System Map

Reading back, I'm a tad confused... What's being fixed in 2.1, the fact that we don't see the planet type for landable planets in the cockpit view, or the system map always opening on the (for many players) least informative and useful tab?
Side question: When I'm in the solar system map and click to the planet / moon map to look at the bases, is there an easy way to go back to the Solar System map without clicking exit and re-opening the map from scratch? That takes forever when looking at all various bodies and checking out all of the bases.
Side question: When I'm in the solar system map and click to the planet / moon map to look at the bases, is there an easy way to go back to the Solar System map without clicking exit and re-opening the map from scratch? That takes forever when looking at all various bodies and checking out all of the bases.

Yes, I use mouse scroll button to zoom out and eventually it will open galaxy map.
Side question: When I'm in the solar system map and click to the planet / moon map to look at the bases, is there an easy way to go back to the Solar System map without clicking exit and re-opening the map from scratch? That takes forever when looking at all various bodies and checking out all of the bases.

You can bind zoom in and zoom out in the gal/sys map. Mouse wheel is default I think. Zooming in and out while the map is centered on a landable planet can take you in/out of the surface map.

Edit: beat me to it
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I too am glad there will be improvements to the maps tabs.
I would like also, some thought about more audio ques controls.
I would like audio notification when a live CMDR. chimes in or a mission specific contact is made over the comm system.
Can't say how many missions I have had to abandon after missing a contact.
I've double checked, there's nothing else I have the keys bound to that it could be. I think there must be something funny about your controller/bindings combination and it's bug report time :(

Does for me, I bind to Enter and + on the numeric keypad. works a treat.

Perhaps we're not talking about the same thing

I'm talking about the Q and E button to shift between tabs. It works in in game panels but it isn't used to shift through tabs in the galaxy map and system map.

Is this what you were referring to that worked for you guys?
Perhaps we're not talking about the same thing

I'm talking about the Q and E button to shift between tabs. It works in in game panels but it isn't used to shift through tabs in the galaxy map and system map.

Is this what you were referring to that worked for you guys?

Q and E are the default binds for next panel/last panel - but they're also the default binds for the galmap yaw (and that wins in the map apparently). I don't know what they're doing in the sysmap, presumably using the galmap key binds but doing nothing because it can't yaw - maybe waiting for the orrery view ;)

If you set something else then it will work across all menus (I use JOY2 and JOY3 for all menus), if you take them off the galmap yaw binding then Q and E will probably work on the map screens too without that conflict.
Quote Originally Posted by Angus View Post

But on top of that, when the scan completed you'd get the result in bold blue text, as I recall, and think "Wow, an Earth-like!" or whatever.

I don't remember ever seeing that....

Don't say that, I'll think I'm losing it...... my recollection is, you could scan an unexplored planet, wait for the scan to complete (an on occasion re-complete!) and when it was done you would briefly see the result displayed on the cockpit HUD, in the lower left and then repeated in the top right, I believe. These days, I seem to have to go to my system map to see what I've just scanned, or was it all a dream?!

Can anybody confirm my recollection?
Don't say that, I'll think I'm losing it...... my recollection is, you could scan an unexplored planet, wait for the scan to complete (an on occasion re-complete!) and when it was done you would briefly see the result displayed on the cockpit HUD, in the lower left and then repeated in the top right, I believe. These days, I seem to have to go to my system map to see what I've just scanned, or was it all a dream?!

Can anybody confirm my recollection?

I've only been playing since August, but the only thing I ever had in the top right was "detailed scan complete" and "additional details available" or something of the sort.

The bottom left still gives the details if the planet is not landable.
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