Steam numbers

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Let me predicate by anticipating the inevitable calls about how representative steam numbers are - I know steam numbers are only part of the picture. They are, however, a sample of the population and although some degree of statistical error will exist when extrapolating to the wider population we can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that any significant trend in the steam sample will also be present in the full player base.

Now that's out the way - player numbers in in steam has experienced a draw-down of 60.8% so far (using average no players, max drawdown for peak players is ~62% so far) and this draw-down is presumably getting worse. Now I expect there will be some uptick after the release of 3.3 but FDev have to get it right if the game is going to still be popular in the coming year or so. Feel free to dismiss these numbers as fake news (or whatever people say now when they don't like what they're hearing) but they aren't good.

My conclusion isn't to say the game is dead or dying. I think far from it. But it is a reminder that it has probably reached a critical phase where unless FDev really give the game a shot in the arm it won't keep anywhere near the same number of players as it has enjoyed historically. To take a positive spin - I'm optimistic FDev will have seen this trend and realise it's time to give the game a development that will bring the player base back (which, for me, would be legs but others don't necessarily share this view).
Yep, if I was you I would just beat the rush and wipe the game from your hard drive. Harsh but we all know that once we see a downward trend in the Steam Charts there is no comeback, nothing can resurrect the death of the game. Players will have moved on, found the next best thing to keep them occupied, ED will fade into a distant but hopefully fond memory. It just doesn't matter what FD do know, what they have planned, you have stated the cold hard facts, the game is dead.

P.S. This would have been far better if it wasn't the same anti-FD rhetoric that you seem to continually post :D
As soon as the words steam numbers appear in a post the user should automatically be banned. Sick of seeing these silly meaningless threads.

Hope it gets locked soon.
The more of those doom posters i add to the ignore list, the less fun the forum becomes... guess, i need to delete that list soon, or i would be left with only enjoying the game... couldn´t stand that...
Let me predicate by anticipating the inevitable calls about how representative steam numbers are - I know steam numbers are only part of the picture. They are, however, a sample of the population and although some degree of statistical error will exist when extrapolating to the wider population we can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that any significant trend in the steam sample will also be present in the full player base.

Now that's out the way - player numbers in in steam has experienced a draw-down of 60.8% so far (using average no players, max drawdown for peak players is ~62% so far) and this draw-down is presumably getting worse. Now I expect there will be some uptick after the release of 3.3 but FDev have to get it right if the game is going to still be popular in the coming year or so. Feel free to dismiss these numbers as fake news (or whatever people say now when they don't like what they're hearing) but they aren't good.

My conclusion isn't to say the game is dead or dying. I think far from it. But it is a reminder that it has probably reached a critical phase where unless FDev really give the game a shot in the arm it won't keep anywhere near the same number of players as it has enjoyed historically. To take a positive spin - I'm optimistic FDev will have seen this trend and realise it's time to give the game a development that will bring the player base back (which, for me, would be legs but others don't necessarily share this view).

Use the commanders map on that will give you cross platform complete figures which total over 10,000 daily. We know the game isn't dead or dying its stable and awaiting a major update after which player numbers will spike then level off. The important thing is Frontier is alive and making money still. That's all that matters

Elite being a space sim doesn't appeal to the audience of say rpg/action rpg gamers like WoW players. We have a much smaller but healthy community.
Here i'll finish the thread title, you must have got distracted.

Steam numbers mean very little as most players didn't buy through Steam or play ED through Steam.

There that's better ��
Just for MOOka,

ahem, and how are the steam numbers for NMS and hows SC coming along?!


What has that got to do with the discussion, oh wait are you saying that NMS and SC are more popular according to Steam - well bully for you, I certainly hope you enjoy playing both of them :D
Use the commanders map on that will give you cross platform complete figures which total over 10,000 daily. We know the game isn't dead or dying its stable and awaiting a major update after which player numbers will spike then level off. The important thing is Frontier is alive and making money still. That's all that matters

Elite being a space sim doesn't appeal to the audience of say rpg/action rpg gamers like WoW players. We have a much smaller but healthy community.

And I bet there are loads of players that don't use EDSM either which would push those figures up much more.
The game always experiences a slow down right before beta, and another one right before release. People are storing up their sense of wonder like a squirrel with their acorns, and trying not to burn out before the big launch day. The numbers in december will shoot up to heights never before seen. As usual.
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