Static Reptiles - A reptile prop collection

Here we go with another animal prop collection, this time for reptiles! I have resumed efforts to make large, realistic prop packs for all the kinds of smaller animals you might find in zoo. The static reptiles collection aims to bring a large collection of reptiles - iguanas, medium to large lizards, snakes and possibly monitors and tortoises/turtles. Like my birds of the world packs, we can expect to find a diverse selection of key animals that you would expect to find in reptile houses, habitats and similar exhibit locations.

Also all exhibit reptiles ingame already such as the green iguana, puff adder, gila monster etc will be made into props so that they can also be placed in custom made exhibits rather than being locked to the massive exhibit boxes.

Iguanas Pack:

The first pack to be completed for the collection is iguanas! Anyone who has been watching my progress on the houston zoo likely expected the iguanas to come soon as they were featured as generic statues and the grand cayman blue iguana was seen in a nicely sized habitat. There are 10 iguanas included ranging from desert iguanas, central america iguanas to the fiji banded iguana.

Iguanas Included:
  • Green Iguana
  • Lesser Antillean Iguana
  • Marine Iguana
  • Jamaican Iguana
  • Grand Cayman Blue Iguana
  • Fiji banded Iguana
  • Desert Iguana
  • Common Chuckwalla
  • Black Spiny-tailed Iguana
  • Rhinoceros Iguana

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European Snakes Pack

The first of 6 snake packs is the European snakes, the smallest of all the snake packs which is expected. I decided to include 4 versions of each snake as just including one is extremely limiting to the amount of positions someone might want to place a snake in an exhibit like how we see the exhibit animals in multiple positions. Placing iguanas in different positions is pretty easy, snakes are not with how their body shape changes in each position.

Included with the 4 positions is a straight snake divided into each segment for making your custom position so if my selected ones don't match, then you can easily do it yourself. The only snakes where I will make specific poses for will be the cobras and any other snake known for unique poses.

The European snakes pack includes:
  • European Adder
  • Asp Viper
  • Grass Snake
  • Dice Snake
  • Green Whip Snake


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Large Snakes

While I planned to include the largest snakes in the continent packs for the snakes, when making the green anaconda, it occured to me that these snakes were going to be 1000+ pieces so a selection of 4 of the largest snakes have now been made into their own blueprints. Since these snakes are fairly large, you are likely to be placing a single snake in a large custom built exhibit or a habitat for them. The piece count of small egg pieces will disappear anyway once far away enough from these.

The large snakes that have been built are:
  • Green Anaconda
  • Burmese Python
  • Reticulated Python
  • Central African Rock Python

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Oceania Snakes Pack

Continuing the continent packs for the snakes, we have Oceania up next with its well known venomous snakes. 12 snakes have been made covering a variety of habitats across australia and northern oceania like new guina and its surrounding islands. As the continent packs increase in size, I am choosing a selection of snakes/reptiles found in the zoos I am building, general zoo reptile holdings, important reptile species for certain regions and sometimes colorful and unique reptiles to add.

The Oceania Snakes pack includes:
  • Inland Taipan
  • Coastal Taipan
  • Rough Scaled Python
  • Green Tree Python
  • Eastern Brown Snake
  • Black Headed Python
  • Common Death Adder
  • Carpet Python
  • Tiger Snake
  • Brown Tree Snake
  • Collett's Snake
  • Speckled Brown Snake

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Asian Snakes Pack

The largest of all the snake packs is the asian snakes pack, the large area to cover in one pack is a challenge to include the wide diversity of snake species especially when limited to a select number of snakes. I chose to increase the pack size to 20 to tackle that challenge where lots of snakes from southeast asia, south asia, and central asia are included. Some also are from the middle east and north asia where the overlay from the next africa pack and the existing europe pack cover the other key snake species. With the asian snakes, we see the introduction of the cobra snakes, each including the flared hood pose that many will think of when seeing a cobra. While this behaviour isn't exactly too common in zoos, everyone has the choice of what pose a cobra may be in.

