Strange shipping containers

Has anyone else been finding these shiping containers (sometimes heavily guarded) that are full of Guardian and Thargoid artefacts?





It's out on the fringes of Guardian space but I'm not yet sure if it's for all poi.

Will report back with more findings and video evidence later.
Has anyone else been finding these shiping containers (sometimes heavily guarded) that are full of Guardian and Thargoid artefacts?





It's out on the fringes of Guardian space but I'm not yet sure if it's for all poi.

Will report back with more findings and video evidence later

Damn, very's the conspiracy theory Alec, Ghost Giraffe placed it there?
NGL, skeptical hippo is skeptical... so I'll have to go take a look myself... but good spot if this is for real (And based on the source, I'm 75% confident it's for real :) )
We (Alec and Buckyball crew) had a discussion elsewhere about the Thargoid machine with 3 slots. I suggested that there maybe an as yet unseen item needed. Part tongue in cheek as I know little about the stuff, but also a bit of sound logic applied.
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