Stock Sidewinder to Sagittarius A expedition.

Congrats, I also recently made it to Sag. for the first time in my 32Ly ASP. I have to provide the proof to the visitors thread. What kinda surprised me was the look of the black hole, I half expected more like it does in Interstellar. Was there a reason it looks like it does?

I wanted to reply to the 'real picture of Sag" thread but it's locked for some strange reason.
Congrats, I also recently made it to Sag. for the first time in my 32Ly ASP. I have to provide the proof to the visitors thread. What kinda surprised me was the look of the black hole, I half expected more like it does in Interstellar. Was there a reason it looks like it does?

The black hole in interstellar has an accretion disc, which FDev haven't (yet? fingers crossed) implemented in ED, so you just get the standard gravitational lensing of the sky box around the black hole, albeit on a bigger scale than normal.
Congratulations CMDR! I did a similar journey last year: Wiped one of my game saves and started from scratch and took the loaner Sidewinder out to the center of the galaxy. I didn't quite go "stock" though. My self-imposed constraint was to ONLY advance in Exploration so, with zero combat related and zero trade related progress gradually upgraded my FSD, Discovery Scanner and bought a Detailed Surface Scanner before heading on my adventure.

Flying out to Sagittarius A* and back into the bubble was a blast and, upon my return, I managed to advance my exploration rank up to Elite so I did a victory lap in Shinrarta Dhezra.

Now I'm on to part two of the challenge: Trade Elite while still maintaining zero combat kills ... and doing it all in Open Play with zero insurance rebuys.

Yes. Yes, I am crazy.

Honestly though ... this past year I've had so little time to play that, when I do logon, It has been for only short periods of time at very weird hours of the day. I'm looking forward to having the time again to wing up with some old friends and make some new enemies :)
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