is a good potential tool. But a better tool would be to actually make those numbers create a more visceral identity and impact to the game that matters regardless of the thargoids invading and destroying everything. I want to be forced to care about a game play mechanic, not go out of my way to pretend that it matters when it doesn't.