#support3rdparty - Why we temporarily shut down our sites.

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really with all the dangers of hacking these days, why does anyone trust so easily 3rd party software?

Just because your friends DL does it make it safe?

I have no reasons to suspect any 3rd parties on this list as being unscrupulous. Yet I'm not willing to download and install it.

I wish that 3rd party dev's would license there software though the original game devs, and they test the product.

Most of it is open source, so if you don't trust it you can download the source code and get a friend to check it for you and build you the binaries. These tools tend to be pretty small, so hiding something like a keylogger or other malware would be pretty hard to do.
You really are dense aren't you. So you're telling me that because they are fan sites, they should just pay the hundreds of Euros monthly for server upkeep out of their pockets? Thousands of ED players use the sites they collected, in case of Inara other QoL functionalities or applications they themselves made, and you think they should just do this out of the goodness of their hearts, and to hell with costs? I'm sure you are also that guy who got the pitchforks out when modders wanted some recompense for their Skyrim mods, right?

Did you see their financials? So many people used those sites, they had millions of ad impressions (their own claim). Goodness of heart we've witnessed today. Lets hope FD have greater goodness of heart than the fans
Erm, guys, its over. Let it go.

I'm sure there will be another controvertial topic coming our way soon where we can all have another damn good argument!
Did you see their financials? So many people used those sites, they had millions of ad impressions (their own claim). Goodness of heart we've witnessed today. Lets hope FD have greater goodness of heart than the fans

Gotcha, you really are just that dense. Well have fun with your tin foil hat then.
really with all the dangers of hacking these days, why does anyone trust so easily 3rd party software?

Just because your friends DL does it make it safe?

I have no reasons to suspect any 3rd parties on this list as being unscrupulous. Yet I'm not willing to download and install it.

I wish that 3rd party dev's would license their software though the original game devs, and they test the product, and pay the developers a fee/royalty

You are actually absolutely right to question *anything* that requires installation on your computer, period. The reality is that a lot of the tools people use most (EDDB, Inara, Coriolis) are web-based so it's not really that important to install something for the typical use case. With that said, some people do go pretty hardcore with the add-ons and install stuff - it's best if that app is open source and you can investigate what they've done yourself, or if it's written in a reflect-able language you can investigate that way.
It was unfortunate that it had to come to this to get FD to listen, but sometimes its necessary to scream and shout when you're being ignored. Glad that FD have taken notice and things seem to be back on track now. Those sites are absolutely invaluable to me.
Its sad really that we need external sites in the first place, the fact that FDEV aren't helping these guys is really poor form imho. I use / have used many of the above sites so whilst it will inconvenience me, i fully support you with doing this (for what that is worth).

There is a good point made here. I've used these sites because a lot of the information is so hard to get within the game itself. In a way, it's the same as posting on this forum to find out about something. If there was more info readily accessible in the game itself we wouldn't feel like we have to seek out external resources.
Whilst the game itself can be played without 3rd party apps...it isn't easy.

Until the 3rd party apps cropped up many CMDRs, including myself wrote countless scribbles on post it notes before deciding on creating spreadsheets and what not.

The ED community is (in general) very excellent and the 3rd party developers have created marvelous useful additions for CMDRs to take advantage of as they wish.

The inclusion of the original Companion API was cool and the Journal can make a lot of tools even better (and already has)
(Looking at you EDMC, EDSM & Coriolis/eddc!)

Whilst some may argue the game should have built in apps or functions that mimic some of these tools...whilst nice to have, I'm just happy that something/anything exists that I can use to suit my own specific purpose and the way I choose to play the game....so external apps suit me fine.

The most sensible thing for FD to do would be to have a 3rd Party Developer forum page dedicated to an API or Journal description which would be religiously updated every time a patch is released, detailing any/all changes. I'm not a developer, but once defined, how hard would it really be to keep this updated? They already started this when the Journal file was first introduced if memory serves me correctly.

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It was unfortunate that it had to come to this to get FD to listen, but sometimes its necessary to scream and shout when you're being ignored. Glad that FD have taken notice and things seem to be back on track now. Those sites are absolutely invaluable to me.

Nah. all it does is make you look like a whiney teenager that has had their mobile phone taken away.
Nah. all it does is make you look like a whiney teenager that has had their mobile phone taken away.

