Stranded By A Rando FC 2k ly from home. Is this the experience the Devs want?

I totally get it that the OP is catching some snark for trusting that a "Rando FC" would stay put while he logged out, but don't rag on him for not having enough cr when he talks about going freewinder. He's got the credits but if he uses them to rebuy his existing ship, he'll just respawn on the carrier - it's not a solution. The freewinder option will respawn him back in the bubble, but will lose him all the engineering on his FdL, so also less than ideal.

If the FC has active outfitting and he's a fuel scoop in storage somewhere, he can transfer that out to himself and then fly home the long way (which, if his ship is too short-legged may not even be plottable).
If the FC has an active shipyard he can transfer himself a ship with longer legs and fly home the not-quite-so-long way or buy himself the cheapest ship on the carrier (if the shipyard is stocked) and blow THAT to freewinder home.
In either of these cases he then transfers back whatever he left on the carrier before it gets even further away and more expensive to retrieve stuff from its hangars and engineering bays.

However, if none of these are possible, if the criteria for them are not met, all his choices are unpleasant ones.
He can stay on the carrier, finding something to do wherever it happens to be, until it returns to the bubble - not good, this could potentially be months or longer out in the black. If he's a combat pilot he's probably not too enamored of exploration gameplay nor is he likely to be equipped for it.
If ( and only if) his route home is plottable with his current jump range he might be able to get help from the Fuel Rats to convoy him home. Not good because he's still flying the long way and will not be able to progress at it unless his rescuers are also online. It's not a rescue that will complete in a single days play session.
Or he can kiss his G5 engineered ship goodbye, kaboom it and choose NOT to rebuy it. He'll be back in the bubble but then he'll have to repurchase the ship as stock and reoutfit it - all at full price rather than at insurance rates - and redo all the engineering.

There is no way out from this that isn't going to bite him HARD - either in time, credits or both. If it was my FC he was on, I'd certainly consider diverting back to the bubble to let him off - IF I knew he was aboard and in that situation. I'm just not that into spoiling anyone else's game-time, even by accident. I probably wouldn't even ask him to refill some of my tritium stores in return. (Although if I were in his position I'd sure offer to if a FC skipper did that for me - what goes around comes around.) It's why I'd love to be able to set a persistent message on my FC so I could inform anyone who docked there of my future plans so that this situation shouldn't arise for them.
So I made the mistake of not landing on an carrier that belonged to my squad mates and logged off for the night. And that carrier jumped 2k ly from my last position. So my options are self destruct and start again in a Sidewinder in Sol. (Which is nowhere near my home system.) Destroying all my engineered equipment. Or If I'm lucky and have friends with a carrier convince them to spend 4 hours and come and get me. I'm lucky to have friends so they are staying up over night to pick me up. Now imagine a newish player with no mates. No one with a carrier or fuel. They would just uninstall. It would be GG.

You want to be realistic? Okay. You want a challenge? Okay. But just making the player jump for hours or even days is something people are just not going to do. Figure some other way to punish the player that does not waste their time or make them want to quit. This just seems wrong. Like its not intended.
what's your solution to people being dumb? give everyone a free Warp Whistle back to home system?
Discussion on the merritt's of docking in random carriers aside, I'm wondering how the Op's FDL only has a jump range of 11Ly.

I have a heavy PvP capable FDL myself. Packing Reactive bulkheads, multiple heavy duty hull reinforcements, multiple A rated heavy duty shield boosters, armored power plant and so on.

And, while she has the shortest jump range of any of my ships, she still gets just over 17Ly per jump.

If I downgrade my FSD to a C class unit l can get my jump range to 11.5Ly. But, since the C class weighs as much as the A class, there is no benefit to speed or agility.
Discussion on the merritt's of docking in random carriers aside, I'm wondering how the Op's FDL only has a jump range of 11Ly.

I have a heavy PvP capable FDL myself. Packing Reactive bulkheads, multiple heavy duty hull reinforcements, multiple A rated heavy duty shield boosters, armored power plant and so on.

And, while she has the shortest jump range of any of my ships, she still gets just over 17Ly per jump.

If I downgrade my FSD to a C class unit l can get my jump range to 11.5Ly. But, since the C class weighs as much as the A class, there is no benefit to speed or agility.
Shielded FSD or no engineering at all maybe...
Shielded FSD or no engineering at all maybe...

May have a point.

If you take A stock E rated FDL and just G5 long range the FSD then It gets a jump range of 11.2Ly.
But, why would anyone do that?!?

And shielded had almost no use before Grom's containment missiles came out and, absolutely no use afterwards.
And shielded had almost no use before Grom's containment missiles came out and, absolutely no use afterwards.
Hmmm. My PvP Corvette with armored pp, shielded Fsd and two MRPs begs to differ.
It's not easy to mission kill that one. Limited use I'd agree, but no use?
Also hulltanks should run shielded, in case they even want to get out... but we digress ;)
It has. But a few of us tried to offer useful advice and we'd like to know if he got home without a rebuy.
In his second post, on the first page, he said he has a fuel scoop and surmised he was only a few short hours away from home.

