H all,
I'm Ben, a Brit living in Sweden. 46 year veteran of Elite on the Commodore 64. Only played the original, as the Frontier games never caught my interest. But Elite Dangerous caught my interest in a big way and the first time I played I fell off the sofa almost. It's the game that we all wanted back in the 80's. The original had the game play, but the graphics although good for the time, were never it's selling point. Now the graphics have finally caught up!!!
Started the game using my 10 year old Saitek X36F/X35T and it worked fine, but the precision wasn't the best. Bought an X-52 Pro now and what a difference. Gave the old HOTAS to my 10 year old step son and as soon as the game is released he will be joining me as my wingman. He needs to get the tutorials under his belt first, so will probably pre order the game for him, so he can start now. I was amazed that he managed to dock on his second attempt after I had guided him once. Mind you, he has been gaming since he was 5 and is an absolute wizard at most games!!
Anyway, hello to all the other old fogey's in here and hope to see some of you in game.
I have added both QQQQ the username and group. I am Benja in game.