Horizons [Suggestion] Making planets more beautiful

So, since 2.0 released, we have been able to get into a SRV and drive around non-atmospheric planets. After driving on about 100 planets, both inside of bubble and on planets far far away, I noted few things that could help improve planets' visual appearance.

1) Well, first thing that pops into eye is lack of visual diversity on surface. By saying that, I mean that the WHOLE surface is made of same material. For me, it feels like whole planet is made of glass. There are literally no sharp edges - no cracks in earth, no hundred meters long huge edgy rocks sticking from surface, nothing... The whole surface is like baby's skin - soft and silky. Here is what could be added:

And another one.

There are few large rocks near Felicity Farseer's base, but that's only big rocks I ever saw in ED. Need more of these.

2) Current visual appearence needs little fixing.
Yeah, you probably aware that planet surface textures (that are far away) are rather very low res and blurry.

3) That's not visuals related one, but also related to planets. Could you guys please tie some Data (like Specialized Legacy Firmware and etc) to crashed beacons on planets? It would make sense, and make finding common data materials easier, since there are quite a lot of crashed beacons on planets.

Thanks for reading
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