The asian snakes pack includes:
  • Indochinese spitting cobra
  • King Cobra
  • Monocled Cobra
  • Chinese Cobra
  • Arabian Cobra
  • Blood Python
  • Timor Python
  • Malayan Pit Viper
  • Sri Lankan Pit Viper
  • Mangshan Pit Viper
  • Mamushi / Japanese Pit Viper
  • Lesser Sunda Pit Viper
  • Ashy Pit Viper
  • Indian Saw Scaled Viper
  • Persian Horned Viper
  • Armenian Viper
  • Oriental Ratsnake
  • Amur Ratsnake
  • Desert Sand Boa
  • Banded Krait

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African Snakes Pack

The need for african snakes is actually what started the thought process of building all these reptile props. Custom made exhibits twice the size of the exhibit box for snakes (yes really) for madagascar boas in the calgary zoo was a difficult challenge to overcome without any decent props on the workshop. So lots of african snakes across the continent including the puff adder and desert horned viper (although I prefer the name of saharan horned viper). While not as many as the asian snakes pack, 18 snakes is still a great selection to add to reptile houses or exhibits.

The african snakes pack includes:
  • Puff adder
  • Ethiopian Mountain Adder
  • Cape Cobra
  • Egyptian Cobra
  • Black mamba
  • Western Green mamba
  • Dumeril's Boa
  • Madagascar Giant Hognose
  • Madagascar Tree Boa
  • Madagascar Ground Boa
  • Angolan Python
  • Ball Python
  • Boomslang
  • Gaboon Viper
  • Rhinoceros Viper
  • Moorish Viper
  • African Bush Viper
  • Saharan Desert Viper

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North American Snakes Pack

Slowly getting fed up of snakes lol, thankfully only one more to go after this. The north american snakes were a slight challenge to figure out a good roster with a clear bias in north american zoos where an overwhelming majority of snakes are native usa snakes. Add on the large amount of rattlesnakes which look so similar and the need to cover central america and the caribbean. So still a selection of 18 snakes covering pretty much everywhere that has a decent snake population, places like canada or alaska that have so few snakes (or none at all) led me to focus my efforts south.

The north american snakes pack includes:
  • Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
  • Timber Rattlesnake
  • Great Basin Rattlesnake
  • Black Tailed Rattlesnake
  • Black Rat Snake
  • Corn Snake
  • Eastern Hog Nosed Snake
  • Milk Snake
  • Copperhead
  • Cottonmouth
  • Arizona Coral Snake
  • Eastern Coral Snake
  • California Kingsnake
  • Mexican Cantil
  • Jamaican Boa
  • Black Headed Bushmaster
  • Side Striped Palm Pit Viper
  • Yellow Blotched Palm Pit Viper

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can you make chameleons and geckos
Chameleons are coming soon, I have 5 chameleons planned for that blueprint when I get around to it some point this week. Geckos like the leopard gecko and smaller sized ones I'm afraid are too small for me to make with the smallest pieces ingame. However, there are 2 geckos that could be possible - the tokay gecko and the new caledonian giant gecko which I will attempt to include in my lizards pack.
If you take suggestions: I would really, really love to add a blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei) to my zoo, it's such a cool species and I love watching them in reallife.
If you take suggestions: I would really, really love to add a blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei) to my zoo, it's such a cool species and I love watching them in reallife.
Good news, I already made one! After I upload the south american snakes, I will complete the monitors pack which includes pretty much all zoo monitors like the blue, emerald tree monitors and larger monitors like the perentie and crocodile monitor.
South America Snakes Pack

The last pack for snakes is now complete! Popular zoo snakes like the emerald tree boa, eyelash viper, and rainbow boa have been added to the growing static reptile collection. South America mainly rounds out the tropical selection of snakes where a lot of these are found in the amazon, north south america or southern central america.

With the snake packs now complete, the collection features a total of 95 snake species to choose from which covers basically every major snake species found in zoos. That also means the static reptile collection has reached over 100 reptiles massively improving reptile house construction. So what's next?

  • Next up is the monitors pack, including 10 species. Smaller tree monitors and larger monitors like the ingame species, perentie and crocodile monitor are to be included.
  • The smallest pack after that is for chameleons, 5 species of the most common chameleon species mainly from madagascar.
  • The final addition to the static reptiles pack will be the lizards pack. This will be a 20 species pack including lizards like plumed basilisk, mexican beaded lizard, tuatara, giant plated lizard and hopefully some geckos.
  • I did consider the addition of turtles and tortoises but the small scale and the number I would need isn't the most appealing to worth with. I didn't really intend to make the static reptiles collection to be as extensive as the birds of the world collection, rather just to give people some actual variety to reptile exhibits. Also people like @weinerman should look forward to the 30 species of freshwater fish coming soon aswell.

