Team Up with a UK fogey :)

Hey Per Ardua,

Pleased to meet you. Will add you next time I'm in game (might not be tonight). Will definitely want to pick your brains as I'm just about to upgrade the Sidewinder to a Hauler with the aim of supplementing trading and missions with some mining! :)

BTW you'll see me as Cmdr Phoenix Silver in game.

Ad Astra!
hey Andy here 48 from Swindon, got the game on pre-order, so after the 12th will be looking to sign up. Bear me in mind and let me know how to join.

Add me

Andy1966uk2 on Steam
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Guys (and Girls? Are there any ladies in the UK Fogeys group?)

What's the thing with Steam?

I'm new to PC gaming, really only getting into it because of ED. Everyone's talking about Steam and making it sound like the hub that everyone uses to connect. I joined up the other day but couldn't see anywhere for Elite Dangerous. Am I missing something? Is it a TeamSpeak alternative? What do you use it for?

Cheers all
Hi Liam, steam is just a site/store that allows you to join groups of gamers, so you can see who is online. Also grab some bargain games. It act's like a central hub for groups of gamers. Teamspeak is just for com's
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hey Andy here 48 from Swindon, got the game on pre-order, so after the 12th will be looking to sign up. Bear me in mind and let me know how to join.

Add me

Andy1966uk2 on Steam

Added - Welcome Andy ! To add yourself to the in game group, its easy to add me QQQQ as a friend then search and join the group QQQQ.

Simples !

Hi Im Mick from the Black Country. Add me on Steam rzero

Added you Mick, good to have you on board.

Great to have all the fogeys joining in :) Met a few in TS last night and did a reasonable of reminiscing over Elite (the original of course)

Go 84ers !
H all,

I'm Ben, a Brit living in Sweden. 46 year veteran of Elite on the Commodore 64. Only played the original, as the Frontier games never caught my interest. But Elite Dangerous caught my interest in a big way and the first time I played I fell off the sofa almost. It's the game that we all wanted back in the 80's. The original had the game play, but the graphics although good for the time, were never it's selling point. Now the graphics have finally caught up!!!

Started the game using my 10 year old Saitek X36F/X35T and it worked fine, but the precision wasn't the best. Bought an X-52 Pro now and what a difference. Gave the old HOTAS to my 10 year old step son and as soon as the game is released he will be joining me as my wingman. He needs to get the tutorials under his belt first, so will probably pre order the game for him, so he can start now. I was amazed that he managed to dock on his second attempt after I had guided him once. Mind you, he has been gaming since he was 5 and is an absolute wizard at most games!!

Anyway, hello to all the other old fogey's in here and hope to see some of you in game.

I have added both QQQQ the username and group. I am Benja in game.

Hey All

I'm Andy 35 from the West Mid's got my pre-order done so will be online on the 16th. You can find me on steam as Remo708.

Got my X52 Pro yesterday for the combat tutorial best controller I've ever used but so many bloody buttons.

Really looking forward to release now as I spent so many hours of my youth playing Elite 2 & Frontiers :)

Hopefully see you all ingame
Hey Andy, Ben

Welcome to the Fogeys club! :)

As well as the in-game group, you can catch up with people on TeamSpeak ( and Steam.

If either of you are out around Eravate, hit me up and we can fly some joint missions. You'll find me listed as Phoenix Silver.

See you out there
Hello all.
I've already ben invite to the QQQQ group so I though I'd better come intoduce myself!

Darren from Leeds. 42 - have ben playing Elite since it first appeared on the BBC B in 84 and on every system I have owned since (bought the game as soon as it was released, didn't get the computer til christmas that year).

Been playing for a couple of weeks now (since I finally convinced the wife 50 quid was a good investment for a computer game - haven't mentioned the voice attack, headtracker and X52 i plan on investing in somewhere down the line yet!) Mostly as a trader with a litle exploring thrown in for good measure. Not tried much combat yet as I am on a very low spec laptop (i3 dual core with nvidia 610m graphics) and I'm not sure how well it would handle it.

I have a steam account and a skype account, but am at work atm and cannot remember my user names - so will have to post them later.

I should be online for an hour or two a couple of times a week.

Hope to see you out there Commanders

Cmdr Tindalos Hound
Chaps, just want to say that grouping is the way forward - had a 'moment of value' last night while sat outside a platform waiting to dock with Q wondering why our WANTED status didn't seem to matter... seconds later Q was in tiny pieces and I was sh**ing myself trying to enter supercruise as fast as possible. It's these moments that make this game great AND IT'S NOT EVEN RELEASED YET!!!
Chaps, just want to say that grouping is the way forward - had a 'moment of value' last night while sat outside a platform waiting to dock with Q wondering why our WANTED status didn't seem to matter... seconds later Q was in tiny pieces and I was sh**ing myself trying to enter supercruise as fast as possible. It's these moments that make this game great AND IT'S NOT EVEN RELEASED YET!!!

:) Was a comedy moment indeed :)
Hi guys,

Was gonna come online last night to catch up with invites and responding to all the new members on this thread....

....but the long week at work and the beers got to me first :/

Will be on tonight, so see you in TeamSpeak


P.s. question: if your accepted into the group can you then see all members in your friends list? Or do you have to add them separately?
Welcome, Cmdr Blade!

Hope to see you online or on the TeamSpeak - if the servers come back online tonight...

Liam (Cmdr Phoenix Silver)

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Hey Q

I see all the members (afaik!) in the group list, but they weren't listed as friends. It looks like being in a group does not automatically makes you friends with its members.

Looks like my kind of group, sign me up :D

I've applied ingame, now I just need to install TeamSpeak.

Ingame nick is the same as the forum/steam (although on steam there seems to be two of us, I've certainly been around the longest ;)) Do I need to join your steam group as well - I don't normally run that AND play Elite, or do you use that if no teamspeak/skype?

I've had skype for years but couldn't remember the password so had to create a new user -- don't use the nick on there :eek:

I'm normally about after 9pm most days.
Steam account is glen_orpheus
please add me up if you wish, would love to hang out with some friendly mature guys, 46 year young from kent, loved the original and i can't seem to put down this one :)
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Hi folks, Commander Marcus Storm, already joined up with the group and been on teamspeak a lil whiles now; Mark, 42 in Wiltshire.
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