States: "Best Current Thinking"

Any infos on "investment" and "pirate attack" states?

I can tell you that investment state ties into spawning private courier NPCs
with valuable loot.

Pirate attack i cannot grasp yet completely, but police response felt very slow,
due to multiple assaults.
It seems to be good for outfitting availability, and raises gem prices.

How's 600k - 1.7m per tonne sound? Only found in asteroid cores

Confirmed on the mineral/gem prices.

Regarding pirate attack i am back to 0.
I checked system response time and it is unchanged at 4 minutes.
The security is low, i am unsure if this state reduces the security rating
on a timed basis to low for piracy to happen.

I normally accrued fines for 'dicting and notoriety and bounty for kills.
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Confirmed on the mineral/gem prices.

And now with 100% more confirmation:
And now with 100% more confirmation:
Right, but that's Investment + some other states. Investment alone just doubles the price to about 380k/tonne, in my data (which is slightly better than the 75% boost from Boom). Adding Civil Liberty doubles it again, so it looks like one or two more states on top of that?
Right, but that's Investment + some other states. Investment alone just doubles the price to about 380k/tonne, in my data (which is slightly better than the 75% boost from Boom). Adding Civil Liberty doubles it again, so it looks like one or two more states on top of that?
Bleh. Scratch all that.

Yeah, probably Civil Liberty + Investment + Pirate Invasion.
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BTW... if you didn't realise there's also an "Infested" state, though it applies to the system, not any individual faction.


It didn't seem to change anything in-system other than the presence of NHSS, so probably a precursor to the full Incursion state.
Saw a first Boom state reached, but seemed to take much longer in ticks/days than pre 3.3 but the new continuum bars at least show progress.

In other matters, Massacre Missions migth FINALLY be working. With the initial 3.3 drop I found a bunch of target faction ships at the NAV. With the 3.3.1 tweak those disappeared but there are now USS spawning stock full of target ships. Note, they are not in a wing, so it's just picking them off one at a time while the rest just swim around in a big dumb shoal waiting to be the next target. Fish in a barrel. Reminded me of the v1.0 game in 2014 when CZ were like that.

As an aside, I took two Massacre Missions against the same MF, 7 and 10 count respectively in the same sytem. I identified two USS via the FSS. Shooting target ships in the first USS only counted once towards that mission's count (the seven one). I didn't find any target ships in the system outside the USS to see if I could shot one ship and get a kill count against both missions. More work.
Wait... we have a station with these 3 states (elated today) and opal are still at 800k.

Elated isn't a state and doesn't appear to also affect prices. Base price is about 200k, Investment doubles it, Civil Liberty doubles it, something else is needed for the third doubling. (Pirate Attack, for example)
Wait... we have a station with these 3 states (elated today) and opal are still at 800k.

Elated isn't a state and doesn't appear to also affect prices. Base price is about 200k, Investment doubles it, Civil Liberty doubles it, something else is needed for the third doubling. (Pirate Attack, for example)

What Ian said, plus, be careful, when you get the Pirate Attack state, if you don't attend to it, my observations so far is it can trash your security levels.
From Inara, all factions buying opals at 1600k : happiness:elated, economy:investment, security:civil liberty.
Note that Inara does *not* show the Pirate Attack state, same same with Incursion and Infested states (which are 'system' states, not faction states).

All those systems buying opals at 1.6m will have a Pirate Attack state for that faction.

Speaking of, anyone else observing the systems now in Incursion state (e.g Werapana?)

Seems unless you're at the damaged station in question, it's situation no change for the factions in the system. Just issuing standard none-state missions.

Of course, AX Conflict Zones are everywhere.
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Note that Inara does *not* show the Pirate Attack state, same same with Incursion and Infested states (which are 'system' states, not faction states).
I saw that, show it.

Late evening, I supercruise the system while carrying opals, I got interdicted a dozen times, we'll see if it trigger the state.
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