Stop placing percentile requirements upon otherwise unobtainable Community Goal rewards

That's not a particularly safe assumption, given the number of CG only modules that have been given as rewards in the past that are not available for any player to buy.
And without INARA you can't see exactly how many percentages you have now, so you have to maintain 25% so you don't wake up the next day and see yourself at 75% :(
As a reward you will receive a free rack.
I am not contributing because I don't have the time right now.
I assume that the rack will be available for everyone to buy after the cg.
So I don't see a problem.
As the description does not mention unlock anywhere and the purpose of the CG is to provide disaster relief it would be much safer to assume that these reward racks are only going to be available to those who took part in the CG and reached the top 50% of contributors category. Despite doomish claims elsewhere the Tier 5 criteria has already been breached.
According to INARA top contributor hauled 171k tons of cargo (And the CG isn't over yet, although very close).
That means (assuming they used something like T-9 or Cutter filled with only cargo racks), that they made around 216 cargo runs (or twice that if they used FC) in 4 days. If we include time for some sleep I think that's 4 days of probably non stop hauling.

That's of course is an outlier, but many people seem to go to extremes unimaginable to others. If there are people who enjoy that kind of thing, that's fine. I simply HATE being drawn into competition with them for unique rewards.
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You're right the worst thing here is the interest. There will always be 50% who can't get this module.
owever, usually these modules then appear in the free sale, but there were cases that and not. The old Class 6 FSD v1.
This is why I just skipped it even though I'm basically just focused on AX and the war for the time being. I'm not engaging in objectively bad mechanics when other things within Elite are well done, and other games also exist.
Well they changed the CG it now goes all the way to 7.

But the number of racks has been doubled and anyone who would have got a paintjob now gets one rack as well.
Well they changed the CG it now goes all the way to 7.

But the number of racks has been doubled and anyone who would have got a paintjob now gets one rack as well.

Well that's a good change if true, but too little too late for me as yesterday was the only day I had to get on Elite.
I think the root of the problem is the "otherwise unobtainable" part, not the percentile requirements.

Having competition, rewards, and some FOMO undoubtedly motivates more players to participate. But players being eternally disadvantaged in their build options because they missed a CG (or CG reward tier) some 3 years ago is poor game design.
I think all CG reward modules should always automatically become available at tech brokers, say, 3 months after the CG. That way, players can compete for early access, waiving of the unlock fee and/or cosmetics. Yet don't feel the need to fight off a looming eternal handicap (which is what I think drives a lot of the negativity).
Yes—but half get nothing, despite having made close enough to just as much effort as the other half!

For lack of a fixed goal which says how much effort is enough, we arrive at the bizarre solution of Commanders using shadow Commanders for deliberate poor participation to move the median effort back down, at which point it would be as well to have a fixed number instead.
So consider it as a fixed amount;
CG rewards = 1 FC load, ~20,000 tonnes.
Job done.
I think 3 months could be a little too soon, but on the whole I agree.
Yeah, that was a random example number that happened to match the delay of Python2-for-credits. FDev can choose whatever they want there, and the community will complain that it's both too short and too long. 😛
The important part is picking any number and telling it during the CG, so that players can decide whether they prefer competing or would rather just wait it out.
One suggestion I've seen on here is to make a special reward (e.g. a module) progressively easier to obtain based on the tier reached. Something like this maybe:

Tier 1: only the top 10 commanders get it.
Tier 2: Top 10% get it.
Tier 3: Top 25% get it.
Tier 4: Top 50% get it.
Tier 5: Top 75% get it.
Tier 6: all participants get it.

Combined with some sort of additional incentive for those who come in higher up the table, like one extra toy for every 2 ranks above the minimum needed. So at Tier 6, the top 50% get two, and the top 10% get three.

That's somewhat close to how the latest CG worked out anyhow.
One suggestion I've seen on here is to make a special reward (e.g. a module) progressively easier to obtain based on the tier reached. Something like this maybe:

Tier 1: only the top 10 commanders get it.
Tier 2: Top 10% get it.
Tier 3: Top 25% get it.
Tier 4: Top 50% get it.
Tier 5: Top 75% get it.
Tier 6: all participants get it.

Combined with some sort of additional incentive for those who come in higher up the table, like one extra toy for every 2 ranks above the minimum needed. So at Tier 6, the top 50% get two, and the top 10% get three.

That's somewhat close to how the latest CG worked out anyhow.

That is an intriguingly good idea!

Whether extra rewards start appearing due to goal tier or are simply present regardless, if those are based on percentile then I would still prefer that those have little or no functional impact; ideally paints, kits or colours, but conceivably a low-consequence module such as the double-engineered Rail Guns (long back from opposing the NMLA, I think; they are Long Range and High Capacity, so they use a lot of power!).

The expanding percentile for an impactful module is very good though, and I wonder numerically how it would affect the goal were it entirely continuous. For example, cast aside the official tiers and suppose the wider total is at 35%, thus the top 35% are eligible provisionally. Fundamentally, if the 36th percentile acts to elevate themselves to reach 35th, by construction that extra total progress is likely to move the entire goal to 36%, preserving the reward for anyone from the previous 35th now displaced into 36th. Reintroducing the tiers would cause some displacement activity in the continua between thresholds, although reaching a new tier would resolve that portion of competition, and that discrete version would be easier for everyone to understand and easier to define a non-final tier for the top 100% reward.

As a footnote, the benefactor faction may still want to see a modest minimum contribution at the top 100% reward tier—100 tons, for example—just so that getting a quite powerful reward does not become quite as trivial as delivering one ton then flying away. The expanding tier structure is an excellent idea though!
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