State of the Game

971... you guys are slacking this week

here's a missing cat poster to get things moving, if anyone knows the whereabouts of the cat let me know

Are you sure you're not sitting on it?
Whilst on this nostalgia trip - I started thinking "what did I have before my 486 / PC".
Turns out it was an Atari ST - which is still sat on a shelf in my Office - and still works - Well it did a year ago when I last fired it up for a bit of retro gaming.

Ah - happier, simpler times :)
My first one was an Apple IIe with an extra Z80 card and USCD Pascal - at that time it was double as old than me, but I learned so much from this quite old computer, which I just wouldn't have learned, if my parents would have given me a brand new machine first. One of the positives of that was that I learned how to use assembler (6502, 8080/Z80) and modular software design (due to how UCSD Pascal was structured) - these were my first 2 years owning a computer, then my parents bought me a brand new machine - what a difference, but I would have never appreciated it that much without the experience with the Apple IIe. One of the things remaining from that time - i write compact code with a low memory footprint and I'm still writing some code segments in assembler.
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