Stealth nerf to Guardian Weopons


i unlocked the new Guardian weapons shortly sfter 3.0.
I just saw under outfitting that the stats have changed. The Gauss made about 70 dmg back then and the Plasmas around 5 dmg (times 17 if you charge them).

This has been basically cut in half now. Did not see that mentioned in any patch notes. Or did i miss it?

Screen shots for new values?

Only have the Plasma Chargers here right now. Gauss is about 38dmg now iirc.

It was definately more before. Don't now when it happened, just saw it today.
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From 3.0.4:
"Weapons & Modules

The damage values displayed for experimental weapons now more accurately represent the damage that they will deal against human vessels"

In outfitting we see the damage values against human ships. Against Thargoids the damage was not changed, at least based on my experience. It would have been a big echo on the forum if the gauss was suddenly dealt half damage, but nobody mentioned it, so no nerf.
I would say 38 gauss damage sounds about right against human ships, tested them a bit in a haz res and was not convinced to use them.
Been doing thargoid interceptor practice with guardian weapons and they seem viable enough to me. Granted I'm no good but I did manage to get 1 heart down on a cyclops before having too much damage taken to keep going.
They just fixed the damage value that show in the weapon, the damage are always very low.

a large number of people tested the weapons and prove that what is wrote in description are not even near to the real damage, so now fdev fixed it (No, they don't don't do the logica correction: increase the weapon damage to correspond to what is show on description, thei just have decreased the description to one number near to "damage value" - But i'ts still showing more damage than the modules really do. (20-30% more than the real numbers).
yes my friend, but this is only to human ships! our Xeno buddies still receive that extra 100% more pain!!

although almost half is probably a little rich given they cannot be engineered. it is kind of understandable balancing wise, story wise absolutely not as how are we adapted to technology an ancient and advanced race is not?!!
yes I have also this feeling that there was a little nerf

this is my stats from the beginning of the guardian weapons
Conclusion on the functioning of the guardian weapons and TG activity

Seems like in Huveang De only NHSS 4 - Scouts. In the region of Nauni NHSS7 - sometimes Medusa, sometimes TS - thargoid sensor or TP - thargoid probe. In Pleiades mostly Cyclops, Basilisks disappeared.

It is easy to kill Scauts . 2 GC - Gauss Cannons do DMG 52% of the HULL.

Gauss Cannons very effective on Cyclops - one shot with 2 GC DMG 92% of the heart. Possibly you can use only 4 GC, no plasma charger, and it should be enough for all TG, but problem is maybe the ammunition and heat. Remember GC is size only 2, but it is guardian, so very strong then usual, get the guardian items to unlock GC.

If you hunt TG, join Discord to coordinate attack, Medusa is still to hard for one. I had to leave with 1% of the hull and Medusa still had 85% and was kinda friendly :D

EDIT: TGS have own worm hole generator - can just be everywhere in bubble, prepare hull Chieftain with 3 GC
I think it's rather a case of a very regrettable mistake by the marketing department of Guardian Inc. who sadly put the wrong numbers for firepower into the advertisement.

Guardian Inc. certainly regrets this mistake to the fullest extend but sadly is unable to bear legal responsibilities with it's customers...


But they still kick butt against Goids so just use four Gauss against them and everything is fine [up]
as much stealth as someone can read patchnotes AND understand them.

its a pitty that FDEV just can't tell us ALL the damage numbers in the first place. (AX and guardian weapons, or all weapons in general that do more then one damage type)
Only the displayed values changed, to be able to compare them to PAs and Railguns.

The damage they do hasn't changed.
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