But that's not all it did, it also got immediate and conclusive results where in the past there was only silence......... It worked, the situation is now effectively solved. Thanks to the power of screaming and shouting.
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I used fast food napkins to take down data, before I learned that there were third party tools. :)

It's not like a *starship* would have a computer with a *database*? We can't have that! It's almost as bad as the Docking Computer, or FA-On! :)
Nah. all it does is make you look like a whiney teenager that has had their mobile phone taken away.

Which essentially covers practically all whining within endless forum posts of late. Petulant commanders demanding the entire universe (and everyone else) revolves around them (and or their play style - I mean why can't you just play the way they do?).

76 pages of whining, based on a bunch of third-party developers being (essentially, not necessarily intentionally) ignored by frontier - with some clear frustration causing third-party people to be a bit militant - followed by howls of "how dare you?" shouting on all sides as if that means anything.

Was it the best approach? No idea. I'm not a third-party developer so I have no basis to draw from. But I can see 76 pages of drivel as a consequence. Make of that what you will.
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Whilst the game itself can be played without 3rd party apps...it isn't easy.

Until the 3rd party apps cropped up many CMDRs, including myself wrote countless scribbles on post it notes before deciding on creating spreadsheets and what not.

The ED community is (in general) very excellent and the 3rd party developers have created marvelous useful additions for CMDRs to take advantage of as they wish.

The inclusion of the original Companion API was cool and the Journal can make a lot of tools even better (and already has)
(Looking at you EDMC, EDSM & Coriolis/eddc!)

Whilst some may argue the game should have built in apps or functions that mimic some of these tools...whilst nice to have, I'm just happy that something/anything exists that I can use to suit my own specific purpose and the way I choose to play the game....so external apps suit me fine.

The most sensible thing for FD to do would be to have a 3rd Party Developer forum page dedicated to an API or Journal description which would be religiously updated every time a patch is released, detailing any/all changes. I'm not a developer, but once defined, how hard would it really be to keep this updated? They already started this when the Journal file was first introduced if memory serves me correctly.


The game is changing quite dramatically with each update, so hard to tell how hard exactly. If you read this thread people were accusing FD of spending their time on removing things from the journal (without even considering possibility that it got lost by accident as the engine changes constantly up to live release in practice). It is an added cost, so either FD spend extra time on it (like they mentioned they did not plan full API+support) which will either extend the time between updates, or they will have to get more FTEs to cover that. On the good side, we have someone to blame for the next delays, as they get extra work to make sure no extra tantrums happen
Nah. all it does is make you look like a whiney teenager that has had their mobile phone taken away.

Let's see how well you do without *your* cell phone... :)

The third-party developers are providing functionality that should have been included in the base game to start with. Learn from the best: When Bill Gates saw something better than what he had, he stole it. :)
But that's not all it did, it also got immediate and conclusive results where in the past there was only silence......... It worked, the situation is now effectively solved. Thanks to the power of screaming and shouting.

Well... if you look at the list of grievances, brief messages followed by long periods of silence feature rather prominently, so for all we know it may be months before we hear again from FDev. If I were Ed, I'd make it a point to make myself highly visible at least once a week (even if it's just minor stuff) until they have something big to announce.
But that's not all it did, it also got immediate and conclusive results where in the past there was only silence......... It worked, the situation is now effectively solved. Thanks to the power of screaming and shouting.

If people are only just working out, that Frontier will acquiesce to virtually all loud noises, regardless of potential value, they simply aren't paying attention. It's very bad it took this much. It's also very bad that it worked.

What is less bad, is Frontier realising they possibly just overlooked a lot of work done around their periphery and I'm sure there is now a better understanding as a consequence; it sounds as though some offline discussion occurred, with more positive input and outcomes.

Which is perhaps all it potentally ever needed.
Let's see how well you do without *your* cell phone... :)

The third-party developers are providing functionality that should have been included in the base game to start with. Learn from the best: When Bill Gates saw something better than what he had, he stole it. :)

Not to mention his sidekick: developers, developers, developers. Microsoft got to own PCs because they courted developers better than anyone else. As a result, all the best stuff was on DOS (and later Windows). That's also why they give away Visual Studio nowadays when they could easily charge $50 or more for it.
If people are only just working out, that Frontier will acquiesce to virtually all loud noises, regardless of potential value, they simply aren't paying attention. It's very bad it took this much. It's also very bad that it worked.

No, what's bad is this is what was needed to get them to listen. Those third party sites are vital to a game like ED and the fact that they had to resort to screaming and shouting to get some vitally needed attention doesn't say much for FD's ability to communicate and deal with its fanbase.
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