South american snakes pack list:
  • Yellow Anaconda
  • Emerald Tree Boa
  • South American Bushmaster
  • Rainbow Boa
  • Boa Constrictor
  • Eyelash viper
  • Amazonian Palm Viper
  • South American Coral Snake
  • False Water Cobra
  • Amazon Tree Boa
  • Fer-de-lance
  • Brazilian Lancehead
  • Golden Lancehead
  • Jararaca
  • Aruba Island Rattlesnake
  • South American Rattlesnake
  • Tropical Flat Snake
  • Chicken Snake

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Monitor Lizards Pack

Making the monitor lizards was suprisingly easy, I already had the base model provided by the large grand cayman blue iguana. That blue iguana prop was almost 2 metres long so only some minor work for the head was required to make it look more like a monitor. The monitor lizards pack includes 10 of the most common monitor species found in either reptile houses or habitats, including both smaller tree monitors and the larger monitors like the ones we already have ingame.

Monitor lizards pack includes:
  • Nile monitor
  • Asian Water monitor
  • Crocodile monitor
  • White throated monitor
  • Gray's monitor
  • Lace Monitor
  • Perentie
  • Emerald tree monitor
  • Blue tree monitor
  • Black tree monitor

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Chameleons Pack

Now getting into the smaller lizards! The chameleons will serve as the base for the lizard packs (which has now changed again lol), instead of 20 lizard species it will now be 40 spread across 4 packs to allow the number of lizards to compete with the sheer amount of snakes. In total there will be 65 lizards and 95 snakes when the static reptiles is complete if everything goes to plan. So the chameleons pack includes 5 chameleons colored to their most common look in zoos, from looking at various pictures at zoochat to not go for an rare morph but something you might see in the average zoo.

The chameleons pack includes
  • Jackson's Chameleon
  • Veiled Chameleon
  • Panther Chameleon
  • Parson's Chameleon
  • Meller's Chameleon

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Thanks Cap! It's incredible that we have to go to this point because after 4 years asking for it we still haven't got an official chameleon 😭
I know! There's so many reptiles in this collection that would improve the reptile roster if added as official animals. King cobra, green anaconda, emerald tree boa, perentie ... the list goes on.
Oceania Lizards Pack

The first of 4 lizard packs is for oceania, a mix of medium and small lizards showcasing how difficult it can be to add the skinks as static props. Likely any lizards even smaller than the blue skink likely won't be possible to include but thankfully the majority of reptile house lizards are not of the tiny variety. I might even make some of the geckos such as the leaf tailed gecko a little larger to just to add them in to the collection.

The oceania lizards packs includes:
  • Central Bearded Dragon
  • Boyd's Forest Dragon
  • Frilled Lizard
  • Tuatara
  • Eastern Blue Tongued Skink
  • Shingleback Skink
  • Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
  • Prehensile Tailed Skink

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Finishing off the Static Reptile Collection

Making the remaining 3 lizard packs was fairly quick, thanks to their tiny size making 30 lizards from africa, eurasia and the americas now has completed the collection. The static reptile collection is my first fully completed animal prop collection resulting in over 150 reptile props available on the workshop. The static reptile collection can be divided as follows:

  • Snakes - 95
    • Oceania - 12
    • Asia - 20
    • Europe - 5
    • Africa - 18
    • South America - 18
    • North America - 18
    • Large snakes - 4
  • Lizards - 63
    • Iguanas - 10
    • Monitor Lizards - 10
    • Chameleons - 5
    • African lizards - 10
    • North/South American lizards - 10
    • Eurasian Lizards - 10
    • Oceania Lizards - 8

Now if only my birds packs could be completed in 2 weeks, more like 2 years lol

Content of the final lizard packs:
  • Eurasia Lizards
    • Ocellated Lizard
    • European Green Lizard
    • Sheltopusik
    • Asian Glass Lizard
    • Chinese Crocodile Lizard
    • Chinese Water Dragon
    • Chameleon Forest Dragon
    • Philippine Sailfin Lizard
    • Tokay Gecko
    • Fan Throated Lizard
  • North / South America Lizards
    • Gila Monster
    • Plumed Basilisk
    • Mexican Beaded Lizard
    • Northern Caiman
    • Argentine Black and White Tegu
    • Cuban Knight Anole
    • Haitian Giant Anole
    • Mexican Alligator Lizard
    • Common Collared Lizard
    • Baja Blue Rock Lizard
  • Africa Lizards
    • Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
    • Henkel's Leaf Tailed Gecko
    • Giant Plated Lizard
    • Red Headed Agama
    • Fire Skink
    • Sudan Plated Lizard
    • Black Lined Plated Lizard
    • Shield Tailed Agama
    • Black Necked Agama
    • North African Rock Agama

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