Horizons Surrounding station content and visuals

Planet landings have been with us for a while now, however i feel the surrounding area near station installations are lacking good visual content and weathering, for example it would be nice to see wrecked ships of ALL different sizes included capital ship wrecks placed near installations, ships that never made it to landing,something we can investigate or fly past on approach, i feel installations as well as orbital stations need some more activity near then ok fair enough we have military ship yards spread sparing about the galaxy, but far far more is needed for greater engagement, also weathering is needed to all current wrecks and installations, they do look all too new and shiny I guess we have the planet textures now so installation texturing and wear would be good.

I would like to see frontier concentrait on visuals and content adding now more so than adding new features after all with more new features added makes for more issues and bugs, so why not have a series of patches for content and visuals to really beef up the gameplay, yes it's some work I would imagine but the benefits for and even more beautiful looking game should be pretty much up there at the top of the list.

Your thoughts all welcome.
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