Stranded: Alien Dawn - A Look Back and the Way Forward

Lydiah Moon

Community Manager
Hello Survivors!

Stranded: Alien Dawn is now out on PC (Steam and Epic), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and we are so happy to be able to share our wonderful game with so many fantastic people on all these different platforms. Now that we've left Early Access and the full game is out for everyone to enjoy, we want to answer a question many of you have been asking us recently: Is there more to come Stranded: Alien Dawn after the full release? In short: Yes!

Throughout the Early Access period we've strived to deliver updates that added significant and impactful gameplay mechanics and content to Stranded: Alien Dawn. With each update we also added in a new character that was specifically designed to fit into the theme of the update. We started off with Dunes and Moons, which expanded the game with a new environment, as well as new game rules and Moons to tweak your gameplay experience. Next came the Tame and Train Update, which added tameable animals and different ways to use them in your bases. Our third update added in full Steam Workshop support, as well as Mod Tools to create and manage your own user-made mods. The Sow and Sell Update added in a brand new scenario, as well as several new plants and recipes. Last, but certainly not least, the Military Outpost Update that landed today added the game's third scenario, powerful combat mechs, and new defensive items.


Stranded: Alien Dawn has come a long way since the Early Access launch in October 2022, and we'd like to take a moment to give a massive thank you to our amazing community for all your support, suggestions, and feedback!

Now it's time to look towards the future. We'll be releasing a free update later this summer, and while we will have to wait to share the finer details with you, we can say that it's quite beefy (or maybe "leafy" would be a better term?). We will have more to share at a later date, so keep your eyes peeled to our various channels for any and all news related to the game. Join our official channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to keep up to date with all things Stranded: Alien Dawn. The Discord server is also a great place to come hang out with us and the rest of the community, to talk all things Stranded: Alien Dawn!

Jens Erik

Senior Community Manager
Bonjour Benz!

Stranded: Alien Dawn doesn't have keyboard and mouse support on the PlayStation version. We don't have news to share about adding this to the game.
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