Suggestion: Walking on the bridge.

I think the reason it wasn't done and will never BE done is simple; the way the game is coded, they simply cannot separate the player model in the cockpit from the chair, as they are likely coded as a unified entity (exemplified by how, when it animates you getting up when transitioning to the SRV or on foot, the camera raises but the player model doesn't move).

It is likely coded such that the ship is basically the player character entity when flying, rather than a controllable vehicle separate from the pilot; and it is HIGHLY likely it is coded much the same as the "trains" in the PS3/360 Fallout games.

Only reason they can do separate foot soldiers is because it means completely separating from the ship entity entirely. That's why it can work.

Deleted member 48160

You mean you're determined to pimp the point where you think there is an audience, rather than in Suggestions. Despite the title of the post in fact being 'Suggestion'...
I stated a fact actually, the suggestion section is the place where good ideas go to die, goes for almost any forum really :)

Are you determined to keep whining about where threads belong?
No, the suggestions secton is where good ideas go to die, this idea is not dead yet.

If you say so :)
We're all clamouring for ship interiors, but I'd like to make a recommendation to FDEV to at least allow walkable bridges / Cockpits.

1) Allowing the player to get out of the chair and explore the bridge is a great first step towards ship interiors. It also allows FDEV to test how "boring" it will be with repeated use with no new modeling.
2) It would give players something to muck about with during long travel times.
3) FDEV could move the "outfitting" menu to a control panel near the cockpit door, allowing us to select the suit we're going to disembark with.
4) FDev seriously don't want me to land my ship in a settlement then stand on the bridge watching the little people below? This is a low cost addition to EDO that would add to the game. Who doesn't want this?

Sounds amazing, but didn't you hear? It's boring!
I don't think it is a simple as people think it is.

We are shown are number of times with fade to black transitions and the fact we respawn as our ship that character and ship are not entirely separable, at least not in the way it has been coded. Moving the camera around the cockpit in VR is not the same as disengaging the control from ship gameplay and moving to a different character with different mobility and interaction with the environment, which has now changed from the system you were moving through to on a ship level. It's not impossible, but it's certainly not as easy as build some interiors and let us get up out of our seats.

It reminds me of how in Fallout 3 they wanted to make a train you could board and move through a city on, but the code didn't allow for movable vehicles. So to get around this they made an NPC that wore a train model on it's head as a giant hat, this NPC then walked around underneath the map to keep it concealed giving the impression the train was moving. Whilst onboard a helmet was placed over the players head inside which the view was projected. Point being due to limitations of the code it wasn't as simple as 'Just put a train into the game'.
It's simple then, just spawn a NPC with a Cobra model as a giant hat. 🤷‍♂️

Interesting story, it's very much a possibility that adding functional cockpits isn't as easy as we think.

And even if it is technically possible, you still need to make sure that we don't clip through walls, maybe dimensions aren't 100% accurate, what happens when the ship moves / suddenly stops, etc.
that in fact, trying to model players moving inside moving ships is not supported by the current game engine
Humm... i don't really see what is the prbm for now. Cockpit/bridge can be a static room displaying the image transmitted by a camera moving as our ship.
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I think the only reason they haven’t done this yet is they don’t have animations for player to sit down and get up from the chair! Maybe we get this at the same time we can sit down in bars :D
It's simple then, just spawn a NPC with a Cobra model as a giant hat. 🤷‍♂️

Interesting story, it's very much a possibility that adding functional cockpits isn't as easy as we think.

And even if it is technically possible, you still need to make sure that we don't clip through walls, maybe dimensions aren't 100% accurate, what happens when the ship moves / suddenly stops, etc.

But then I think of the dev diaries in which David Braben talks about interiors and how in the future you will be able to get up to explore inside ships, even stowaway/steal other people's ships. Then I wonder why did they build it how they did, surely they must of seen the limitations coming? Was it an oversite or our we wrong in our speculation of how the build works. Perhaps the whole concept was binned in favour of easy methods, who knows?
But then I think of the dev diaries in which David Braben talks about interiors and how in the future you will be able to get up to explore inside ships, even stowaway/steal other people's ships. Then I wonder why did they build it how they did, surely they must of seen the limitations coming? Was it an oversite or our we wrong in our speculation of how the build works. Perhaps the whole concept was binned in favour of easy methods, who knows?
Personally I think they actually did design the ships with interiors in mind (as they said). But that doesn't mean integrating them is as simple as flipping a switch. Development started 10 years ago, it wouldn't be a surprise if things turn out to be more difficult than originally envisioned. I would guess that making cockpits available requires some refactoring which they aren't willing to do until they get closer to the (hopefully) upcoming ship interiors DLC.
Honestly I'd still want this even if you could only 'stand up' when the ship was landed somewhere (so, only one 'player' still). It would be a massive step (heh) in the right direction.

What really worries me is that ship interiors in any form are just de-prioritised into oblivion. There seem to be two or three major opinion groups in this community, people who will accept things like this only if they add meaningful gameplay, and people like me who desparately want ship interiors, walking down the ramp onto the surface and all that stuff even if it adds no 'gameplay' at all and makes things take longer than magically teleporting into the chair. (Well, and people who are astonished that feet have appeared in their spaceship game, but that ship has sailed.) I worry that FD themselves hold the first opinion, and we may never have the seamless walking experience that those of us in the second group want.
I dunno man, with how long Frontier seems to be dragging their feet on playable ship interiors, SWGEmu 1.0 release or Star Citizen seem like better bets.

Funny thing is SWG had playable ship interiors (with actual gameplay elements) almost twenty years ago.
When Star Citizen turns into a released game, I will surely purchase it! (assuming it ever does)

As for SWG... I never bothered with that one, so am unable to comment, but thanks for mentioning it - was that a MMO too?
SC is closer than people want to meme about. Considering the build of SC is from the ground up rebuild RSI did back in 2017/2018. So I kind of laugh at the "in development since 2012" memes.

Yes, SWG was an MMO that was YEARS ahead of it's time. Right now it is living on in the Emulator community with...... mixed results.
Here's a clip of my favorite ship from SWG I used to fly all the time ( I kind of forgot about it, and realized earlier why the Anaconda in Elite tugged on my heart when I saw it )


The space expansion for SWG launched in 2004, so it was likely being developed around the same time as the base game which launched in 2001.
So yeah.... TWENTY years later.
I was serious about Star Citizen - if it does release, I will surely buy it - it has remained in alpha a very long time with changing 'roadmaps' since I first perused its details some years ago, when that changes I shall buy it.

Thanks for the link to the Star Wars game - as I said, I know nothing of it, which may be due to not being the biggest fan of the franchise (KOTOR bored me to tears, that may have put me off a little) always good to see the things I may have missed.
Humm... i don't really see what is the prbm for now. Cockpit/bridge can be a static room displaying the image transmitted by a camera moving as our ship.

So, not actually in your ship then, just pretending to be in your ship, now I don't see the point at all. The argument has gone from walking around our ships, which indeed had merit as an idea, to being transferred to a set piece that's not actually part of the ship at all but a floating room somewhere else. At least with station interiors you can see other players docking and they can look in through the window and see you, this is just bizarre!
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