System Colonization Assistance Megathread

Still needing help with my Orbis station in ICZ RY-R b4-5, but grinding away.

If anyone wants to make some money, my FC (Zakalwe's Rest) is sitting by Jael Orbital in Miquit offering over 1000% markup on Steel right now. A full Type-9 from a mere 12mm away would net about 30m credits profit šŸ˜
Hello commanders, CMDR Rhoubhe here. I would like to use this opportunity to ask help for my colonization effort at Crucis Sector UO-R B4-2 system in building my primary port there. The requirements for materials are massive however, massive, but i would greatly appreciate any and all help.

The ask is this:

Steel 70067
CMM composites 53314
Aluminium 44392
Titanium 39424

I understand these numbers are extreme, but consider it a challenge and how amazing it would be that this system shall actually be up and running.
I myself will do my utmost best to grind the materials as best as possible, starting with the leftover 25000 of other materials i need, on my own. But any help would again be appreaciated, even if its just 10. Think of the profits even 1 trip can make, as 1 trip is all i ask for.
I promise will grind all of those materials myself if i have to. got 3 weeks to do it.
Hi, I'd like some assistance building my first space station in Col 285 Sector UT-O B20-5.
This system will be a little home for my little community and I to do all our space shenanigans.
Metals can be easily sourced from Jukundji, just 20ly away, I'm just struggling to find the time to get everything shifted in my free time.
The project still has over 3 weeks left, and any contributions will be appreciated!
Hello guys I am here to ask help build my first station in the trailblazers update


Reason to get this System Colonized: Its my first attempt to build something in a game like this and its like a dream of mine to "have my own stretch of land" as people here in Brazil often say about owning land :)

That station I choosed is a coriolis with quad struss (going blind here since I dont know if it was a good choice :LOL:)

Hope you guys can help me there since I dont know if I will manage to complete it in time.

Thanks for any help as it's really apreciated
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