He was never at any risk of not making it back and would be back by a long time ago had he just started jumping.

In his first post he stated that his friends were picking him up.

I'm pretty sure this thread was never about us guiding his safe passage home. Either way, he's not replied for days and 90% of the thread was either telling him he was "dumb" or arguing about buttons.

So I reckon there's leeway for some digression :D
It has. But a few of us tried to offer useful advice and we'd like to know if he got home without a rebuy.
In his second post, on the first page, he said he has a fuel scoop and surmised he was only a few short hours away from home.

He was never at any risk of not making it back and would be back by a long time ago had he just started jumping.

In his first post he stated that his friends were picking him up.

I'm pretty sure this thread was never about us guiding his safe passage home. Either way, he's not replied for days and 90% of the thread was either telling him he was "dumb" or arguing about buttons.

So I reckon there's leeway for some digression :D
insert 'why not both' meme here
Ship transfer is a current game mechanic.

It is inconsistent within the game framework that a pilot could not pay to be transferred between stations.

There are passenger missions.

There are life pods.

Magically, pilots cannot be transferred.

You can <insert game purpose here> but the objective analysis is that the sim is inconsistent in it's application of the "rules" of how things behave.

If there was an effective in-game communication mechanic, our stranded pilot could ask for a taxi from another player. This does not exist.

If the game was internally consistent, the pilot could be transferred for a fee.

As it stands, the game is broken, inconsistent, and built to suck life from players in an abusive way.
I have one but not the point. The ship I'm in is a FDL fitted for only combat. Jump range about 11ly. 2732ly Most optimal jump time is 45 sec. (not counting stops at fuel stars. And being generous that every jump is at max range. Which it's not going to be.) So 80 jumps an hour. 880 Ly per hour. So over 3 hours at optimal conditions If you were jumping machine and never stooped for gas. The actual trip would take much longer.

Does Frontier think this is a good use of time because you logged out on the wrong carrier?
So you want your squad mates to spend 6 hours, and 6000t of tritium to come and get you to save you 3hrs jump scooping back to the bubble from a mistake you made?
I have one but not the point. The ship I'm in is a FDL fitted for only combat. Jump range about 11ly. 2732ly Most optimal jump time is 45 sec. (not counting stops at fuel stars. And being generous that every jump is at max range. Which it's not going to be.) So 80 jumps an hour. 880 Ly per hour. So over 3 hours at optimal conditions If you were jumping machine and never stooped for gas. The actual trip would take much longer.

Does Frontier think this is a good use of time because you logged out on the wrong carrier?
This is hilarious! Passenger falls asleep on a bus and wakes up upset at the bus driver that took the bus out of town. I guess that the passenger has to wait until the bus returns or hitchhike home.
And shielded had almost no use before Grom's containment missiles came out and, absolutely no use afterwards.

If you want to prevent someone to wake away, you targed the FSD, not the PP.
Most pvp-ers run Armored PP, but rather few are running shielded FSD - adding another incentive to target the FSD first
ich verstehe nicht wirklich warum man auf nem fremden Träger landet und sich dann ausloggt, warum lässt dein Schiff nicht einfach im Weltraum stehen und meldest dich ab, es passiert dir dann gar nichts und du bisst beim nächsten Login am gleichen Platz, das habe ich von Anfang an so gehandhabt.
If you want to prevent someone to wake away, you targed the FSD, not the PP.
Most pvp-ers run Armored PP, but rather few are running shielded FSD - adding another incentive to target the FSD first

Increasing the integrity of ones FSD would certainly help against module snipers but, Groom's FSD disrupter missiles made FSD integrity irrelevant.

One hit and your FSD is knocked offline for up to 19 seconds. And then, it has to reboot before you can even begin charging up for a jump.

Personally I always targeted my opponents thrusters. They are easier to hit, vulnerable to splash and, as an external module, only get half the protection from MRPs that internal modules get. And, knocking the thrusters out is just as effective as taking out the FSD for preventing ones target from jumping.
Increasing the integrity of ones FSD would certainly help against module snipers but, Groom's FSD disrupter missiles made FSD integrity irrelevant.

One hit and your FSD is knocked offline for up to 19 seconds. And then, it has to reboot before you can even begin charging up for a jump.

Personally I always targeted my opponents thrusters. They are easier to hit, vulnerable to splash and, as an external module, only get half the protection from MRPs that internal modules get. And, knocking the thrusters out is just as effective as taking out the FSD for preventing ones target from jumping.
You're wrong on the first part.
The cooldown of the effect is longer then the time needed to reboot your FSD.
If someone shoots out your FSD, good luck getting it back online, you need a repair&reboot.
Totally unrelated.

Shooting out thrusters is totally viable though.
That's why every anti-ganking advice is to boost towards your attacker, so that your modules -especially thrusters- are protected, until your FSD spooled up.
Super-pen rails can shoot your modules out through your hull though.
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