Support for non-parallel displays please

I got my Pimax 5K+ yesterday, and while Elite looks fantastic in it, it requires the compatibility setting for parallel projections. This causes a severe performance penalty particularly in wide fields of view, a major selling point of these headsets. Would it be possible to update the rendering engine not to enforce that restriction? It would basically involve reading the projection matrices fully from the VR framework, rather than just the IPD.

For a rough estimate of how big a difference this makes, the large field of view setting in my Pimax 5K+ uses a 32.9Mpixel renderbuffer in parallel mode, and 16.2Mpixel in non-parallel mode. That's roughly twice as high resolution to render for no additional quality.
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This is immensely important for the hi-tech VR future of Elite Dangerous! Where should I send all of my money to make this happen? I would like to see the Pimax Logo at the bottom of the official web page right beside Oculus and Vive and Nvidia and so on... By the way Frontier, you have "NVIDIA, the way it's meant to be played" there. It would be great if you supported some next-generation graphics techniques like VR SLI, Variable Rate Shading, Single Pass Stereo with Multi-View Rendering and so on. Continue be the leaders in this field like you were aiming for before:

All your games on Cobra Engine will benefit, but you know this.

I'll pay extra! Release game extras towards certain goals. Buy the GPU bobblehead to make this happen :)

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For illustration: Note on the diagram below (EDIT2: ...from:, how already on a 100°-ish FOV HTC Vive, at the extreme edges you are rendering four times higher resolution than necessary (this is on the vertical axis - horizontally the curve clips at 2.0 on one side, because the left and right screens meet up there, and can not go any farther).

With parallel viewplanes, the curve will keep going like that, for the extra 25° (EDIT: Pimax 8k/5k with "normal" FOV setting -- 35° if using the full FOV of the device) to each bit toward the periphery (on one side of the bitmap for each eye). Just adjusting the camera frusta, to make use of the canted screens of the devices (as reported by OpenVR), would do a great deal to reduce the amount of oversampling where it does no good.

Were any lens-matched rendering to be applied, that would help tremendously, and it would greatly benefit current HMDs too, as the diagram demonstrates, and should do the same for triple monitor setups.

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They might already be using single pass stereo; that is limited to one variable only in the 10 series of GPUs. That and screen space effects are the only reasons a renderer would require this parallel projections mode. The problem is, while single pass stereo renders faster than without, at wide field of view the poor angles to the periphery outweigh that gain.
Also, are people with 3 displays really playing with that awful barrel distortion 
Well, only way to get rid of it was to play on a single monitor.

Which is what I used to do.
Browser and discord\TS etc on the left

Youtube\netflix on the right.

I got my Pimax 5K+ yesterday, and while Elite looks fantastic in it, it requires the compatibility setting for parallel projections. This causes a severe performance penalty particularly in wide fields of view, a major selling point of these headsets. Would it be possible to update the rendering engine not to enforce that restriction? It would basically involve reading the projection matrices fully from the VR framework, rather than just the IPD.

For a rough estimate of how big a difference this makes, the large field of view setting in my Pimax 5K+ uses a 32.9Mpixel renderbuffer in parallel mode, and 16.2Mpixel in non-parallel mode. That's roughly twice as high resolution to render for no additional quality.

It would probably require rewriting the entire graphics engine from scratch.
So not very likely...

Would solve a lot of problems though.
Not just for the pimax.
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As far as I can tell, it *should* just be a matter of rotating the camera frusta to the sides a bit, as already reported to games by SteamVR, since some time back.

Of course, there could be complications; For example: Does the game use these frusta to figure out- and cull stuff that is outside the view(s), or is that handled through something entirely independently defined.
I too got this issue.

I have a 1080ti and when using parallel projection compatibility with large fov I get 35-39 fps in game (on Ultra settings) which actually helped me realise what that "motion sickness" everybody talks about is...
It's really weird. The game appears to be running smooth but when you roll left you feel as if everything rolls right! And you don't "see" the low framerate. There is no way to tell that you don't have 90Fps other than that dizzying feeling you get when you turn about.

When you use the setting "VR Medium" the game runs much better and the sickness is gone, but you loose a lot of clarity. I'd like much better performance with the better standard. is there a way to get that supported? Non parallel Displays that is.
This is immensely important for the hi-tech VR future of Elite Dangerous! Where should I send all of my money to make this happen? I would like to see the Pimax Logo at the bottom of the official web page right beside Oculus and Vive and Nvidia and so on... By the way Frontier, you have "NVIDIA, the way it's meant to be played" there. It would be great if you supported some next-generation graphics techniques like VR SLI, Variable Rate Shading, Single Pass Stereo with Multi-View Rendering and so on. Continue be the leaders in this field like you were aiming for before:

All your games on Cobra Engine will benefit, but you know this.

I'll pay extra! Release game extras towards certain goals. Buy the GPU bobblehead to make this happen :)

I started a thread about this a while back suggesting (jokingly) a vr Kickstarter. Obviously that would never happen, but neither it seems will FDEV pulling their finger out and giving VR some love! It’s such a shame, but they just don’t care. The biggest hope I have is that VR somehow becomes more widely adopted in the next 2 years and it actually becomes a money making opportunity for Frontier. We are currently 3rd class citizens behind consoles and 2D pc gamers.
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Hi all. I wholeheartedly agree on this matter.
I recently received my Pimax 5K+ and tried it out with ED. As a "meh" level of a pilot, the wide FOV helps a lot. I can feel the spatial information of the surroundings a lot better banging my ship less while mining etc. The only thing that makes me play other games is the fps.
Frontier seems to want to introduce new players to the game by the last patch and I have nothing against it (I do think the patch isn't enough tho), but I also believe that this is a game for enthusiasts and it will serve more to support the enthusiasts if their plan is to work towards the longevity of the game. Many people are looking around to buy new VR headsets and I think round about now will be a good time for a promotion to improve the rendering and announce it to the VR youtube channels and whatnots.

We might want to add HP's new headset is 2160x2160 which can be ordered already and others will follow.
ED has a special place in my heart, so I really wish they will improve the VR rendering.
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Submitted and voted with both my accounts.

Please please please fix this FDev... I'll vote on the Interstellar Initiative if you do! ;)
We might want to add HP's new headset is 2160x2160 which can be ordered already and others will follow.
ED has a special place in my heart, so I really wish they will improve the VR rendering.

Oh my 😮
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